The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2353


Not far away on the hillside.

Wang Meng looked down at the hillside and was shocked by the killing. The loser sneered: "the victory or defeat of this war has been divided, and Li Yuanji can\'t escape even if he cuts his wings. It is ordered that Yuwen Chengdu and Pei Yuanqing will kill right and left as soon as the gate of Tongguan is opened, regardless of everything, and enter Tongguan."


The royal guards of the military aircraft Department clung to each other and gave orders.


In the battlefield, human life is like grass mustard.

Li Yuanji\'s head is blank.

In the final analysis, he is somewhat brave, and his military talent can\'t be compared with Li Shimin.

At this time, hundreds of thousands of Tang troops were intercepted and killed. Even if Li Shimin was present, he was afraid that he could not turn the tide. Li Yuanji retreated towards the rear in a hurry like a lost dog.

"It\'s Li Yuanji wearing a gold helmet. Stop teaching and leave Li Yuanji!"

Yu Qilin and Lu Junyi wield a qilin gun. Their Qi is like smoke. They run through the sky and kill the Tang army. They are like tigers into sheep. They are really brave.

Li Yuanji used his own force to fight Yu Qilin. As a result, he received two knives. His shoulders and arms were weak, and he was shocked.

You can\'t beat it.

He immediately withdrew his sword and was defeated. Lu Junyi pursued him with great speed, and the Tang army fell to the ground one after another along the way.

This interception, ambush and killing is a one-sided crushing massacre.

Hundreds of thousands of Tang troops howled and screamed, of which 23 / 10 were buried in the unknown wilderness, 34 / 10 died of trampling on each other. Where else can there be resistance, or drop their weapons and kneel down, or flee in disorder everywhere

The scene was tragic and spectacular.

Li Yuanji will fight hard to block Yu Qilin with his flesh and blood. He flies all the way. He can see Tongguan outside, and the ground suddenly begins to shake.

Looking up, there were two Biao cavalry in the north and south directions.

Boom, boom!

The iron hoof fell like a Thor drum, splashing frenzied dust all over the sky, confusing the dark sky

At this time, the Deputy General of Tongguan was afraid of Li Yuanji\'s loss. He was opening the city gate to meet him out of the city. As a result, he ran into a fierce Han general.

The Han general, carrying a golden bell with Phoenix wings, galloped to his seat with a thousand mile yellow dragon horse. His momentum reached the peak. The essence and wolf smoke ran through his acupoints and orifices. It was like wolf smoke, shooting straight into the sky. Even the strong wind could not disperse. It was extremely powerful.

Kill! Kill!

Yuwen Chengdu flew into the city. The Phoenix wings flowed with gold and danced in a roll. He cut the guard of Tongguan in front of the city gate.

The Han army was riding wolves in heavy snow, howling and morale was like a rainbow.

Li Yuanji was stunned. He was desperate to escape into Tongguan. His back array was suddenly in chaos.

A white robed Silver Hammer general, fierce as a tiger, killed the Tang army. The Silver Hammer fell like thunder and came straight to Li Yuanji\'s head.

A hammer!

Li Yuanji had a horizontal knife. As a result, his arms clicked and his muscles trembled wildly, as if his bones had been cracked

Pei Yuanqing hammered Li Yuanji\'s horse with his right hand and smashed it into meat mud



At this time, Liu Hao is receiving the four spies of HuLong villa in Luoyang palace.

"Well done."

After hearing how Duan Tianya would sneak into the enemy\'s rear, how to behead Chaishao, break the Xuanjia horse, and capture Fang Xuanling alive, Liu Hao nodded to show his appreciation.

The world is dark and yellow, the four spies.

The abilities of these people are quite outstanding, which is equivalent to the super agents of a country in the future.

Complacent, Cheng rubbed his instant noodles head and said, "Your Majesty, should you reward the Yellow spy for making such a great contribution this time?"

"Another living treasure."

Liu Hao glanced at Cheng and was a little speechless.

After he was excavated by the Dragon protection villa, he practiced the Dragon diving skill, which stimulated the potential of the human body. He didn\'t know what kind of shit luck he had. He accidentally became the King Kong immortal skill of his Laozi\'s ancient three links

King Kong is not bad. It is enough to improve his strength by several grades. Even a first-class expert is afraid that it is difficult to break his divine Gang protection.

Duan Tianya glanced at Cheng\'s right and wrong and said solemnly: "asking for credit and reward is not something you should do. It\'s not a light crime to speak wildly in front of the holy emperor."

"Middle aged man..."

He muttered right and wrong and dared not say more.

Liu Hao smiled. The four spies of HuLong villa have strict rules, which is better than the royal guards.

"Bring Fang Xuanling in."


The royal guards came into the hall with a young scribe tied by a rope.

Although Fang Xuanling became a prisoner at the bottom of the stage, he still swaggered. Qingjun\'s face was neither humble nor arrogant, and calmly observed around.

Seeing Liu Hao, Fang Xuanling\'s pupils suddenly contracted and seemed to be stabbed by the brilliant and blazing sunlight. This emperor Shengwei, who slaughters the lives and deaths of hundreds of millions of people, is countless times stronger than the young Li Shimin


Liu Hao saw Fang Xuanling, who was a talented man, smiled and immediately made a parallel finger as a sword and played it. The nihility sword Qi pierced the void, and the rope on Fang Xuanling broke in response to the sound.

"I\'ve heard for a long time that Mr. Fang is a great talent in the world. He collaborated vertically and horizontally and provoked the northern princes to attack Guanzhong with millions of troops. As soon as I saw him today, there was no virtual scholar under his high reputation."

Fang Xuanling recognized Liu Hao\'s identity, but he was neither humble nor arrogant. He said, "Your Majesty is a hero in the world. Why do you dare not duel with some two armies in Guanzhong by such a dark means?"

Liu Hao said with a light smile: "in the world shaking battle in Guanzhong, millions of troops attacked and attacked, and blood flowed thousands of miles. Although Mr. Zhang is resourceful, he can\'t resist the iron and blood heroes of the dynasty. In order to avoid the threat to his life, I have to invite Mr. Zhang back first..."

At this time, Fang Xuanling was still too young. The two countries fought for comprehensive strength. Any conspiracy to assassinate was a part of it.

Fang Xuanling was also a smart man. Of course, he knew everything at once. He immediately bowed his head in silence and frowned slightly.

At this time, Cao Shaoqin suddenly rolled his cloak and hurried in from the door.

"Your Majesty, Tongguan good news!"

Cao Shaoqin\'s white eyebrows soared with joy and hugged his fist and said, "Wang JINGLUE used his arrogant tactics to lure and kill Li Yuanji outside Tongguan. General Yuwen Chengdu wolf rode through the city. Our army won the battle and beheaded more than 60000 Tang troops. Countless trampled on them, tens of thousands fled and knelt down... Tongguan has been taken!"


Fang Xuanling stood in the hall and listened to the military newspaper. She only heard her cold hair stand up and her scalp numb