The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2414

Long live the tsunami on the mountain beside your ears, which makes your blood boil.

Liu Hao pressed the sword with one hand and stood on the shaft of the car. Looking into the distance, thousands of people knelt down in the school field. Suddenly, a heroic spirit was born in his heart.

"All the soldiers and men of the Great Han Dynasty, flat!"

Liu Hao raised his hand and pressed it with emptiness. The majestic voice spread all over every corner of the school field, stirring like a dragon singing.

"Your Majesty, please take the stage."

Cao Shaoqin rolled up his cloak, shuttled flexibly in the school field, walked quickly to Liu Hao\'s car, bowed and hugged his fist and said.

As soon as Liu Hao brushed his sleeves, he ascended the broad general\'s platform. The big Han five tigers and nine dragons ascended the general\'s platform. Except for several who were out of the war, they all followed him and sat down in separate seats.

Such a final lineup of judges can be said to be the most luxurious in the world.

Lv Bu, ran min, Li cunxiao, Zhao Yun, Gao Chong and others, which one is not an unparalleled general who has been famous for thousands of years!?

Which one is not the famous gedai man!?

Liu Hao sat down and nodded slightly to Cao Zhengchun. Cao Zhengchun understood it, threw the dust and shouted, "martial arts begins!"

The key to martial arts is this word.

The content of the last martial arts examination is also the same, mainly to assess Wu Yong.

Liu Hao sat high in the Dragon seat and ordered the audience to proceed in an orderly manner.

"Wang Fu Chen is good. He can lift 800 kilograms of stone lions. He is a strong general."

"I\'m optimistic about Dugu Sheng. His heavy sword must be thunderous when it comes out of the scabbard. Killing people is like cutting grass."

"It\'s Xue Rengui who is calm, motionless and has the capital of a general..."


The fierce soldiers on the school field looked sideways and marveled.

The generals of the five tigers and nine dragons also watched the martial arts performance under the stage and appreciated it.

Those who can stand out from hundreds of thousands of people and reach the last level are absolutely talented people.

After a series of tests such as strength, riding and shooting were completed, the advantages and disadvantages of everyone gradually appeared.

[Zhao Yun, Xue Rengui, Dugu Sheng and Wang Fuchen, the three greatest heroes]

[Xue Rengui\'s Halberd technique is skilled and has the posture of a general - Lv Bu]

[Dugu Sheng is good at sword, so he is not good at riding - Wang Yue]

[Wang\'s assistant minister has the courage of thousands of men. He can attack the array and kill the general - Li cunxiao]


The general of five tigers and nine dragons is a fierce man who runs across the battlefield and breaks millions of troops.

It\'s natural to have a steady and accurate view of people.

A group of people stood together. Although they were all skillful in bowing and riding, Xue Rengui, Wang Fuchen and Dugu Sheng were obviously better than others.

Xue Rengui has the power of a dragon and a tiger in his arms. He can open a strong bow with five stones and three hundred steps. There is no empty arrow. All arrows hit the red heart, which attracted the exclamation of the Great Han Huben and his fierce soldiers, and they were all admired by him.

Old Huang Zhong stroked his beard, narrowed his eyes and said with a smile, "this boy\'s Qi and blood is not at the peak yet. Give him a few years to grow up and open a seven stone strong bow. He can shoot the head of the enemy chieftain among millions of troops."

When the first God of the army shot General Huang Zhong, the generals naturally nodded and believed it.

Look at the Dragon camp forbidden guards. They have taken the test target. The final situation is clear at a glance.

Wang Fuchen\'s performance is slightly worse than Xue Rengui\'s.

He can open a strong bow with three stones and shoot a hundred and fifty steps. There are nine arrows in the target.

Dugu Sheng was obviously not good at archery. He opened three powerful bows and shot seven arrows in a hundred steps, but he was much better than others.

Next is the highlight of martial arts, the actual combat link.

Only those who finally stand on the stage are heroes of one side, brave and outstanding, or in actual combat, can they see their true skills.

Wang Fuchen was really brave. He lost seven strong generals in a row. In the end, he didn\'t have enough strength to kill. He retreated to one side to have a rest.

Dugu Sheng had to exaggerate. He raised the black iron heavy sword to defeat the first-class swordsmen of the twelve member Dynasty. Finally, he met the old sword King Wang Yue and lost.

Only Xue Rengui, still looking at Xiong, defeated a series of 19 fierce generals, with a long halberd across the sky and awed the three armies.

For a moment, the school field was full of people.

What the army most advocates is people with superior force. Xue Rengui won the respect of everyone with his own strength.

Liu Hao smiled calmly and said, "what do you think of Aiqing?"

General Wuhu Jiulong gave his choice by chance. There is no doubt that Xue Rengui, Dugu Sheng and Wang Fuchen had the highest comprehensive score.

In the envious eyes of all the people, the three went to the White Jade Terrace under the general stage and knelt down in front of Liu Hao on one knee.

Liu Hao raised his hand and pressed it falsely, smiled and said, "you are all heroes in the martial arts examination. My examination questions only depend on your views on the current war situation in the West."

With that, Cao Zhengchun, the old manager, sent the royal guards to push the sand table simulating the terrain to the candidates of the martial arts examination.

Zhao Yun, Lv Bu and others didn\'t know the subject of the final exam first. At this time, they knew it all at once.

This is a detailed map of the war of the white robed army against the Roman Empire in the West. It is a top secret military aircraft. The emperor wants to start from reality, investigate the three Ding Jia people and the actual military strategy.

The last Ding Jia actually refers to the top three, which is likely to be produced among Xue Rengui, Wang Fuchen and Dugu Sheng.

The candidates began to observe the map and think hard.

Rome became an empire that dominated the West precisely because of its numerous small countries and complex terrain.

Most of the candidates, after several deliberation and repeated deduction, are still tangled, and their scalp is about to break.

After all, this is a major matter of contention between the two countries. Several rounds of specific military strategies have been discussed in the Han Dynasty meeting, so it is difficult to think comprehensively.

"Your Majesty, there are a lot of talents today. I don\'t know who is expected to win the champion."

"It\'s not enough to rely solely on military courage. Let\'s see how this military strategy is discussed."

Liu Hao looked calm and talked and laughed with the ministers nearby.

In fact, in his heart, he had already determined the identity of Ying Mengxian minister Xue Rengui as the No. 1 scholar in Wu, but he would not reveal his mind in front of others.

The time of burning incense soon passed, and the theory of military strategy of conquering the West was finally over.

The examination papers submitted by all the candidates were collected one after another. The ministers of the Shangshutai united with the emperor\'s divine military commander and the general of the court on the spot. It was absolutely fair.

The martial arts examinees looked up at the stage, their hearts hanging to their throat, because this will be the moment to determine their fate.

As long as you can get into the eyes of the emperor, you will step up to the Ninth Heaven