The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2381

Ran min held Bi Xuan\'s spear and felt the surging killing intention, but he was a little surprised.

The Ba Feng on the ground was cold, and his heart was even more frightened.

He used his whole body\'s twelve points of Qi strength to completely integrate his essence, Qi and spirit into one, which made him violent and difficult. Even the grand master could be broken under this blow, but he was defeated by Wu Zun Bi Xuan.

But this huge man, who was as majestic as the God of heaven, just carried the halberd, which blocked Bi Xuan\'s fatal blow!

What a means!?

The two martial arts masters collided with each other and each took three steps backward.

"You are so tenacious, you really like me. Would you like to join the Han Dynasty?"

Ran min opened Bi Xuan and asked, "as long as you join the Han Dynasty, this general will protect you from death today!"

At this time, BA fenghan had reached the point of going up the mountain and recovering from poverty. He met ran min to save him. It was when he met the life-saving straw that he gritted his teeth and said, "Ba fenghan, I\'m willing to surrender to the general!"

"He who knows current affairs is a hero!"

Ran minhao laughed loudly and shocked all the fields. He said, "since Bi Xuan is your great enemy of life and death, I will kill him for you today!"

"Presumptuous! I want to kill people. Who saved me in heaven and earth?"

Bi Xuan was furious and his long hair and beard stood upright.

Step out, such as crossing the natural graben!


Bi Xuan\'s move was a startling blow.

There was no strong wind, but the whole space was hot and boiling. Bi Xuan protected his body, and the vigorous Qi dissipated, just like the boundless yellow sand, which was unspeakably dry and hot and suffocating!

Ran min\'s tiger eyes burst, and his left double hook spear suddenly stabbed into the thousands of miles of yellow sand. The crescent halberd then waved and cut through the yellow sand sky in front of him.

This is the peak duel between the great masters of martial arts. The momentum is strong to an extremely terrible situation. With two people as the center, the dust and soil are like dragons.

The soldiers around could only hear the sound of gold and iron. They couldn\'t get close at all.

No matter who gets closer, he must have an unstable foothold and go straight back.

Everyone\'s face was filled with awe.

A war at this level, if entered rashly, may be directly hanged by violent Qi. Where can they intervene!?

The arrogant BA fenghan stared at the battlefield, as if he had forgotten his pain and had a decadent mind in his heart;

Bi Xuan is respected for his martial arts. The Yan Yang divine skill kills invincible hands all over the grassland and makes him famous as a great master. His martial arts have reached an incredible level.

But ran min can still suppress Bi Xuan. He has profound skills and is definitely not under the great master.

Central Plains Wulin, when did such a fierce man come out!?

The Qi of startling the world and crying ghosts and gods roared and roared. It lasted for more than half an hour, and the field finally calmed down gradually

The dust settled.

All the Turkic cavalry stared in horror, and their heart stopped suddenly.

A deep pit of more than ten meters appeared in the battlefield.

A figure as majestic as a god stood, holding a bloody head in his hand.

His head was bloody and his face was ferocious.

But it was vaguely recognizable that he was the Turkic God of War:

Wu Zun Bi Xuan!



The wind blows on the grassland and the grass is gloomy.

The Kowloon Tiandi chariot was parked several miles away from the central battlefield.

Liu Hao, standing on a mountain peak with his hands on his back, watched the main Turkic battlefield. The vast breeze blew his purple Golden Dragon Robe hunting and dancing.


The royal guards of the military aircraft Department came quickly, knelt down on one knee, hugged fists, and said respectfully, "Wolong military division has broken the picture in front of it. Master Li commanded the army to advance and stormed the last line of defense of the Turkic army!"

"Report! General Shan xiongxin cut off Turks and stood side by side with Wang Jieli. The morale of our army is greatly boosted!"

"Report! Yuan Tiangang\'s fighting method was defeated by Wolong military master and fled into the chaos. He has been captured alive by Xiao qianjue, the martial arts master. He is being transported back and waiting for his majesty!"


A steady stream of good news came back from the former army.

The courtiers around Liu Hao\'s body celebrated one after another, and their joy was reflected in their words.

Breakthrough progress has been made in the front battlefield. Hundreds of thousands of Turkic troops are in the collapse situation of the mountain collapse and tsunami. They will drive out the Dynasty\'s heavy troops, attack and destroy Turks in the near future

Liu Hao opened the system panel at this time and found a series of sounds like system prompts suddenly ringing in his ears:

"Congratulations to the host. Li Jing commanded properly and killed hundreds of thousands of Turkic troops. The additional reward is 50000 points of worship and 500000 points of double merit!"

"Li Jing\'s success in the first World War has left thousands of bones withered, and the commander has obtained additional promotion. Please let the host know!"

Liu Hao opened Li Jing\'s personal attributes at will. As expected, the command value increased a little.

"ZHUGE Liang fought with Taoist immortal yuan Tiangang on the battlefield with the vast way of holy literature, and won a victory. Congratulations on the growth of his cultivation of literature and Taoism. Please know!"

"Wang Yangming, the second in the list, helped Wolong Zhuge Liang in the battle with Taoist immortal yuan Tiangang and won the victory. Congratulations on his growth in literary and Taoist cultivation. Please know!"


Liu Hao\'s observation of the holographic projection of consciousness at home is more enjoyable than watching a magnificent film.

Several battlefields at the same time.

The attack between hundreds of thousands of armies, blood and fire intertwined into a magnificent battle song of golden iron horse.

This magnificent scene of blood fighting with cold weapons is definitely not comparable to the poor film and television dramas of later generations.

"Your Majesty, the wind is blowing."

Diao Chan, the imperial concubine, was stunned when she saw Liu Hao looking at the vast battlefield, like a gentle little wife. She gently covered Liu Hao with a snow-white Fox and mink fur.

At this time, the war between the Han Dynasty and the Turks has lasted for more than a month. It is winter, but it is cold in the north.

Liu Hao holds Diao Chan\'s catkin and embraces the beauty\'s delicate and warm body into his arms.

The Turkic war was burning, the red dots of the system flashed, and the shadow fog shrouded in the Turkic King\'s court suddenly dispersed.

Liu Hao saw a shocking scene.

In mourning for the heavenly king, ran min held a double hook spear and a crescent halberd. Under his seat, there was a ferocious head still dripping blood.

"Wu Zun Bi Xuan\'s head is here. Those who block me will die!"

Ran min led the snow wolf ride to break through the gate of the Turkic King\'s court. The snow wolf ride poured into the king\'s court like a tide

This brilliant city on the grassland is full of wolf bloodthirsty howls and flustered screams in Turkic language.

East Turk, subjugated