The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2380

"Great general, sweep Turks, magnificent king of heaven!"

Liu Hao suddenly felt heroic in his chest, waved his hand and said, "let\'s go to the main battlefield. I want to see the collapse of the invincible east Turks with my own eyes!"


Tanhan mountain.

Located in the depths of the grassland, to break the Turkic King\'s court, first pass through tanchan mountain.

At this time, at the foot of the Tanhan mountain, blood and fire fought wildly.

On the battlefield, human life will be like grass mustard, and ashes will disappear between the fingers!

The most elite golden wolf army of the Turkic King\'s court has also been defeated and scattered by the wolf. The front-line military report is urgent, and the front battlefield has been defeated one after another. The seemingly invincible Eastern Turkic empire is on the verge of collapse.

Tick! Tick!

The red blood is dripping from the spear tip and halberd of the Wu mourning Heavenly King ran min.

Ran min, with a double hook blade in his left hand and a crescent halberd in his right hand, rode on a divine horse and went straight over the tanchan mountain, like entering a deserted land.

"The devil! The devil is coming!"

"This is the leader of the terrible wolf cavalry!"

"No! Go and report to the Khan. This terrible guy will be killed in the king\'s court!"

The Turkic soldiers sent by the Turkic King\'s court to kill ran min had only fear and tremor in their hearts. When they saw ran min, they even trembled in their legs and stomach.

They are not afraid!

Ran min\'s blood slaughtered thousands of miles this time. Where he passed, the blood stained the whole grassland. At least hundreds of thousands of Turks were folded in the hands of snow wolves.

The bodies of at least a dozen Turkic generals were displayed on the Tanhan mountain.

These people are conceited and brave. They are ordered to kill the crazy Wu mourning king. As a result, they have become the ghosts of Ran min\'s sword.

In the howling of bloodthirsty wolves, Huanwen, zuti and other great generals of the late dynasty all followed behind ran min, gave orders, commanded the snow wolves, and began to completely tear apart the last resistance formation of Turkic soldiers.

Everyone\'s blood is boiling. What a glory it is to enter the bullet Khan mountain, level the Turkic court and personally bury the invincible east Turkic empire!?

Suddenly, ran min reined in the reins.

Wu mourned the heavenly king with cold eyes. His eyes were like electricity and surprised Hong in a certain direction.

The Turkic soldiers were terrified, as if they had been hurt by a sword and fell back towards the rear.

After the crowd dispersed, there was only one person standing there steadily, like Optimus Prime and sea god needle.

This man looks only in his thirties. His physique is perfect. His bronze skin glitters with dazzling luster. His long legs make his majestic body more likely to support the starry sky. His wild hemp robe is blowing with the wind, and his palm is broad, which seems to contain the most terrible power in the world.

The most exciting thing is that he is like a sea full of undercurrent, with static in motion and dynamic in static, which makes people completely unable to grasp its movement.

Ran min stopped his horse and stared coldly. In the tiger\'s eyes, he flashed a fierce look and said, "dare you stop me?"

The majestic middle-aged man laughed wildly and said, "a bi Xuan has traversed the grassland for decades. He has never met an opponent. He is lonely and embarrassed! You attack hundreds of thousands of Turkic cavalry and take the king\'s court directly. You are a hero. Get out of the Turkic King\'s court and spare your life today!"

"Bi Xuan? Are you Bi Xuan, a Turkic warrior?"

Ran min thought of the information from the military aircraft office, smiled coldly, holding a double hook blade and a crescent halberd, and said, "do you dare to say such words to someone just by yourself?"

Although Wu Zun Bi Xuan was a great master of martial arts standing on the top of the grassland, ran min didn\'t pay attention to him.

It\'s not lucky that the general of Jiulong conquered the heavens and achieved the name of an unparalleled general.

Just when the Qi machine of the two top martial artists was locked opposite, the change became steep.

In the Turkic cavalry group on the edge, suddenly there was a figure as strong as a hawk and falcon. He rushed through the air and killed Bi Xuan, the Wu Zun.

"Kill Bi Xuan with the sword today!"

With a loud drink, there was a harsh sound of meteors breaking through the air.


The sword edge pierces the void, and the Qi force escapes in the air. It is extremely fierce.

The fierce sword Qi burst into countless streamers. In an instant, it crossed a distance of more than ten feet and burst into Bi Xuan\'s chest.

If you are stabbed by this sword, even the body made of gold and iron can\'t stand the fierce sword Qi.

"The light of fireflies dare to compete with the sun and moon."

Bi Xuan was stunned and motionless. His black hair was straight back into a bun, starting without wind.

The face of that Junwei Guqiao is like a bronze cast with no blemish. Just one look can be unforgettable and frightening all your life.

His eyes are cold, and his eyes are like electricity.

Bi Xuan stretched out a hand, as steady as Mount Tai\'s hand, and pressed it out of thin air!

The void seemed to collapse. The assassin\'s fierce sword stopped in the air. It\'s hard to enter half an inch!


Bi Xuan stretched out his hand, and his Qi burst out violently, pouring back into the assassin\'s arms along the blade.

The fierce Qi like the sun\'s awn was like the raging tide of the river, which blew the assassin upside down for more than ten meters. He fell heavily in front of Ran min\'s horse and rolled for several circles. The sound of rattling continued. I don\'t know how many bones the assassin had broken.

Unexpectedly, the assassin actually stood up. Although the corners of his mouth were bleeding and staggered, he shouted with all his strength: "Bi Xuan, you issued a must kill order to kill all. Today BA fenghan made an oath that he will not die today and will kill Wu Zun Bi Xuan with a chopping Xuan sword in the future!"

"Hum! Chop Xuan sword!"

Bi Xuan\'s eyes flashed fiercely and said with a sneer, "boy, I\'ll kill you first today!"

The master must not be humiliated.

The great master of martial arts has lived above ten thousand people for a long time. The divine dragon is peerless and will never tolerate humiliation.

The spear in Bi Xuan\'s hand suddenly lifted up, and his figure flashed across a distance of more than 20 Zhang. He stabbed the young man named BA fenghan with a spear.

The spear, made of black iron, weighs 199 Jin and is called aguschwaya. In Turkic, it means the mark of the moon night.

Spear assassination, like the moon pass, everywhere!


Just when BA fenghan closed his eyes to die, there was a sudden sound of gold and iron in the air.

A sharp cold moon tooth halberd steadily held Bi Xuan\'s spear. The two magic soldiers collided with each other and roared!

"Someone has killed tens of thousands of Turks, such as slaughtering pigs and dogs. Unexpectedly, there are people like you among the Turkic barbarians?"