The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2424


Artemisia looked at everything in front of her with round eyes.

Roman Empire, conquer the West.

The Roman Navy also dominated the whole sea area, killed countless enemies and subdued all countries.

However, today, when the number of people was several times that of the enemy, the Imperial Navy was countered by the Oriental Navy!

The combat effectiveness of the naval division of the Eastern Han army is so terrible that it is unimaginable!

The war was unfavorable, and Western warships were constantly sunk by Huanglong warships.

The wails and screams of the Western Roman Marines continued.

The front-line heralds hurried to the commander\'s warship to inform Artemisia.

Western naval generals looked at each other with some silly eyes.

They are rampant in the West. They have always been used to the wind and water. They have never experienced such frustration. At this time, they don\'t know what to do

"Damn it!"

Altemicia bit his silver teeth, pointed to the red dragon flag symbolizing the supreme power in the distance with a long sword and shouted, "the death squads are desperate to catch and kill the emperor of the Han state!"

Kill! Kill! Kill!

At the command, the Western naval generals went crazy.

"Inform your majesty! A fleet is coming on a pilgrimage. Please retreat!"

The royal guards rolled up their cloak, shuttled flexibly through the battlefield, walked quickly in front of Liu Hao and knelt down.

Liu Hao said with a smile, "this woman is interesting. I\'ll catch her alive."

There is no enemy under human beings and immortals, and they look down at the heaven and the world.

Where is the word "refund" in Liu Hao\'s dictionary?

He played his waist sword.

The holy sword of the Ninth Heaven makes a clang, like the sound of the Dragon singing in the Ninth Heaven.



"Report! General Xerxes died!"

"Report! General Antonio died!"


At the time of the naval war, a fierce and unusual battle was also taking place on the marathon plain.

In other words, the massacre is more accurate.

"100000 troops, the whole army is destroyed!?"

Leonidas, king of Sparta, seemed to hear a big joke and didn\'t return to his mind for a long time.

His trusted generals also looked at each other in disbelief.

The Western spy said miserably, "the army of the Eastern Han Dynasty, irresistible, is coming to the hot spring pass. Please make a decision quickly!"

Leonidas, the king of Sparta, was known as a great man of the descendants of Hercules. He stood up and said, "what is the Imperial Navy doing?"

"The Imperial Navy was sniped by the naval forces of the Eastern Han Dynasty. It is fighting at sea and has no time to rush to help!"

Leonidas raised his hand in awe and ordered, "guard the hot spring pass, inform the parliament, and send a letter to Caesar the great for support!"

Hot spring pass is the most important pass before Sparta. If hot spring pass is captured, there will be a smooth road, and the next strategic deployment of the Roman Empire will fall into extreme passivity.

The disaster of destroying the country is at hand.

The parliament did not stop it. When they sent a message to Caesar, the whole Spartan soldiers quickly gathered together.

Looking at the bloodthirsty and strong soldiers like fierce wolves, Leonidas raised his spear and shouted wildly: "Spartan warriors, prepare to defend Spartan territory with blood!"

"Roar! Roar! Roar!"

Ten thousand people roared and the sound shook the sky.



Roar! Roar! Roar!!

Roman navy soldiers roared wildly, and the warship collided with Liu Hao\'s Huanglong warship.

Although Artemisia was a woman, she took the lead and rushed ahead.

Charming, a little more sassy.

That pair of beautiful eyes had already locked Liu Hao and wanted to eat Liu Hao into his stomach.

Liu Hao smiled calmly, flicked the sword blade and raised his eyebrows.

The ninth five year old emperor\'s holy sword trembled like a dragon. Xie Xuan, standing behind Liu Hao, felt inexplicably.

It seems that Liu Hao will fly to the sky at the next moment.

The royal guards were more and more awed.

The Western Navy worked hard and fought back. The surrounding warships stopped the Yellow Dragon warships. Altemicia bravely moved forward with full sails. In an instant, he was only hundreds of meters away from Liu Hao.


At this time, a sword sound and the sound of dragon singing resounded through the sea.

Then there was a purple and gold dragon sword that ran through the sky and cut to the sea.

The air seemed to solidify in this moment.

The sword Qi startled the dragon to split on the sea, cut open a deep gully more than ten feet long, and cut the whole sea.

The Roman warship in front was cut in half by the matchless sword!

All the Roman sailors trembled on the spot and couldn\'t even say a word.

What a sword!?

Altemicia waved the sword in her hand, but she forgot to wave it. At this time, she had only one last thought in her heart: is this still human fencing?

Liu Hao\'s sword was like a dragon, splitting the warships of the Roman navy commander. Even Artemisia, I don\'t know how many proud and fierce soldiers of the Roman Navy fell into the sea.

The power of a sword comes to this!

Han Shizhong got goose bumps when he saw it. He waved his sword and shouted, "the holy emperor is invincible, the Yellow Dragon Navy, completely break the enemy!"

"The holy emperor is invincible, Huanglong Navy, completely destroy the enemy!"

"The emperor is invincible, kill!"

The morale of the Great Han Huanglong Navy immediately climbed to the peak, made a fierce leap, and constantly killed Western sailors.

With this amazing sword, the battle will be settled.

After Liu Hao pulled out his sword, he put it in the scabbard and fell back to the original place. The clouds were light and the wind was light, as if nothing had happened.

"Your Majesty has really entered the realm of immortals. Under this sword, cut the sea and Pingjiang. There are all people in the world who can\'t be killed!"

Xie Xuan is also a master of kendo.

He stood behind Liu Hao and saw the complete process of this sword.

No one knows the terrible meaning of this sword better than him.

Even a martial arts master with the highest martial arts skills will be hanged by the extreme sword Qi.

If there are dragons in the sea.

Then die under this sword