The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2319

Lee two, this is to take advantage of the awesome alliance, to gather together to win the battle.

Liu Hao played the rest of this routine.

But apart from others, Li Er\'s vision must be excellent. Luo Cheng and Shan xiongxin are all heroes of the Sui and Tang Dynasties.

Li Er was surrounded by a group of talented people from Tiance mansion who were helping him.

Liu Hao waved his hand and said, "send someone to watch Li Er and contact anyone. The military aircraft Department has made a list, which will be useful in the future."

"Yes, sir!"

Mei Changsu arched her hands and stepped back.

Dugu Feng followed Liu Hao out of the car and followed Liu Hao step by step. Suddenly, he heard a very clear sound of Feng Ming in his ear.

"Then... What\'s that?"

Seeing a red figure in the air, Dugu Feng\'s eyes widened and filled with wonder.

Zhu Fengniao flew through the air and finally stopped steadily in front of Liu Hao.


As soon as Liu Jian floated, he swept down from the bird\'s back and jumped into Liu Hao\'s arms, hanging on Liu Hao like a koala.

"You girl."

Liu Hao spoiled Liu Jian\'s hair and said with a smile, "where are you going if you don\'t go to Jiangnan with cicada?"

Hee hee!

Liu\'s clear big eyes smiled into two curved moons and said, "father, this time people have met a good friend."

Liu Hao turned his eyes and found a beautiful girl sitting on Zhu Fengniao\'s back.

The girl is only in her teens. She is wearing a red skirt. Her skin looks more white and tender against the background. Qiong has a very upturned nose and willow eyebrows and apricot eyes. She is a rare beauty.

"Bingbing, this is my father and emperor, and also the great enemy of Li valve"

Liu Peng took Liu Hao\'s clothes and said proudly.

Ding Dong!

Congratulations to the host, Tiandi Longtong\'s hope Qi technique, used successfully!

Iron horse double gun single ice - force 82, intelligence 73, politics 45, command 71, charm 98!

Stunt 1, heroic; Shan Bingbing is Shan xiongxin\'s sister of Erxian villa. She is heroic and dry. When she first met, her liking was + 20!

Stunt 2, double guns: Shan Bingbing has excellent martial arts and is a rare female hero.

Its force + 2!

"It was Shan xiongxin\'s sister..."

As soon as Liu Hao\'s eyes turned, he immediately knew.

Erxian village is the leader of the thieves on the green forest road in the north. Shan Xiong\'s faith and prestige shocked the North Wulin. It is not a false name among the heroes of the Sui and Tang Dynasties.

However, the trend of the story of integrating the world has been disrupted by Liu Hao to some extent.

Yuwen Chengdu, Qin Qiong and Cheng Yaojin were summoned by Liu Hao in advance. Wagang stronghold and Yuwen valve fell and perished.

Shan xiongxin is now the leader of Erxian village, not the general of Wagang stronghold, and has nothing to do with Wang Shichong.

"Minnv Shan Bingbing, meet your Majesty the holy emperor."

Shan Bingbing also jumped down from the bird\'s back, landed lightly, bowed to Liu Hao, and a pair of beautiful eyes whirled around Liu Hao curiously.

"Get up."

Liu Hao waved his hand and motioned Shan Bingbing to get up and search for information about the relationship between Shan xiongxin and Li valve. He felt a little moved in his heart:

It can be said that this single family has a long-standing feud with Li valve.

At the beginning, Shan Deng, the ancestor of the Shan family, was a general under the Yuwen family of the Northern Zhou Dynasty and worshipped the general protecting the country. Later, Yang Jian rose and Shan Deng was defeated in the hands of Li Yuan.

If that\'s all, then it\'s okay. Later, the Shan family took root in Shanxi, and Li Yuan was designated as Taiyuan garrison. On his way to office, he mistakenly recognized Shan xiongxin\'s father as a thief and killed him with an arrow

"It\'s NIMA\'s. I\'m afraid Shan xiongxin owed money to Li valve in his last life? His ancestors died in the hands of Li Yuan for several generations... No wonder he gave up fighting against Li valve and would rather die than surrender."

Liu Hao understood the whole story and smiled in his heart.

Li Er is young after all. He doesn\'t understand the old grievances between the two families. He also wants to attract Shan xiongxin. Now it seems that Shan xiongxin has restrained himself from killing people on the spot.

"I\'ve heard that Shan xiongxin is a hero among people. I\'ve heard it for a long time. Unfortunately, it\'s Qiang. I don\'t know whether Bingbing girl can introduce me?"

Digging up the corner of Li Er, Liu Hao had no psychological burden.

"My brother has admired his majesty for a long time. If he has the opportunity, he will come to see his majesty."

Shan Bingzhen nodded, also knowing the weight, and said softly.

"It\'s getting late, so let\'s stay in the palace, Bingbing girl. Ah Tan has no friends on weekdays. It\'s rare to know you..."

Liu Hao smiled and handed Shan Bingbing to Liu Jian.

It seems that the policy of stocking daughters is also right.

Liu Jian himself has great luck, which is more exaggerated than Cheng Yaojin\'s lucky general attribute. As soon as he turned around, he came to Shan xiongxin\'s sister


At the end of the night.

At the foot of Siming Mountain, on the martial arts stage, the drums shook the sky.

All the princes built high platforms, in which there was an incomparably wide open space, which was the highlight of this vassal alliance meeting.

Win the first prize in martial arts.

If it doesn\'t make sense, return to the most primitive and direct way.

Listen to whoever has a big fist.

On such a big day, the princes stayed up almost all night. They gathered their counselors and generals and discussed their martial arts strategies all night.

Li Zitong, with a solemn look under his black eyes, said, "I heard that the king of Xiangzhou talked about the holy hand. The Grand Marshal of the army and horses, xiongkuohai, has the power of dragons and tigers in his arms. Tianxi, you should be careful."

Wu Tianxi has a red face and a yellow beard. He has the courage of thousands of men. He is worshipped by Li Zitong as a general.

Hearing Li Zitong\'s worry, Wu Tianxi laughed and said with a gilded bell, "the king is worried too much. Whoever dares to stop me today will kill me!"


Gao Tan Sheng is also nervous.

"Today\'s martial arts show is related to the king\'s position among the princes in the world. We must not lose anything."

"Who dares to stop the purple faced king from ascending the throne?"

"It\'s hard to say. This time the princes gathered, and there were countless fierce people."

Xiongkuohai held a Xuanhua axe in his hand, and his energy surged between the holes. He also laughed loudly: "be afraid of an egg! Chop one to death, and kill all ten thousand!"