The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2352

As soon as the voice fell, a scout Li Tang rushed into the tent and said, "good news! Tongguan urgent news!"

"Tell the king of Qin that before Tongguan, the king of Qi defeated the Han Army, won a series of battles, seized countless money, grain and baggage, and retreated ten miles away from the enemy..."


Li Shimin and Li Xiaogong took a cold breath and stood up, sweating profusely.

Sure enough, Li Jing didn\'t expect it!

The people in Tiance mansion in the account were also creepy, staring at Li Jing



Now that Hangu pass has fallen, Tongguan is the last barrier of Chang\'an in Guanzhong.

Li Yuanji, king of Qi, wearing a gold helmet and a gold armor, is patrolling the barracks.

Li Yuan, king of the Tang Dynasty, has four sons, of which the eldest son, Li Jiancheng, is a deep city government. He is crown prince of the Tang Dynasty and the first successor of Li valve.

Li Shimin, the second son, was good at running the army and leading the troops. He attacked cities and land without going to any disadvantage.

Li Yuanji is good at martial courage. Although his force cannot be compared with Li Yuanba, it is enough to be included in the top three among the Li valve.

The deputy general who followed Li Yuanji said with a smile: "it is said that King Zhao of the Western mansion is invincible, and the king of Qi is no less than to let him. The day before yesterday, he even broke the Han Army and seized countless money, grain and baggage. If your majesty knows the good news, he will reward the king of Qi."

Li Yuanji looked good and said with a smile, "my second brother often said that the Han army was powerful. In the view of King Gu, it was just that he was defeated by the Han Army and wanted face!"

The deputy general said, "the king of Qin was defeated by the Han Army, but the king of Qi won in a row. Needless to say, your Majesty\'s eyes are as sharp as a torch..."

Li Yuanji said with a smile, "it\'s a pity that he didn\'t kill the general of the Han Army, otherwise he would be proud."

He was talking and laughing with his generals when he heard the Scouts of the Tang army report: "king Qi, the Han army is coming to close the war again!"

Li Yuanji looked around, laughed and said, "after losing for several days in a row, do you dare to challenge?"

Li Yuanji took the generals of the Tang army to Tongguan. Looking down at a height of more than 20 feet, he just saw the Chinese army. There was a purple umbrella cover, which was very abrupt.

"Isn\'t this the honor guard of the Han Emperor? Today, the Han Emperor went out in person!"

Li Yuanji stared at the bottom of the city, his eyes lit up, and he smiled and said, "this is a gift from heaven, thanks to loneliness!"

Boom, boom!

In the big man array, the warrior with tiger back and bear waist, bare his arms, Qiu Jie\'s strong muscles like hard rocks, began to swing his hammer wildly and bang the battle drum.

A majestic and burly general was killed from the Han Army array like flying.

Cheng Yaojin, holding Tiangang Disha double axes, bravely killed under Tongguan and shouted outside the range of the archers: "Li Yuanji, you little bastard, dog bastard, hurry down to see Grandpa, or you\'ll be a shrinking turtle without eggs..."

Cheng Yaojin is a mountain bandit. His martial arts may not be the best in the world, but his ability to swear is definitely a master\'s level.

This disorderly scolding made Li Yuanji, king of Qi at the head of the city, jump with green tendons in front of his forehead.

The garrison general of Tang Dynasty on the edge is also the itchy tooth of Qi hate - Cheng Yaojin scolds too badly!

What turtle son.

What kind of goods without eggs

Li Yuanji, who was also born in a noble family, has always been privileged. Where did he receive such an insult.

Standing at the head of the city, he immediately ran away angrily and shouted, "if you don\'t kill the thief today, you will swear not to be a man!"

Speaking of this, the Wanjin gate of Tongguan was raised abruptly, the city gate was opened, and Li Yuanji led 80000 Tang troops out of the city with a purple gold helmet and a tiger head gold armor.

"I have the seed to fight 300 rounds with your grandpa!"

"Afraid of you!"

Cheng Yaojin and Li Yuanji go out to fight, and the smoke and dust are billowing.

The two sides fought for 30 rounds. Cheng Yaojin pretended that he didn\'t have enough strength and pulled his horse back.

As soon as Cheng Yaojin retreated, the Han army lost its armor and abandoned its armor, just like a few days ago. The former army became a rear array, and a swarm of bees retreated back

"The black man is also a reckless man who is useless. Kill him today and let the world know that Li valve\'s God of war is not only Li Yuanba, but also me Li Yuanji!"

At this time, Li Yuanji had expanded to the limit, raised the gold knife in his hand, and roared: "all the generals will listen to the order, follow the solitary King forward and break through the enemy camp!"




At the command of the commander-in-chief, Tang junbing generals began to follow closely behind him and rush towards the front.

When the front of the army is facing, the sound of killing is shaking the sky.

However, a magical thing happened. No matter how Li Yuanji drove and killed, the marching speed of the Han army was always faster than them.

Tang Jun tried his best to catch up. Finally, he could only eat ash behind the ass of the Han Army


Just when Li Yuanji\'s liver was in pain, a scout from the Front Army rode a horse and galloped forward. He shouted in a hurry: "king Qi, the Han Army turned into the front Valley and disappeared... Please make a decision quickly, whether to advance or retreat!"

"Damn it!"

Li Yuanji is stupid.

At this time, he had gone out of the city and chased for miles. As a result, he didn\'t even take advantage of Mao\'s advantage. Instead, he ate a mouthful of ash

If you don\'t pursue, won\'t all your previous efforts be wasted?

As Li Yuanji advanced and retreated, a bleak and deadly horn came from the distance!

"The Great Han Yang Yanzhao is here, and Li Yuanji gets off his horse and dies!"

"The great man Lu Junyi is here, and Li Yuanji gets off his horse and dies!"

Behind the mountain in front, two young tiger men and horses were suddenly killed from left to right.

The first two Han generals, both of whom were strong and powerful, didn\'t say much. Taking advantage of the lack of rotation of the front and back of the Tang army, they led the tiger Ben fierce soldiers of the Han Army and ruthlessly chiseled into the Tang army array.

Both Yang Yanzhao and Lu Junyi had the courage of thousands of people. They broke out. Their long guns danced like dragons and constantly killed the soldiers of the Tang army. In an instant, a gap was cut in the left and right wings of the Tang army.

"Go! Go!"

Li Yuanji\'s dead soul took a big risk. At this time, his mind was awake.

Winning for days has inflated his mind and made him a little elated, but at this time, he has been arrogant and fell into the encirclement and killing trap of the Han army. He is also in chaos and desperately commands the army to close the formation, fight and retreat