The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2413

Wang Fuchen!

Searching for his memory, Liu Hao was surprised to find that he was the top general in the Qing Dynasty. At that time, he was famous in the north and south. The world called him a flying general. Compare him with Lv Bu, who was the first in Wu Yong in the Three Kingdoms

Wang Fuchen - force 95, intelligence 63, politics 57, command 82!

Stunt 1, fierce: when Wang Fu Chen uses more than 100 Jin of weapons, his force + 2!

Stunt 2, ruthless courage: Wang\'s assistant minister bravely won the three armies, and his direction was unstoppable. When he rushed into the array, he was brave and shocked people!

Wang Fuchen force + 2!

This attribute is really good.

If Liu Hao had been under his command a few years earlier, he would have been a fierce man and his reputation would shake the world.

But now there are so many powerful generals in the dynasty. A strong general like Wang Fu Chen can only start from the lower deputy general and make several times of efforts to make it possible.

Liu Hao continued to sweep. All he saw on the list were second rate generals, who could only be sent to the army as a benefactor.

Suddenly, Liu Hao\'s eyes lit up and saw a young warrior in white robe in the system panel, holding Fang Tianhua halberd.

Xue Li!?

Isn\'t this Xue Rengui, the God of war of the Tang Dynasty!?

If many people don\'t know Wang Fuchen, Xue Rengui is definitely a powerful figure of Yu Huxiao in the later aristocratic family.

Allusions such as "three arrows determine the Tianshan Mountain", "Shenyong receives Liaodong", "benevolent government and high beauty", "loving the people and Xiangzhou city", "take off your hat and retreat thousands of enemies" have been handed down through the ages!

He is also known as the God of war of the Tang Dynasty after Li Jing!

Thinking of a dream the day before yesterday, Liu Hao moved his mind and thought: should the dream virtuous minister be Xue Rengui?

"Tut tut! It seems that this yingmeng virtuous minister is still a teenager, but his attributes are really abnormal..."

Liu Hao opened Xue Rengui\'s property panel and a strange light flashed between his eyes.

Xue Rengui (juvenile) - force 101, intelligence 83, politics 74, command 88!

Stunt 1, bravely win the three armies: Xue Rengui is a natural general. If he joins the army to supervise the battle, his force will be + 3!

The soldiers under their command will be infected by their bravery. Their morale will be increased by 30% and their combat effectiveness will be increased by 6%!

Stunt 2, yingzi: Xue Rengui\'s young yingzi will improve his attribute ability rapidly!

Over time, Xue Rengui must be a general of the dynasty.

Just one appearance, is the peak.

The most terrible thing is that Xue Rengui\'s peak state can be improved, and there are infinite possibilities in the future!

Liu Hao turned it over again and found a young man named Dugu Sheng in the Northern Song Dynasty.


Absolutely calm and calm.

Looking at his face is like looking at a ten thousand year old ice.

Dugu Sheng\'s attribute ability is also very outstanding. His force value has reached 97 points, and he also has a rare talent of sword expertise.

Liu Hao\'s eyes are fierce. He vaguely sees the shadow of Ye Gucheng, the proud and peerless leader of Baiyun city.

Such a talent in kendo is a natural seed of swordsmen.

If you give a little guidance and training, you may be able to become an unparalleled swordsman in the future and fill a vacancy in God\'s seven sword God.

This time, Xue Rengui made a lot of money in the martial arts, as well as Dugu Sheng and Wang Fuchen.

Liu Hao was not interested in going through the following list. He directly called Cao Zhengchun into the hall and asked him to send the royal guards to pay extra attention to Xue Rengui, Dugu Sheng and others.

Cao Zhengchun did a good job. Without hesitation, he sent the royal guards to gather the detailed background information of general Xue Rengui, Dugu Sheng and others, which was equivalent to walking into the palace examination.


Shaohua threw shuttles, the sun and the moon flew arrows, and more than a month passed between the fingers.

In the early morning of one day, Chen Qingzhi\'s white robed army finally made a breakthrough in the western expedition.

When Liu Hao received the system message, he stared and couldn\'t help laughing:

"Chen Qingzhi led the white robed army to break the city one after another. The command attribute has reached the highest. He captured the ancient Persian country, destroyed 100000 Egyptian troops, and harvested countless prisoners of war. The additional reward is 50000 points of worship and 200000 points of merit!"

Worship value and merit value are still small things, but geographically, when Egypt was defeated, it successfully opened the southern gap of the Roman Empire.

Then we can launch a fierce attack on the Roman Empire from the Mediterranean and land to the west at the same time.

Liu Hao involuntarily hung an indifferent smile around his mouth.

Even the princess Zhao, who gently served him in the crown, couldn\'t help smiling and said, "Your Majesty is in a good mood today. It seems that this martial arts move is very successful."

Princess Zhao is Xiao Zhao.

Since the heaven leaning world was brought out by Liu Hao, she has regarded Liu Hao as her own world and placed her whole body and mind on Liu Hao.

Liu Hao took a soft print on the beautiful xuenen\'s cheek and said with a smile, "those who know me, love the imperial concubine, today\'s Dynasty will add a general!"



Boom, boom!

The sound of beating sky war drums roared in the school field in the north of the imperial capital, shaking through the four fields and eight wastelands.

When the three-way drum was over, the horn sounded, and the bleak horn in the army suddenly sounded.

In the sound of the horn, the forbidden guards of Longxiang camp took neat and killing steps. Everyone was clanking with iron armor and holding a long gun and halberd, and stepped into the school field like a forest.

Today is the last day of the martial arts test. Several martial arts test scholars from the world gathered in the school field and looked forward to this day.

For them, to be able to show their power in front of Liu Hao is to leap over the dragon\'s gate!

"Your Majesty the holy emperor has arrived!"

The sound of Tiangang\'s righteous spirit was vigorous and stirring. The great men on the school field knelt down on one knee, gave the most sincere military salute, and shouted: "long live the holy emperor, long live your majesty!"

The action of the forbidden guards of Longxiang camp was also neat and uniform. They knelt down and shouted with infinite piety: "long live the holy emperor, long live your majesty!"

Hooray, hooray, hooray!

Hundreds of thousands of people saluted together with infinite respect and admiration. At this moment, Liu Hao is even a god!

Xue Rengui\'s blood was boiling all over, and he couldn\'t help roaring. The surrounding Wang Fuchen was also boiling and roaring. Even Dugu Sheng, who was cold and calm, was too excited to help himself.

The majestic sound of emperor music came, and the noble Tiandi car slowly drove into the school yard.

Liu Hao wore twelve Diao crowns on his head, embroidered Purple Dragon gun robe, embroidered sun, moon and stars on his shoulders, and walked out of the carriage with a dragon and a tiger, as powerful as the emperor of heaven