The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2451

"Jiuzhong Tianjie, breaking the void, watch me kill the sky."

Liu Hao seems to be the only master in heaven and earth. He doesn\'t send out any pressure, but he makes people have an impulse to worship.

The holy sword of the ninth five year old emperor suddenly burst into the sound of dragon singing sword, which rang through the air, and even overwhelmed the thunder of the Ninth Heaven robbery.

"Hiss! Your majesty, the holy Emperor... He pulled out his sword and cut the sky!"

"Kill heaven! This is crazy!"

Hearing this sound of sword, Shi Zhixuan and others trembled. It has crossed the category of martial arts masters and is the real sword of human immortals!

The sound of the sword is like the sound of a dragon, and the aura in the air is so strong that it can\'t be further increased.

Snow and ice overturned heaven and earth. A large black hole appeared in the sky, like the cover of heaven, covering heaven and earth and swallowing all the purple thunder!

"Heaven and earth are dark and yellow, and the universe is in famine. I created this knife today to prove people\'s immortality!"

The holy sword of the ninth five-year-old son of heaven was as sharp as a dragon. In Liu Hao\'s eyes, the golden purple light flashed and gave a long roar. The Seven Star magic knife suddenly jumped into Liu Hao\'s left hand.

The gorgeous Arctic dark light in the air is adsorbed on the Seven Star knife and turned into the blade of the divine knife.

"Yin and Yang universe pole extinction magic knife!"

After a long whistling of the dragon, a knife fell. Infinite snow broke into powder in the sky and earth, and countless purple thunder lights annihilated in an instant.

If the emperor\'s holy sword intimidates heaven\'s robbery, then this yin-yang universe extreme extinction divine sword is the way to kill people, immortals and martial arts!

Kill with one knife, everything in front of you will be annihilated!

The extremely bright Dao Gang just fell on the gloomy purple cloud in the sky. The infinite starlight was broken. A black crack appeared in the void and was split in two!

The purple clouds in the sky float like a canopy, and there will be no thunder landing.

"Congratulations to the host, reborn, break the void, preach immortals, increase the basic force attribute to 130 points, give extra rewards to the world and promote to the middle thousand world!"

"Congratulations to the host, reborn, breaking the void, preaching human immortality, and creating a human immortality killing method: the extreme extinction magic knife of the Yin and Yang universe!"

"Congratulations to the host, preaching the immortal. Since the human immortal task · the secret of the seven nights of the Canglong is triggered, after 20 breath, the host will be forcibly transmitted into the Zhongqian world. After completing the main task, you can open the portal and return to the main world!"

After a series of sounds of nature system prompts, the system begins to enter the countdown.


During the countdown, a black hole appeared on the gorgeous sky.

Liu Hao\'s mind moved and suddenly said with a smile: "Zhongqian world, Canglong seven nights, it seems that I will not be lonely..."

Liu Hao, like the divine emperor, walked in the air and walked calmly towards the empty door. The voice of infinite prestige spread from the air: "the business of the dynasty depends on you."

"I swear to defend the country for your majesty, just wait for your majesty to return to Korea for one day!"

"Long live the holy emperor, long live your majesty!"

In the infinite ice and snow, the great masters of the dynasty knelt together and looked respectful.



The capital of the Han Dynasty.

In the sage\'s villa of the imperial school palace, the bell rang for a long time.

Inscriptions and spring and autumn scriptures recording the way of ancient scriptures hum.

The Confucian scholars in the Academy of the whole dynasty put their books in their hands and looked shocked.

The imperial school palace is full of literary spirit. On the holy monument, Lang Lang\'s long chant of ancient sages is soul stirring.

"Such visions can only exist when his Majesty the emperor opened the way of Scripture in the past."

The old Confucians guarding the school palace began to appear. They looked face to face and looked at the north.

The bright and gorgeous black light of the north pole extends from heaven to earth, and the purple gas is as vast as a canopy. Liu Hao\'s Human Immortal virtual shadow is like a God Emperor. Under the canopy, he overlooks the common people.

It was like a pilgrimage. The king\'s famous Confucians straightened their clothes, bowed to the holy monument, and wept: "congratulations to your Majesty the holy emperor, preacher and immortal!"

A famous scholar and great Confucian, he practices the way of Scripture, has strong spiritual power, and is very sensitive to the visions between heaven and earth.

They knew clearly in their hearts that Liu Hao must have succeeded in being promoted to an immortal at present, so there was such a strange creation!

Thousands of students from the Imperial Academy also fell on their knees, bowed down and shouted, "long live the holy emperor, long live your majesty!"

In the long live cry, little Laurie Wu Peng held her chin in her small hand, blinked her water Lingling eyes, and asked, "sister, Grandpa, what are they doing?"

"This is the father\'s promotion to immortality. Ancient sages sent blessings."

At this time, there was no omen in the air, and there was a rain of aura. The aura was stronger than ever before. Liu Jian\'s face was calm and listened to the cheers of the crowd, but clear tears fell from the corners of his eyes.

"Is your father leaving? I won\'t let you down."

Feeling the vigorous breath moving towards the nine sky, Liu Peng murmured, and tears slipped from the corners of his eyes.

At this moment, the figure of Princess Wang Chaochang was lonely and lonely.


When the system countdown read the last bit, Liu Hao stepped into the void portal projected by the black hole.

The sound of wind and snow, long live the high voice all disappeared. When the divine mind came out, we could no longer see the scene of the main world of the Great Han, but it was a boundless emptiness.

At this moment, the whole space solidified.

Liu Hao entered a strange space, and the air flow began to slow down gradually.

"To break the void and enter the realm of land immortals is actually to break the world barrier and reach the middle world from the small world, but I don\'t know which world I will go to..."

After breaking the void and stepping into the immortal gate, Liu Hao\'s five senses began to close, but his mind began to turn sharply.

After sitting on the avenue with Taoist immortal yuan Tiangang, Liu Hao had a further understanding of the theory of Wanjie.

In terms of abundant aura, it can be divided into small thousand world, medium thousand world and large thousand world.

From the level of martial arts, the peak of Zhongwu level is probably the barrier of Xiaoqian world, and Zhongqian world is at least the level above the peak of Zhongwu. There are many incredible existence.

Even Liu Hao, who became an immortal in Jin Dynasty, was quite curious