The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2345

The Han Dynasty vowed to send troops to Luoyang City to conquer the world.

Princes from all over the north have received news one after another. They are also people who are in danger and have little courage. They are even more anxious to sleep and eat. They dream that the imperial army will be killed in front of them and are in constant panic

Chang\'an Lee valve is also a floating heart.

Li Shimin, the king of Qin, confidently led the general of Tiance mansion and the Xuanjia cavalry, the king of Li valve, to participate in the alliance of princes. As a result, he didn\'t take any advantage. Instead, he broke the invincible King Li Yuanba of the West mansion, vomited blood and fled

Not to mention the loss of the Buddhist forces behind Li valve, it is almost as bad as holding back internal injuries.

Li Yuan, king of the Tang Dynasty, has lost a lot of his hair these days. When he went to the court today, he was very depressed and asked, "this is the end of the matter. Dear Aiqing, do you have any plans to resist the enemy?"

Above the hall, there was a dead silence.

Liu Wenjing, a counselor of Li Tang, stood out and offered advice with a pale face: "at this moment, it\'s better to send a proposal and a letter and try to get married with the emperor of Han Dynasty?"

"Princess Xiuning is beautiful. If she marries into the Han Dynasty and makes the Han Emperor satisfied, she will certainly ease the relationship between the two families and win enough time for Guanzhong to develop..."

"That\'s a good plan..."

Above the court hall, Li Tang counselor Feng Deyi has begun to offer beauty tricks.

Li Yuan turned black, waved his hand and said, "is there any other way?"

At least he is the head of a country. He will send his daughter and relatives when he meets this. Where can he live?

However, in the current situation, the Han Dynasty is just like the middle of the sun, with strong troops. Even Liu Wenjing and Feng Deyi, who have always been resourceful, frown and have nothing to do.

Can you fight?

Li Shimin is already the most capable of fighting among the Li valve. The Xuanjia heavy cavalry swept through Guanzhong and hardly met any opponents.

Didn\'t you break the halberd and sink the sand at the princes\' meeting?

Li Yuan looked around the court hall. There were a large number of civil servants and counselors. They were all silent. They looked vaguely afraid. They couldn\'t help but sigh:

"It\'s a pity that my son Yuanba, who is not brave enough, is caught in an enemy!"

A fierce guy like Li Yuanba is really invincible. Although Li Yuan doesn\'t like this son, he also regards him as the killer mace of Li valve.

Hearing Li Yuan\'s exclamation, Prince Li Jiancheng, who had just deployed Hanzhong strategy from Chencang, walked out of the column, bowed his hands and said, "please learn from your father. The fourth brother is brave and is the God of war of our Dynasty. Today, he fell into the enemy. The second brother is afraid of the enemy and avoids the war. That\'s the bad result. My son\'s ministers sincerely ask your father to punish the second brother, otherwise I\'m afraid it\'s difficult to convince the public!"

Born in the imperial family, there was no friendship between his brothers. Li Shimin showed his sharpness on weekdays. Now Li Jiancheng took the opportunity to jump out and fall into the well.

This is Li Yuan\'s family business. Li Tang\'s ministers bowed their heads and said nothing. No one dared to speak loudly.

Li Yuan nodded and said, "the people of the world are to blame for this defeat. However, at present, the enemy is big. Don\'t punish it for the time being. When the strong enemy is defeated, it\'s not too late... When it\'s completed, you step back."

Li Jiancheng was worried. He wanted to chase Li Shimin into the pit and force him to hand over his military power. However, he bowed down when he came into contact with Li Yuan\'s fierce and focused eyes.

Knowing his son Mo ruo\'s father, Li Yuan seems to be low-key and tolerant. In fact, he is the leader of the world. The city government is very deep. He deliberately supports Li Jiancheng\'s Changlin house and Li Shimin\'s Tiance house in order to create a balance.

Li Shimin also came out of the column, knelt down in front of the White Jade Terrace and kowtowed his head: "my son, thank you for your father\'s forgiveness. I will kill the enemy for your father!"

"You should step down, too."

Li Yuan waved his hand and said.

Just when there was a dead silence in the hall, a burst of clear laughter came from the crowd of Tiance mansion.

People looked at it. It turned out that he was a young scribe, caressing his hands and laughing.

Feng Deyi was displeased and said, "who are you? Why are you laughing? I don\'t know if this is a solemn hall?"

"Wei Chen, Fang Xuanling of Tiance mansion."

The young scribe stepped out of the line, arched his hands to the people in the hall and said, "today, the Han army came to attack Guanzhong. Weichen has a plan to retreat from the enemy."

Li Yuan\'s eyes brightened, his back straightened, and asked, "Aiqing has any good plan, but it doesn\'t hurt to say."

Fang Xuanling said in a loud voice: "The emperor of the Han Dynasty swept Siming Mountain and shocked the princes. There are countless heroes in the world who fear the Han Dynasty. Today, the Han army is going to war with our Dynasty. Your majesty only needs to send a eloquent man to lobby Dou Jiande, the Xia king of Hebei, and Liu Wuzhou, the king of Shanyang, to send troops to help, so as to defend the powerful pass and resist the strong enemy with millions of people in the pass, so as to be invincible..."

These words made Li Yuan\'s mind move. Li Tang\'s ministers in the hall also fell into meditation and thought about the feasibility of the plan.

After half a ring, all the talents cast awe inspiring eyes on Fang Xuanling. Li Yuan was overjoyed, patted his forehead and said, "what do you think?"

Liu Wenjing and Feng Deyi both arched their hands and said, "Fang Xuanling has great talents in ancient times. This plan is wonderful. Please make a decision!"

"Fang Xuanling!"

"Wei Chen is here!"

Li Yuan said solemnly, "I sent you as an emissary. With my own handwriting, I galloped into Hebei to lobby Xia King Dou Jiande and Shanyang King Liu Wuzhou. This matter can only succeed, not fail!"

Fang Xuanling brushed his broad sleeves on both sides, bowed down and said, "minister, take orders!"



The preparation of the Han Dynasty\'s army has entered the final stage.

Liu Hao was reviewing the military newspaper submitted by the military aircraft office before the case. He looked a little surprised: "Li valve sent Xuanling to persuade Dou Jiande and Liu Wuzhou to reach an alliance..."

Cao Zhengchun, the old manager before the case was filed, was worried and said: "Your Majesty, in this way, the north is connected, and millions of troops lie in front, which may be greatly detrimental to our army\'s attack on Guanzhong..."

Dou Jiande, king of Xia, and Liu Wuzhou, king of Shanyang, are also powerful princes in the north. At least hundreds of thousands of arrogant soldiers and valiant generals are in their hands.

If the three princes work together, not to mention millions of troops, the whole 700000 troops in the north will gather in Guanzhong to snipe Liu Hao and settle in Guanzhong.

"In troubled times, a national scholar is born. With the power of one person, he can walk vertically and horizontally and unite millions of troops..."

Liu Hao sighed, "what a Xuanling!"