The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2428

Ho ho bumped up and said with a red face, "Your Majesty, you have a lot of harvest, a lot of harvest!"

Sparta is a nation good at war. There are countless Booties seized over the years. After the country was broken, these naturally became Liu Hao\'s personal property.

When Liu Hao heard the exaggerated wealth figure, he just nodded slightly and said calmly, "after the collection, it will be included in the national treasury."

Now the Han Dynasty dominates the heavens, and the Han bank gathers the wealth of several worlds. Liu Hao\'s pattern has long been more than that.

He Yu still grinned to the ear.

In fact, the money is not his. He just enjoys the process of dealing with money and obtains great satisfaction.

As soon as he arrived at the conference hall, Xue Rengui came back to answer his orders.

It\'s dusty and bloody, but it\'s really dignified and full of Yingrui vitality.

Liu Hao couldn\'t help praising him and said, "Ai Qing has made great achievements this time. I must be rewarded a lot."

"Come, take my sun shooting bow and iron blood gold arrow and give it to Aiqing."

Xue Rengui was slightly stunned and quickly bowed down and said, "Your Majesty, this sun shooting God bow is your Majesty\'s favorite. I dare not accept it. Please take it back..."

Liu Hao said with a domineering smile, "I can kill people all over the world with one arrow. I don\'t need the help of the sun shooting God bow."

After half a foot enters Renxian Avenue, it can also kill the enemy invisibly. In this case, the power bonus of shooting sun bow seems a little chicken rib.

Besides, Liu Hao\'s powerful generals are like clouds, and there are few opportunities to end the battle in person. It\'s better to give Xue Rengui to make contributions to the Han Dynasty.


Cao Zhengchun retreated. Not long after, he took the iron will of the sun shooting God bow and the God of war and handed it over.

Cao Zhengchun said with a smile: "this God of war arrow is the supreme divine weapon obtained by your Majesty in the King City of Sparta. It is said that it is a weapon used by the Western gods. It is designed to break the Qi Gang and it is difficult to prevent killing..."

Xue Rengui was flattered. He took the sun bow and the God of war arrow with both hands. He just felt that there was a powerful opportunity to kill the enemy. With a solemn look, he said, "the end general must fight for his majesty with this magic weapon!"

Liu Hao patted Xue Rengui on the shoulder and said, "you can also attend the military meeting."

One word is better than a thousand words.

Liu Hao, the seven great military divisions and the general of five tigers and nine dragons are qualified to participate in the military conference on this scale to discuss and formulate the next strategy.

Wolong Zhuge Liang, Guicai Guo Jia, Jia Xu and other great military teachers poured in, and general Lv Bu, Yuwen Chengdu and other generals also made a tiger stride to the court.

When they saw Xue Rengui, they all smiled kindly and nodded at him.

When all the people arrived, the military conference began.

The king of the Han Dynasty has a fierce army, which has laid down the whole territory of Athens and Sparta. The next step is to have a final frontal showdown with the Roman Empire.

"At this time, dear Aiqing, what good strategies do you have to break the enemy?"

Xue Rengui resolutely stood up and hugged his fist: "Rome gathered dozens of legions and stationed troops in the sea area. The specific troops are at least more than 600000 and 700000. They are still growing. There are also 200000 Roman navies in Sicily. There are too many variables in this war... I think the troops should be divided into two ways!"

Guo Jia was a little interested and asked, "how to divide the army into two ways?"

Xue Rengui pointed to the map and said with an arched hand, "while the Yellow Dragon Navy is engaged in a naval battle with the enemy, your majesty can send a snow wolf to ride around Dalmatia and attack the eternal king of Rome for thousands of miles. Since you launch an attack behind your back, you will be able to win the whole battle!"

After listening to Xue Rengui\'s strategy, the Han officials did not despise it at all, but fell into meditation.

Xue Rengui is the No. 1 scholar in martial arts appointed by Liu Haoqin. This alone is enough to make him rank among the ministers. Moreover, his plan itself is the best policy at present.

The Roman Empire is actually in later Italy. Liu Hao learned from the system panel that the establishment of the Roman general Corps has reached a shocking 700000!

Among them, the most elite are Caesar\'s "Skylark" and "Paladin", and their combat power is also the first of many legions.

In addition, there are mysterious sacrifices in the Roman Empire, which are known to follow the will of God.

"The Yellow Dragon Navy and the Roman Navy face each other!"

"Take Lv Bu and Xue Li as the generals, lead the snow wolf to ride, and make a detour to the capital of Rome!"

After the final decision, Liu Hao hammered out the overall strategic plan.



Step! Step! Step!

A group of knights lined up closely, thundering on the ground, driving out of the ancient Western Castle.

These cavalry, with heavy armor all over their bodies and face armor on their faces, looked at the front with only two empty eyes.

Even the horses under the seat were dressed in iron armor. From a distance, they looked like an iron barrier moving on the ground.

"Roman Empire, the most ferocious soldier among millions of soldiers!"

"Caesar\'s paladins are out!"

"Caesar the great is angry, the real war has begun, and the invaders in the East will taste the taste of fear!"

Outside the eternal city, the common people of the West gathered here and talked excitedly and noisily.

The idea of the Roman Empire dominating the West has long been deeply rooted.

In the eyes of western people, Caesar the great is the only master of the world, invincible and invincible.

Suddenly, someone exclaimed, "emperor! I see Caesar!"

There was a noise in the crowd, and everyone stood on tiptoe and looked in the direction of the Roman Imperial Army.

In the majestic sound of the bugle, a four horse chariot with the emperor\'s umbrella galloped out.

At first stood a magnificent man waving on a four horse chariot, wearing plumed armor and gold armor, with leather sleeves on his arms and a gold spear in his hand.

Hold your head high and look at the front. It\'s majestic. It gives people the feeling that it\'s like a great emperor in the world, overlooking the common people.

This is the only emperor of the great Roman Empire!

Also the Western overlord!

Caesar the great!

For ordinary people, being able to recite the name itself symbolizes a supreme glory.

When Caesar came out, all the people fell on their knees.

The surrounding paladins formed a tight defensive formation and protected Caesar. The commander of the cavalry regiment drove his horse forward and saluted Caesar respectfully: "Your Majesty, 100000 paladins are ready. Please give orders!"

Caesar looked deep into the distance, slowly raised his golden spear and shouted, "ready to send troops!"