The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2405

"Since you see it, how can you miss it? Whether it\'s true or not, take it back first, and then study it slowly..."

Liu Hao had only one chance to fight in the temple. Liu Hao took the principle of hard work and thrift and didn\'t let go of his mistakes. He took advantage of the situation to include Luo Shu in the storage space.

Once Luoshu lost, the dense fog in the pool magically disappeared.

Liu Hao was secretly surprised and walked along the white jade steps towards the God of war hall.

The God of war hall is magnificent. Liu Hao walked into the God of war hall, placed himself in the huge hall, looked up at the dome, and was completely stunned by the extremely wide and extremely high space of the huge hall.

The front end of the huge hall and the hall walls on the left and right sides are at least 40 feet away from Liu Hao. The top of the hall is as silent as a river of stars.

This feeling is like a villain of a villain\'s country. By chance, he came to the country built by a giant.

Everything you see is another world, and you are as small as an ant.

On the huge wall opposite the entrance, a row of large seal characters were chiseled from top to bottom, straight down from the top of the hall, at least 30 feet apart from the head and tail, with each word about 30 feet square, which read "heaven and earth are not benevolent, and all things are ruminant dogs".

The huge hall was shrouded in soft blue light, which contrasted with the red light from the exit.

Liu Hao looked around and finally fell on the top of the God of war hall.

In the center of the top of the hall, which is about 40 feet above the ground, there is a circular object with a diameter of two feet. It emits green and yellow light, just like an indoor sun, so that the whole huge hall is bathed in thousands of green lights.

With this light source as the center, a large circle with a diameter of 20 feet was formed on the top of the hall during the day, which was the same as the star map at the entrance of the secret Road, but it was several times larger. The huge hall was covered under the infinite stars. There was no column or object in the huge hall. There was a floating sculpture with a square dimension of about two feet in the heart of the hall, and there were 24 relief drawings with a square dimension of about two feet on each side of the left and right walls, Plus the relief of the heart of the hall.

It\'s exactly forty-nine.

The number of Dayan is fifty, and its use is nine out of forty.

Liu Hao runs the Dragon pupil of the emperor of heaven. His brain is running all the time. His eyes are burning and he looks at the relief in front of him.

The 49 reliefs are arranged in order. The source is still the reliefs on the heart of the hall. They are exquisitely carved and engraved with a mighty God wearing strange armor and covered with a mask.

The mighty God of heaven sat a ferocious dragon tens of meters long under his crotch. He flew down from the top left corner of nine cracked thick clouds and rushed to a blood red fireball in the lower right corner. Next to each thick cloud, there were nine heavy days, eight heavy days and the lowest heavy day from top to bottom.

There are five big characters above the relief, which is the atlas of the God of War I.

"Finally... Found it!"

Liu Hao glanced at the 49 reliefs and was shocked. It was the atlas of the God of war that could penetrate the mysteries of heaven and earth!

The goal was right in front of him. Liu Hao quickly calmed down and began to understand the atlas of the God of war on the relief.

To say that it is obscure and profound, the atlas of the God of war is much higher than the Cihang sword dictionary.

However, the relief carvings are all contained in ancient characters, but they seem to be the same original ancient characters as the longevity formula.

Strange to say, the longevity formula was written in this ancient language, which looked confused at that time.

But when Liu Hao saw the atlas of the God of war, he didn\'t have to think about it, and the corresponding content automatically appeared in his mind.

Invisible, before and after the corresponding, as if a layer of film has been broken, the profound meaning of this ancient text is fully mastered in the heart.

One method, ten thousand methods.

While observing the relief, Liu Hao compared and verified the longevity formula. As expected, the foundation comes from this and has many similarities.

"Solitary Yang does not grow, and solitary Yin does not grow."

"To practice the longevity formula, you need to refine the innate Yin and Yang Qi. Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling are lucky. They reverse life and death and practice the longevity formula. However, ordinary people want to achieve the Yin and Yang Qi, either they are the favorite of heaven, their qualifications are against the sky, or they are great masters of martial arts..."

Liu Hao was silent.

The secret of immortality, a rare book of Taoism, aims at immortality. If you practice it deep, you can reach the realm of land immortals. However, it is fundamentally contrary to Liu Hao\'s self-esteem of emperor Tao.

However, learning from his strengths is also a great benefit. When you go back, you can translate the method of attacking immortals and include it in the Dynasty\'s arsenal.

This is infinite creation for the great masters of the Han Dynasty.

When he reached the ninth relief, a majestic smell of recklessness came. Liu Hao felt pain when he knew the sea and knew that it was bad. He quickly stopped his mind and held the yuan for one.

"The operation of the Dragon pupil of the Heavenly Emperor has been affected and can\'t continue to understand. Otherwise, you can\'t chew too much. I\'m afraid you\'ll hurt your divine consciousness!"

This feeling is like a person who likes to eat, eats and drinks, fills his stomach, and then forcibly continues. His stomach will explode first

Shocked by the vastness of the God of war atlas, Liu Hao took back his mind, but deeply engraved all the images and ancient characters of the God of war atlas in his mind and left them for future deduction.

This time, immersed in the world of martial arts, he forgot himself. I don\'t know how long it took until the last relief was engraved, Liu Hao\'s expression gradually became strange.

I saw a dead bone scattered under the relief.

Since he can enter the temple of the God of war, he is a generation with profound blessing and good luck.

Looking at his bones, he must have been a man before he died. He kept the posture of looking up at the relief. His empty eyes were quiet and secluded, which was very penetrating.

Liu Hao looked around the relief for a week and found a line of small words of mosquitoes and flies on the back of the relief.

This small character is obviously a modern character, which is very different from the character style on the relief. Liu Hao swept it down at a glance, but his mind shook again.

I saw that the owner of the dead bone engraved several big characters with iron painting and silver hook on the back of the relief with the sword spirit:

After waiting for hundreds of years, but the immortal door doesn\'t open, there\'s no hope for a long life!

However, these few figures express the infinite loss and melancholy in the master\'s heart.

Liu Hao felt sorry.

The owner of this withered bone is a strong man with a longevity of hundreds of years, and may even be a land fairy.

Such a person must be invincible in the world. He can be called the talent of heaven. He got no chance to enter the war god temple, but finally fell into the war god temple and sighed that he had no hope of living forever