The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2427

I\'ll wipe it!

Accidentally, I even made a best product.

Liu Hao looked at the golden arrow of the vicissitudes of life in the sea with great interest. He couldn\'t help but show a touch of amazement in his heart.

The God of war\'s iron will, in a way, is no worse than the divine soldiers of the supreme god level.

It\'s really a bug to increase the combat power of the whole army.

You know, the merit value to be consumed by using the imperial soul tower to increase the combat power of the army can be calculated in millions.

The God of war\'s iron will is equivalent to making millions of meritorious deeds in vain!

Liu Hao told Artemisia the news from the general\'s plane again in western language.

The female commander of the navy was stunned.

Her beautiful eyes opened in horror. She looked at Liu Hao strangely and forgot to struggle

"The children of Spartan Kingdom have to check their bodies at birth. If they are too small, too weak and unhealthy, they will be discarded immediately. Only qualified children will be raised by their biological parents until they are 7 years old. Then they will be taken over by the state and concentrated in military training until they reach adulthood."

"During this period, I was whipped once a year. I wore only one pair of shorts all year round. I had no food. I only had to fight for my life! In this way, all the soldiers of Sparta were iron soldiers!"

"The king of Sparta is more brave. He has fought with fierce beasts since childhood. When he grows up, he is more fierce than fierce beasts!"

Altemicia murmured: "impossible! How could it be defeated? Spartan warriors are war machines with one enemy and ten. Spartan King Leonidas is praised as the God\'s left hand of the Roman Empire by the great Caesar!"

"God\'s left hand? Tanima is in the second grade, and the degree of shame explodes..."

Liu Hao hung a sarcastic arc at the corner of his mouth and said, "it won\'t be long before you can see the great Caesar and become a prisoner with you."

Altemicia shook his head and said firmly, "no! The great empire will win this battle! You have never faced the paladin legion of the Empire, and you will never know the power of the Roman Legion!"

"It\'s good to live in a dream..."

Liu Hao stroked Artemisia\'s snow cheek with his fingers and said with a smile, "I also want to see what kind of person Caesar, the great emperor of the west, is."




It is only a few hundred miles away from the eternal King City of Rome. It is also an important military town of the Roman Empire.

The army of the Eastern Han Dynasty pushed all the way and burned the war to Greece. Naturally, the Roman Empire did not have no response.

Caesar the great was furious.

He has poured millions of troops and dozens of Roman legions into the front line.

However, the Han Army\'s offensive was too fierce, and nearly half of ancient Greece had been occupied. The atmosphere in the front-line Rome venue was very dignified.

Sitting in front of the round table were overlords over 10000 people on weekdays. Caesar\'s young nephew Octavian, an ambitious young man, flicked his fingers on the table and said in a deep voice: "now dozens of legions have been dispatched and can launch a general attack to reverse the passivity in the early stage!"

In the early stage, the land was lost for thousands of miles, but the Roman Empire was still calm.

The outcome of this great war will never be known until the end.

Roman general Augustus, with his eyes like hawks and falcons, pointed to the military map and said: "According to the advance of the Oriental army, it should be fighting in Sparta at this time, and the navy of Sicily can move. The troops of dozens of legions are constantly arriving at Brindisi. His Majesty the emperor drives his own expedition, and even the paladin Legion and the skylark Legion are out. There is absolutely no reason to lose this war!"

"Roman Navy 200000, the whole army is ready to go!"

A nine foot magnificent man like a bull, dressed in leather armor and with eyes like hawks and falcons.

This man is the Roman Empire\'s admiral demestoclius, and also a famous western general.

The Roman Empire has a solid foundation, and western heroes and generals emerge one after another.

However, just then, a Roman soldier rushed in outside the door.

"No! Spartan King Leonidas died at the hot spring pass, and 30000 Spartan warriors were wiped out!"

"Altemicia, commander in chief of the Navy, was defeated and captured, 200000 Han troops were defeated, and the war burned the whole sea red!"


Dead silence!

Then a stone stirred thousands of waves.

All the Roman generals here stood up, looking full of incredible fear!


Liu Hao walked in the streets of Sparta\'s capital with his hands down, feeling calm.

After stepping down at the hot spring pass, Lv Bu and Gao Chong controlled the trapped camp and began to send troops to the capital of Sparta. Within three days, they swept all Greek cities, and all places such as Athens were decorated with the banner of iron blood red dragon.

After the naval battle, Han Shizhong also landed with Huanglong Navy for repair.

According to intelligence, only the tip of the iceberg emerged from the powerful military strength of the Roman Empire, and the strength of dozens of legions rushed to the battlefield.

Although the Han army took the initiative, it should not neglect the enemy.

"Good news!"

Yu Wenyue rolled up his cloak and walked quickly from a distance. He knelt down on one knee in front of Liu Hao, hugged his fist, and said respectfully, "tell your majesty, the vanguard general Xue Rengui led his army to capture Macedonia. After finding out the news, dozens of legions of Rome gathered in Brindisi!"

Liu Hao stepped slightly and asked, "where is Xue Rengui?"

The strength of the Roman Empire is at its peak, and it is almost the peak of history. Liu Hao can find out the approximate power from the system list, but war is not a children\'s play, so we should start from reality.

Yu Wenyue said, "Xue Li is on his way back to life."

Liu Hao nodded and continued to walk towards the front.

In fact, Sparta can only be regarded as a small country. The scale of the royal city is not very broad and strong, but it naturally has its foundation.

Every civilian in this country has a certain military quality.

The Kowloon Heavenly Emperor\'s car went up from the street, and the Dragon camp forbidden guard was guarding on the side. The Spartan people\'s eyes were full of awe and fear.

Their king, Leonidas, the mighty God of war, died under the powerful Eastern army.

Of the tens of thousands of Spartan warriors who went to war, none came back alive.

Defeat means extinction and death.

Liu Hao stepped into the King City of Sparta in the posture of overlooking the people