The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2346

Liu Hao put down the file in his hand, moved his mind, the communication system, and called out Fang Xuanling\'s attribute panel.

Fang Xuanling, counselor of Tiance mansion - force 63, intelligence 97, politics 96, command 88, talent 94!

Stunt 1, deep planning: devise strategies and determine the power of the country!

Fang Xuanling has worldly talents. When he can be reused, intelligence + 2, politics + 2 and Command + 2!

Stunt 2, virtuous phase: Fang Xuanling is devoted to serving the country and doing everything he knows. He is the virtuous phase of governing the world!

With his loyalty and assistance, the intelligence of the Lord and his ministers + 2 and politics + 2!

Promotion: [when the host gathers together Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui, the achievement of "Fang cunduduan" will be triggered and additional attribute bonus will be obtained. Please let the host know!]

"It\'s really powerful."

Liu Hao pinched his eyebrows and said, "old manager."

"The old slave is here. What\'s your Majesty\'s order?"

Cao Zhengchun quickly bowed and asked.

Liu Hao said, "go and pass on Duan Tianya."

Not long after Cao Zhengchun quit, Duan Tianya looked cold and solemn. He hurried in from the door. He knelt down on one knee in front of the imperial case for more than ten steps, hugged his fist with a bang, and said respectfully, "Your Majesty has called Wei minister. What\'s your order?"

Liu Hao tapped his finger on the table and asked, "this time, we want all the four spies of heaven, earth, Xuan and Huang in HuLong villa to go out. Be sure to bring Fang Xuanling alive to see me..."

"My Lord, yes!"

Duan Tianya took the order.

Fang Xuanling is a wise and resourceful man. He can be called a national scholar. He is far above Feng Deyi and Liu Wenjing, the master of Li valve. He naturally wants to hold this trump card when he has the opportunity.

After ordering Duan Tianya, Liu Hao opened the system panel again and began to check the situation of the Guanzhong war.

At this time, Shan xiongxin\'s army had reached Hangu pass.

Hangu pass in this world is majestic and towering. It is surrounded by mountains on three sides. It is also a powerful pass in the world. It is really an easy to defend and difficult to attack place.

General Li Shentong was ordered to garrison here.

This man is Li Yuan\'s brother. His martial arts rank among the top three among the Li valve. He is smart and capable. He plays a very important role in the process of attacking the strategic pass. He is relied on by Li Yuan as his right hand.

At the head of the city, the flag of Li valve fluttered in the wind and hunting sounded. Li Shentong stood at the head of Hangu pass, looking into the distance with a dignified look.

"Li Shuai, Hangu pass is a great pass in the world. Our army is well equipped. If the Han Army dares to attack the city, it\'s just looking for its own death..."

Deputy General Li Gang said with a fist. He was born in Guanzhong sword sect. When the world was in chaos, he hugged Li valve\'s thigh in advance.

Li Shentong sighed: "I\'ve lived most of my life and haven\'t seen such powerful people as the Great Han Shenghuang. It\'s true that I can\'t help it."

In fact, the rise of the Han Dynasty was just a year and a half.

From the beginning of flattening Bashu, subduing the song valve in Lingnan, annihilating the 400000 troops of Xiao milling in Nanliang, and moving north again, killing three heroes in one plan, killing thousands of miles of blood in Luoyang.

Later, at the meeting of the princes of Siming Mountain, Liu Hao\'s Purple Gold gun Dragon Robe floated above the princes, and the heroes of the world trembled.

Li Shentong thought of the young emperor Yingwu he saw in the meeting place of the princes that day, and a shadow appeared in his heart

The counselor on the side said with a smile: "Li Shuai, don\'t worry about it. Now I\'ve sent a scholar who can distinguish between words to unite with Dou Jiande of Hebei, Liu Wuzhou of Shanyang and hundreds of thousands of troops in the north to kill and rush to Guanzhong. With millions of people and Xiongguan as the support, I\'ve been in an invincible position..."

"I hope so."

Li Shentong sighed with regret and ordered: "it is said that the commander-in-chief\'s military order is that the three armed forces will firmly guard the pass and wait for the imperial court\'s reinforcements. Who dares to neglect, the military law will deal with it."

"Last general, yes!"

There was a solemn response at the head of the city.


The night is getting deeper and deeper.

There was silence under Hangu pass.

Pine oil torches were burning at the head of the city.

General Li TangBing, who guarded the city, was in a tight spirit and did not dare to relax for a moment.

Suddenly, between the mountains and forests in the distance, there were bursts of strange noises. A Li Tang soldier guarding the city rubbed his eyes, looked at the boundless night, lost his voice and screamed.

All the soldiers in the city woke up and looked around the battlements.

In the lush ancient forest under the city, there are countless wooden cattle and horses, carrying a magnificent mountain beast, slowly moving towards Hangu pass.


All the soldiers in Guancheng took a breath and looked at the city from head to foot.

When the ancient city got closer, I found that it was covered with iron sheet. In fact, it was built of countless bamboos. It was more than 20 feet high. It looked like a prehistoric beast, advancing towards Hangu pass with great pressure.

"What on earth is this? Why does the wooden ox Trojan horse move? Is it difficult... Is it ghost soldiers attacking the city?"

"No! There\'s a ghost!"

"It\'s terrible that the Han army can send ghost soldiers to attack the city!"

"Hurry... Inform the Lord!"

The talk of ghosts and gods prevailed in the world. The soldiers guarding the city saw such a scene. They thought it was ghost soldiers who attacked the city. They were not lightly frightened. Those with a little courage directly sat down on the ground, and others fainted. Many soldiers guarding the city who feared ghosts and gods fell on their knees, read words in the air and began to pray piously

I don\'t know what they are reading. Shan xiongxin has led the crowd to climb the cloud tower.

The big man Huben\'s fierce soldier, wearing light armor, followed Shan xiongxin\'s back. His movements were as light as an old ape, and he climbed to the top of the cloud building in two or three times.

Shan xiongxin stepped on the top of the cloud tower and roared: "Your Majesty, the holy emperor, treat someone like a national soldier, how can you not repay him with death!? tonight, he will take down Hangu pass and present it to his majesty. The big man Huben will kill him with him!"

"Big Han Huben, step on Xiongguan!"

"Big Han Huben, step on Xiongguan!"


On the cloud building, there was a roar of mountains and tsunami.

The big Han Huben was a fierce soldier, holding a knife and gun. He closely followed Shan xiongxin and flew vertically above Shangguan city.


Li Gang, the fierce general in Guancheng, was about to crack his eyes. With a roar, he raised his long gun and led troops to kill Shan xiongxin.

"Go to hell!"

Shan xiongxin pushed his horse sideways and swept ahead. Then he broke Li Gang\'s long gun.

The strength of Qi surged wildly. The violent strength of Qi burst like a mountain flood. Li Gang\'s body seemed to be a kite with a broken line. He flew back more than ten meters towards the rear and bumped into the crowd. The corners of his mouth bled and died