The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2320


"The patron King arrived!"

"The patron King arrived!"

Outside the meeting place of the vassal alliance, a cry came suddenly.

I saw a mighty old man with gray hair and white head, dressed in heavy armor and holding two prisoner dragon sticks, and stepped into the League scene.

Yang Lin is nine feet tall and has a broad face. He has these two yellow eyebrows and looks forward to them, showing a proud attitude towards the heroes.

Yang Lin, the patron king, was one of the nine founding fathers of the Sui Dynasty. He had two water and fire bars to destroy the country and destroy the city. It was as simple as eating and drinking water. Later, Yang Jian was appointed the patron king.

This is an unparalleled fierce man in the same era as Yang Jian. He has been dormant for so many years. When he came out of the mountain today, he was indeed magnificent and awed the heroes.

Behind Yang Lin, there were thirteen Taibao, all of whom were strong and powerful men with thick waist and round arms. They lined up and hugged the patron king, and directly boarded the princes Yuntai, which belonged to the patron king of Qingzhou.

"The dead bones in the tomb dare to dominate. Today, there is a king to kill you, such as slaughtering dogs."

The patron Wang looked sideways at the scene, and his thick yellow eyebrows like a knife suddenly raised, killing the sky.


The arrival of Yang Lin shocked the princes present, and there was an uproar on the field.

He sat there without saying a word with the prison dragon stick, but everyone could see that the patron king was adjusting the Qi machine.

There is a wolf smoke of essence, which rushes like a dragon from his acupoints.

When that pair of prisoner dragon sticks were shot, they must have killed a river of blood and shocked the world.

Luo Cheng and Shan xiongxin were full of fighting spirit in their eyes.

They have no intention to compete for hegemony. They only participate in this meeting of princes in order to meet the heroes of the world for a while.

Of course, some princes are more leisurely.

For example, Du Fuwei made a secret agreement with Liu Haoda. At this time, he held the mentality of "focusing on participation", held his shoulders and became a spectator. Whatever you do, Lao Tzu, the king of heaven, came to the scene, applauded and won\'t come to an end.

Today\'s martial arts stage gathers heroes from all over the world. In fact, it is very dangerous.

A bad one may run into such a peerless murderer as the patron king. He doesn\'t even know how to die.

And Li Shimin, king of Qin of Li valve.

Li valve entered the venue of the vassal League meeting in a low-key way early this morning.

Li Er stood on the high platform of the princes, held the railing, looked at the field from a distance, and sighed with regret: "it\'s a pity that neither Luo Cheng nor Shan xiongxin can be used by me!"

"The Lord is thirsty for talents. He is the one who has achieved great things."

The chief planner sun Wuji put his hands in his sleeves and said with a smile, "when the Lord shocks the princes, they should know who is the real dragon that is expected to win the world. They will come together at that time."

All the people in Tiance mansion, also Qi Zhizhu, said: "the Lord is the right man favored by Cihang Jingzhai. After today\'s prestige, heroes all over the world will join in one after another if they know the current affairs."

"I hope so..."

Li Er felt the worship of the people in Tiance mansion. He was very useful. Suddenly his eyes lit up and said, "the emperor of Han is coming."

"The holy emperor arrives!"

In the distance, a eunuch\'s Yin sharp voice sounded, the dragon horse hissed, and the Heavenly Emperor\'s car drove to.

Then there was the sound of an iron armor landing. The Longxiang camp forbidden guards and royal guards who maintained order at the League meeting pushed Jinshan and fell down on one knee, made a devout military salute and shouted:

"Long live the holy emperor, long live your majesty!"

"Long live the holy emperor, long live your majesty!"

This momentum is magnificent and stirring.

Li Er, Yang Lin, Du Fuwei, Li Zitong and other princes in the Hall fell at the door with unspeakable envy, awe and jealousy

Compared with those princes who want to break their scalp and win the championship in martial arts, Liu Hao can be said to be leisurely.

After seeing Shan Bingbing last night, Liu Hao went back to the bedroom of Sifang city and hugged the great beauties Shang Xiufang and Dong Shuni. He had a romantic night and had a few plum blossoms. Almost the king didn\'t come early

Because of the Yellow Emperor\'s Internal Canon, Liu Hao was in high spirits. When his eyes swept, the purple and golden light flashed. Instead, he felt like a tiger looking at Long Gu. The princes in the League also bowed their heads and dared not look at Liu Hao.

Only Yang Lin, the patron king, showed a look of remembrance and sadness in his tiger eyes:

At the beginning, Yang Jian, the founding emperor of the Sui Dynasty, looked up at the heroes and swept all the countries. He vaguely had the spirit of Liu Hao.

Liu Hao\'s powerful personal spirit, but even the patron king can\'t feel the depth, far above the original Yang Jian.

"Big husband, when so!"

Li Er murmured a sentence in his mouth, and his eyes flashed away. He sat down again and calmed down.

"All flat..."

Liu Haolong, surrounded by a group of Han officials and generals, walked towards the middle of the Han Emperor\'s platform.

On the way, Shan xiongxin\'s tiger eyes coagulated and couldn\'t help shouting, "Bingbing, why are you here?"


Shan Bingbing made a face at his brother, waved his small fist and said, "I\'m an iron horse double gun female general of the Han Tianfeng army now."


Shan xiongxin was slightly stunned. He immediately came up and said with a bitter face: "aunt, you\'ve been running out for a few days, and there\'s no news at all. The people in Erxian village have broken their legs, and the second brother\'s hair has been worried..."

Liu Hao couldn\'t help laughing.

Although Shan xiongxinchang\'s five big and three thick looks are ferocious, he is actually a brother who loves his sister.

His concern for Shan Bingbing is sincere, but it\'s not pretended.

"Thank you, your majesty, for taking care of my sister. She is stubborn. Please bear with her..."

Seeing his younger sister alive and kicking, Shan xiongxin finally relieved himself and saluted Liu Hao with a respectful look.

"What\'s the..."

Liu Hao picked up Shan xiongxin and said with a smile: "Bingbing girl is the tiger girl of the gate. I have heard a lot about the reputation of villa leader Shan. Today, I finally have the opportunity to have a chat with Villa leader Shan..."

The scene of the two people having fun with each other fell into Li Er\'s eyes. Li Er\'s angry teeth itched!

This is so special!

Last night, he was polite and courteous. Shan xiongxin smelled a face and was ungrateful.

I met Liu Hao today and took the initiative to send it up. It looks like I admire and worship. It\'s too shocking