The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2369

He who knows current affairs is a hero.

After accepting Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui, several system prompt sounds suddenly sounded in Liu Hao\'s ear.

From the perspective of Qi expectation, Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui\'s attributes and abilities have been improved.

"With your help, I can defeat a million troops!"

When Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui are accepted, Liu Hao is in a good mood.

This is no exaggeration. Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui are among the twenty-four meritorious officials of Lingyan Pavilion, which can be said to be the first literary officials to open the rule of Zhenguan.

With the talent of these two people, as long as they start to contact the way of Holy Scripture, they will inevitably go thousands of miles a day and go straight to the realm of the master of literature and Taoism.

Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui quickly bowed and said, "I\'m sorry!"

Liu Hao handed them the credentials sent by the Turks. When they read them again, they said, "I have just received reliable information here. East and West Turks have united Tuyuhun and Gaoli, and they are all rectifying their armaments. They are about to go south to plunder the Central Plains. The two Aiqing are resourceful. What good plan do you have?"

Du Ruhui arched his hand and said in a respectful voice, "it\'s killing itself!"

"What do you say?"

Du Ruhui said, "Your Majesty, with the power of destroying the princes of the Central Plains, swept through the eight wastelands and six harmonies. Where the long sword points, all the heroes surrender. This is a sign of the unification of the world... Turks and barbarians can only be rampant for a while. If you invade the Central Plains, you are definitely not an opponent of the Imperial Army!"

Fang Xuanling nodded and showed such an expression.

The army of the dynasty defeated hundreds of thousands of Allied troops of the princes in Guanzhong, and its combat power can be seen.

The minister flattered without trace, but it was soothing. Liu Hao was very useful in his heart and asked, "two Aiqing, what can you do to break the enemy?"

This time, Fang Xuanling stood up and answered, "I think your majesty can appease Luo Yi, the manager of Youzhou. He is a famous general in the world. He controls 100000 troops in Youzhou and takes Luo Yi, so he can easily get 100000 elite. Then he can send generals out of Youzhou to intercept Turks... Then he will win this war."

After a pause, Fang Xuanling said, "as for the East Turks, although their strength is strong, it is not enough to be compared with the Han Dynasty. When Hebei is unified, they will immediately transfer the military front and fight against the East Turks, which can be destroyed in one war."

Liu Hao sent the royal guards to watch him, but they didn\'t restrict the personal freedom of Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui.

It was precisely because he understood the changes since the Han Dynasty came to Chang\'an that Fang Xuanling put forward such a proposal.

If it were Li Tang, we would do what we can.

"Yes, I think so."

Liu Hao looked into their eyes and appreciated them more and more.

The reason why the Han Dynasty is called a dynasty is precisely because of its strong internal strength.

Just the general of five tigers and nine dragons is the peak of the martial arts master with unparalleled combat power, not to mention the peerless demons such as song Ke and Shi Zhixuan.


While discussing military aircraft with Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui, Liu Hao\'s divine sea suddenly vibrated.

"What happened to the Lord?"

After the system upgrade, Liu Hao\'s control of the world became more and more arbitrary, and he immediately cut out the situation of the big man\'s main world.

The grand imperial capital, the transmission light gate, is full of stars.

Liu Hao saw a column of wolf smoke running through the sky.

"This is... Someone has broken through the realm of martial arts master!!"

The sound of dragons and tigers in the air is shocking. Only the great master of martial arts, who has the dragon among people, has such a weather when he breaks through.

The weight of a great master of martial arts is not heavy. Liu Hao got up and swept out.

Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui hurried behind Liu Hao and went out of the door.

I saw Liu Hao standing high, domineering stretched out his hands, as if he wanted to hold heaven and earth in his arms, gun\'s Dragon Robe flying, and his eyes looked down at all sentient beings.

Above the sky, the sky was originally clear, but suddenly it was dark.

Gradually there are stars shining brightly.

"The emperor\'s star shines high. He is the Lord of the stars. He shines the stars. He is powerful and powerful!"

Du Ruhui had read a lot of books, and even knew a lot about watching stars and Qi. At this time, he couldn\'t help sighing when he saw such a magnificent and shocking scene.

Fang Xuanling was also shocked.

Such a mysterious scene reminded him of the star vision that shook the world in Shuchuan a few months ago.

"Sure enough! Sure enough, it\'s the emperor of the Han Dynasty. He has attracted such a vision. The emperor is powerful all over the world. I don\'t know how many secrets there are..."

Fang Xuanling was more and more in awe of Liu Hao.

Ding Dong!

"Congratulations to the host, Du Ruhui\'s loyalty to the host + 10!"

"Congratulations to the host. Fang Xuanling\'s loyalty to the host + 10!"

At this time, Liu Hao had no intention to focus on the loyalty promotion of Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui.


After a dull thunder roar, there seemed to be a crack in the sky, with infinitely bright stars scattered

A majestic figure, dressed in a male armor, rode on the red Zhulong divine colt, with a double-edged spear on the left and a hook halberd on the right, and stepped out of the broken star channel.

"What\'s going on?"

"Is it... Is it true that the holy emperor came down from heaven to help his Majesty on this day?"

"Heaven will come down to earth!"

People in Chang\'an City, there are also bad people who saw the opening of huntianxing road and were shocked to speechless.

"Minister, ran min, meet your Majesty the holy emperor!"

In the shocked eyes of Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui, a majestic and mountain like domineering figure knelt in front of Liu Hao.

"Long live the holy emperor, long live your majesty!"

Ran min, the king of martial arts, shouted loudly. His voice shook the whole school field and attracted hundreds of thousands of troops to boiling.

"Aiqing broke through the realm of a great master of martial arts. It\'s really the luck of the dynasty. Get back quickly."

Liu Hao stepped forward and helped ran min up with great joy.

The great master of martial arts is enough to suppress the luck of a country. Ran min broke through the dead pass, and the force value finally reached 120 points.

Yuwen Chengdu felt envious and said, "it seems that after conquering this world, I will also sit at the dead pass and attack the great master of martial arts."

Zhao Yun, Huang Zhong and other five tigers and nine dragons generals have the same idea in their hearts