The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2425

Liu Hao\'s expression was slightly frozen and his face became a little strange when he was frantically slaughtering the Roman Navy.

At this time, he received a message that the system was beheaded.

It\'s not the killing of Western generals. It\'s the Han Dynasty. Some generals were killed.

"Thunderbolt fire Qin Ming, the pioneer stormed the hot spring pass and died under the spear of Spartan king ledanio, please know!"

"The number of hosts is greater than that of Spartan Jun pair, which successfully triggered the hidden task - the anger of the God of war!"

Liu Hao checks the list of Han generals. Qin Ming\'s name turns gray and gradually darkens.

Thunderbolt fire Qin Ming is a fierce general among the outlaws of the marsh. He has a fierce temper and makes a pair of maces powerful against the courage of thousands of troops.

Although the earthen pot is not far from the wellhead and the general will inevitably die in front of the battle, Liu Hao is still unhappy that Qin Ming died in the war.

"What the hell is this God of war\'s anger?"

With the Dragon pupil of the emperor of heaven, I finally saw this attribute in my eyes:

God of war\'s anger:

Sparta is a descendant of the Western God of war. He is brave and iron blooded. He is naturally belligerent. He holds a strong shield without leather armor.

All Spartan soldiers, group combat power + 10%!

Spartan King Leonidas - force 97, intelligence 67, politics 62, command 89!

When it encounters an enemy twice as many as its own, group force + 2 and upper limit + 10 for every double!

Stunt 1, Rage: Leonidas will go into a violent state when his own strength is lower than the enemy. Force + 3!

Stunt 2, bloody battle: when Leonidas inspires rage, his combat power will be temporarily increased by 8%!

"Lying in a slot..."

After seeing the abnormal attributes of Spartan warriors, Liu Hao finally knows why Qin Ming planted

In history, three hundred Spartan Warriors also fought hundreds of thousands of troops of the Persian Empire at Wenquan pass. They fought with blood and flesh for three days and killed two important figures of the Persian Empire!

It goes without saying that the combat power is strong.

Liu Hao opened the map and looked at it carefully. He saw the situation on the northern battlefield. Lv Bu, one of the Kowloon generals, had killed Wenquan pass. Soon, there will be a battle between dragons and tigers.


Hot spring pass.

The earth is stained with blood, the smell is diffuse, and the killing is like hell.

Leonidas had a strong shield in one hand and a spear in the other. On his body, his muscles were like hard steel. He was as powerful as a lion.

Behind him, 30000 Spartan warriors, wearing iron helmets, holding strong shields and a spear, stood in awe, blocking the necessary passage to the hot spring pass with their flesh and blood.

"The eastern Dynasty, the general of the Han people, is nothing more than that!"

Leonidas, like a fierce lion, raised his spear and shouted wildly, "who dares to step half a step near the hot spring pass, kill!"

Roar! Roar! Roar!

Spartan Warriors also began to raise their spears and shields and began to roar wildly.

Bloodthirsty and cruel!

At this time, the hot spring is closed.

Qin Ming\'s body was robbed back. General Lv Bu, who had just been attacked for thousands of miles, looked cold, raised the halberd and shouted, "put away general Qin Ming\'s body, fall into the camp and break the hot spring pass with someone."

"Willing to follow the warm weather and step through the hot spring pass!"

Gao Chong, one of the Kowloon generals, boldly raised the chisel Gold Tiger Head gun in his hand and shouted, "the will to fall in the array, there is death but no life!"

"If you want to be trapped, you will die without life!"

"If you want to be trapped, you will die without life!"

Qi Qi, the dead man of the three thousand trap camp, pulled down the bronze armor covered on his face, which was as ferocious as a wild beast.


Leonidas looked awe inspiring. Although he was arrogant, he had fought several bloody battles with the Han Army and had learned the power of the Han army.

He is as fierce as a tiger, and he will fight to the death.

Only the bleak and solemn horn sounded suddenly!

An unparalleled general with Trident hair, purple gold crown, animal face and sky swallowing Chain Armor and holding Fangtian painted halberd galloped out on a fiery red horse.

The hot spring pass has a strange terrain, close to the mountain and the sea. Leonidas led Spartan warriors to block the pass. One side is the mountain wall and the other side is the cliff, which is extremely dangerous.

Lv Bu took Fang Tian\'s Halberd and killed it boldly. He had a strong spirit that one man can\'t open the pass.

Behind him, Gao Chong led the king\'s camp to advance.

The heavy armored soldiers with three thousand masks and ferocious beast face armor stepped in a neat and killing pace, shouted loud slogans and began to move forward.

"If you want to be trapped, you will die without life!"

"If you want to be trapped, you will die without life!"

Three thousand trapped camp soldiers have a kind of majestic hegemony of millions of iron and blood heroes.

"Sparta! Roar! Roar! Roar!"

Leonidas did not dare to neglect, encouraged the Spartan warriors, arranged the formation, and blocked the direction of the Han Army\'s trapped camp.

Trapped vs Spartan warriors!

Although the Spartan warrior was fearless of death, only the key parts of his body were covered with light armor. Gao Chong naturally wouldn\'t miss this opportunity. He raised his gun solemnly and ordered: "shoot!"

The dead in the trapped camp understood it, pulled out the rosefinch crossbow in a neat and uniform manner, pointed obliquely to the sky and launched a projectile into the Spartan array.

Whew, whew, whew!

The rosefinch God\'s Crossbow sent out beads and arrows like locusts in the sky, and the sky was darkened.

"Vertical shield!! defense!!"

Leonidas let out a roar, raised his shield, curled up quickly and hid under the solid shield.

Spartan warriors are also experienced. In the face of arrow rain, they directly confront them with shields.

Benedictine Benedictine Benedictine Benedictine Benedictine Benedictine Benedictine Benedictine Benedictine Benedictine Benedictine Benedictine Benedictine Benedictine Benedictine Benedictine Benedictine Benedictine Benedictine Benedictine Benedictine Benedictine Benedictine Benedictine!

This round of indiscriminate arrows rained down, and the ground was filled with arrows, but only caused weak casualties.

Lv Bu\'s eyes showed a look of surprise, but it was fleeting. He shouted, "kill!"

Kill! Kill! Kill!

The red rabbit and horse scream like a dragon, riding on the sky!

The dead in the formation began to accelerate the charge!

The whole ground seemed to tremble, and the red rabbit horse crashed into the solid square of Sparta.

The iron and steel defense line was forged with flesh and blood. In addition to the strong shield, there was a sharp spear, emitting a bloodthirsty cold awn.

Thunderbolt fire Qin Ming died on the road of charge.

But Wen Hou Lv Bu was not afraid, but pointed to the sky with a horizontal halberd:

"Who dares to stop me, LV Fengxian!?"