The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2368

Yuan Tiangang said, "there are no regular wars and the water is impermanent. The Han Dynasty has a great reputation, but its foundation is weak after all. As long as you survive this level, it will be a good turn in the future. The dragon will enter the sea, and the luck of the Han Emperor will be damaged, so you will go downhill..."

Li Shimin looked respectful and said, "Yuan Ba was incomparably brave, but he was murdered by the emperor of the Han Dynasty. Please use real people to help Shimin, defeat the emperor of the Han Dynasty and avenge this blood!"

Li Yuanba is yuan Tiangang\'s Apprentice. Li Shimin holds such a thick thigh at this time. Naturally, he will not let go.

"How can the dragon\'s Qi count be reversed?"

Yuan Tiangang stroked his beard and said solemnly: "I was born just to bring order out of chaos and have had a fight with the Han Emperor..."


A small antique room was filled with all kinds of large ancient books.

Du Ruhui asked to move all the books.

When Li Tang fell, Du Ruhui became a super prisoner, but Liu Hao did not restrict his freedom.

Du Ruhui was eating, reading and sleeping as usual. He looked calm. Lang Lang\'s voice came out of the house.

Yu Wenyue, the commander of the royal guards who is in charge of guarding outside the door, feels incredible.

Is there any embarrassment for the prisoners under the rank!?

In the Western Wei Dynasty, his Yuwen valve was destroyed, but Yuwen Yue didn\'t sleep well for half a year.

Suddenly, Yu Wenyue\'s ear moved and heard a burst of footsteps.

After a few breaths, a small eunuch hurried in.

After showing the gold medal of the passage in the palace, Yu Wenyue also recognized that this was Xiao Guizi, the deputy manager of Da Nei. He came forward to salute with a fist and said, "see the manager."

Xiaoguizi waved his hand casually and said, "don\'t be polite to our family. The holy emperor sent an oral order to call Mr. Fang and Mr. Du into the palace and prepare his clothes quickly. Our family will inform Mr. Fang later..."

Since Liu Hao\'s oral instruction, Yu Wenyue dared not neglect it. He hurriedly ordered his men to do things, but the door opened suddenly.

Du Ruhui came out with a slow crown and swayed his sleeves. His face was calm and said, "Du has been waiting for a long time!"

Xiao Guizi has been with Liu Hao for many years, but when he saw Du Ruhui\'s style, he still couldn\'t help sighing: "real celebrities!"


In the palace.

Liu Hao reviews the memorials in the imperial study.

Shizhixuan, the evil king, led the imperial master to dig three feet in the north. He has found the location of Cihang Jingzhai Mountain Gate. It won\'t be long before he can kill the mountain gate and completely turn this Wulin Holy Land in the Jianghu into history.

Xu Huang and Xu Gongming, one of the five good generals, were ordered to lead 100000 Han troops to the East. They had already taken over all the sites of Xu Yuanlang and backer Wang Yanglin, and wrote to the military aircraft department to request to enter Hejian mansion and request further instructions.

Liu Hao pondered for a while and wrote in the memorials presented by Xu Huang:

"If the general is outside, your life will not be affected. Gongming can fight on his own. I want to make all the north belong to the Han Dynasty, and then fight against Turks. If you meet Luo Cheng, a powerful general of Youzhou, don\'t hurt his life..."

This is to give Xu Huang absolute command.

In the dynasty, there is often a saying that "Xu Huang is good at attacking and Meng Gong is good at guarding". Meng Gong is known as a great general of the iron wall. Xu Huang uses his troops to invade like fire, and Liu Hao trusts his nature.

The next is Yue Fei\'s Memorial. To conquer the Turkic empire on the grassland, we must first wipe out the north. Field marshal Yue Fei is leading his arms across the whole North at this time.

Yue Fei\'s command ranks among the top three of the dynasty. Needless to say, he broke 32 cities in a row in half a month!

Almost where the Weibei army passed, the northern prefectures and counties fell at the sight of the wind and did not dare to resist!

"The East and West Turks seem to have reached a secret agreement. Recently, they have adjusted their armaments, hundreds of thousands of cavalry, and the tiger sees the Central Plains..."

After reading the secret report from the military aircraft office, Liu Hao snorted coldly and threw the memorial in his hand on the table.

The dynasty did not use troops against Turks, but unexpectedly, Turks became more and more rampant, and there was a faint trend of invading customs.

This is also a perennial practice. The grassland is desert, the resources are scarce, and the Turkic national strength is becoming stronger and stronger. When winter comes, it is often necessary to invade the border and rob some cattle, sheep, food and women back to the grassland

Especially after the destruction of the Sui Dynasty, the situation was chaotic, the local princes fought disorderly, and the ambitions of those in power of the Turkic Empire expanded. They thought they had an opportunity to take advantage of it, so they were naturally ready to move.

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps outside the hall. Xiaoguizi hurried in and said, "Your Majesty, Mr. Fang and Mr. Du have been waiting outside the hall."

"Oh, two gentlemen, please come in."

"Xuanfang Xuanling and Du Ruhui meet ~ ~"

Xiao Guizi\'s Yin sharp and high pitched voice shook and spread far away. Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui walked through the white jade steps in front of the hall and entered the imperial study.

These two people were colleagues of Tiance mansion. When they entered the familiar palace together again, they were thinking differently.

The overthrow of power and the rise of the dynasty.

The young emperor sitting on the red gold dragon chair is more oppressive than Li Yuan.

"Sinners Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui, see your Majesty the holy emperor."

They threw their broad robes and sleeves and bowed down in front of the White Jade Terrace.

Liu Hao waved his hand and said calmly, "the two gentlemen have great talents in the world. I have heard for a long time that the fall of Li Tang is due to the general trend. The destiny is in the Han Dynasty. Why don\'t the two gentlemen become officials and become wives and children in the future, which is better than their unknown origin."

At this time, Liu Hao settled in Guanzhong and Megatron Guanzhong haovalve. The initiative has been completely controlled in his own hands. He directly threw out the olive branch. Smart people know what to do.

Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui were both extremely smart people. They also tacitly knelt down on the ground, bowed down and said, "the sinner thanks the grace of the holy emperor and is willing to be a small official under the holy emperor."

Ding Dong!

"Congratulations to the host, who dominates the world. Fang Xuanling is convinced and chooses to obey the big man. At present, his loyalty is 88 points and an additional reward worship value of 5000 points. Please let the host know!"

"Congratulations to the host. He has settled in Guanzhong and treated the people with mercy. Du Ruhui has respect and chose to obey the Great Han. At present, his loyalty is 88 points and an additional reward worship value of 5000 points. Please know!"

"Congratulations to the host, Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui, who have successfully inspired Fang\'s decisive achievements!"