The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2406

"The atlas of the God of war has been recorded in my mind. It contains the secrets of the ancient god of war. It is vast and majestic, but I have to digest it slowly. First try to take the relief out..."

The contents of all the reliefs were recorded in my mind, and 49 ancient inscriptions began to float in the picture of the country.

This contains the secret of the ancient god of war. It is an immortal martial art handed down from ancient times. Of course, it can\'t be achieved overnight. Otherwise, the gods will go everywhere.

I don\'t know how long the time has passed. Liu Hao\'s mind is moving. He is ready to move the 49 reliefs back to the storage space with Supreme Xuangong and go back to figure it out slowly.

But when his mind moved and the emperor\'s strength just touched the relief, the whole God of war hall began to vibrate violently.

It was like destroying the sky and the earth, and the space collapsed inch by inch. These 19 reliefs recording the ancient god of war\'s secret method seemed to have life. They suddenly broke free from the shackles of Liu Hao\'s true Qi and fled quickly.

This scene is really strange.

Liu Hao was shocked and looked at the God of war relief.

Just now, I was attracted by the atlas of the God of war. Now I found that the 49 reliefs are invisible according to the large array listed in the innate book of changes!

"Fifty roads, forty-nine days, one of them..."

Liu Hao stood with his hands down, and a clear understanding emerged in his heart. He was about to make another move, but he only heard the system prompt sound suddenly sounded:

"The God of war hall is closed and will exit the God of war hall. Please know!"

"Ten, nine, eight, seven... Three, two, one!"

In a burst of countdown, the scene in front of Liu Hao changed again. Liu Hao fell on the top of the heaven and earth hall.

Look at the sky again. At this time, the sky has returned to calm, and the wonders of the sun and moon are no longer in the sky.

Liu Hao ascended the heaven steps and passed in the God of war hall for a while. It was only a short time before the big man\'s main world had passed one night!

It\'s a little "one day in the sky, one year on earth".

The rising sun rises in the East, and the first ray of dawn falls in the morning.

The capital of the Han Dynasty became more solemn and solemn than usual.

Cao Zhengchun, the old manager, hurried around and commanded the royal guards in the palace to move and control from time to time. The dark shadow of the Royal robe swept over the eaves and street corners.

Even Xie Xuan, the commander of the Dragon camp forbidden guard, was like a great enemy, leading the Dragon camp forbidden guard to monitor the imperial capital.

The holy emperor disappeared overnight for no reason. It was a great thing, and the whole emperor was shocked by it.

Liu Hao pinched the center of his eyebrows, smiled and called Cao Zhengchun with the technique of transmitting sound into secret.

"Old slave, see your majesty!"

Cao Zhengchun solemnly knelt down to salute the monarchs and ministers, and a heart hanging in his throat fell down.

He knew that Liu Hao\'s martial arts was at a critical time, and he was going to break the void when he took a step forward, but he was worried when it came to the end.

Liu Hao said with a smile: "the old manager doesn\'t have to be polite. I have something to do today. I\'ll get rid of it in the morning..."

Liu Hao\'s words are very impressive in the court hall. Moreover, there are ministers of the Shangshu stage in charge of government affairs. Even if he does not go to the court for ten days and a half months, the operation of the Han Dynasty will not be affected.

"I\'ll do it now!"

Cao Zhengchun clung to his fist and took orders.

Liu Hao felt the atlas of the God of war in his mind.

The feeling of breaking through the barrier of heaven and earth and breaking the void rises and becomes more and more intense. At present, Rome is not flat in the west, but it is not the time to break through human immortals.

Liu Hao pressed the God of war relief with the picture of the country and began to look at another strange treasure in his storage space.

Luo Shu!

Tortoise negative Luoshu, the world is Dazhi!

This is a strange treasure that existed in the Dayu period in ancient times. Although we don\'t know what specific role it plays, it must not be an ordinary thing.

Liu Hao made several explorations with his mind. As soon as he touched Luoshu, he was like a clay ox into the sea.

After a long experiment, there was no progress. Liu Hao suddenly had a strange idea in his mind:

"On the square outside the God of war hall, there seems to be a pool close to the thunder pool. If I put Luo Shu on the thunder pool, I don\'t know what will happen?"

Liu Hao thought of taking a seat. He summoned several royal guards to come and prepare for emperor\'s driving and went straight to Leichi underground palace.

Just put Luo Shu in, and the whole minefield began to move without warning.

Then, the waves were boundless, and the ancient thunder pool was boiling.

"What\'s going on?"

Liu Hao was stunned and inquired about the system and got a satisfactory reply:

"Thunder pool is being upgraded, please wait!"


On the system panel, the specific upgrade progress of the minepool is directly displayed. After waiting patiently for half a ring, only a "Ding" sound is heard, and the progress bar finally jumps to 100%

"Thunder pool upgrade succeeded!?"

Liu Hao\'s eyes lit up and swept the functions of the upgraded Minepit.

1. It can not only upgrade armor, but also be used to improve secondary life and stimulate its potential. It is more powerful than ever!

2. Secondary life refers to war horses and war horses, not including people.

"The thunder pool after promotion is a little interesting."

Liu Hao was moved by this new upgrade effect, and immediately ordered the royal guards to transfer Liangju and Canglang from the army to the yinghun tower.

Under the imperial tower, before the thunder pool.

The thunder pool spread from the ancient heaven became more and more magnificent and vast, the thunder arc became more and more intense, and there was a kind of terrible energy boiling faintly.

Seeing the white horse and the snow wolf step into the minefield without hesitation, Liu Hao felt a little nervous.

If you can really succeed in promotion, it means a lot.

When the aura is full to a certain extent, the level of the world can be improved.

Boom! Boom!

The underground palace suddenly began to thunder. The thunder light carried out the void, thousands of electric arcs flashed rapidly, and the stabbing people\'s pupils hurt, mixed with the long hiss of war horses and the howl of wolves

The royal guards trembled and became more and more awed.

Lei Chi is dignified and solemn. Like Liu Hao, this supernatural force is unpredictable.

However, the majestic minefield seems to be undergoing some incredible changes