The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2313

Liu Hao\'s presence immediately became the focus of attention, officially pushing the atmosphere in the meeting to a high point.

Princes everywhere are talking about Liu Hao\'s presence. Some speculate about Liu Hao\'s age, some speculate about Liu Hao\'s accomplishments, and more are secretly awe inspiring

However, at this time, Liu Hao frowned.

At this time, at the foot of Siming Mountain, a group of people dressed in alien clothes suddenly appeared and hugged the door of the league.

These people looked vigorous one by one. An old man headed by him, with a majestic body and carrying his hands, came in. His eyes were like eagles and falcons. He was unusually sharp. When he scanned the field, he had the spirit of looking down at the heroes and giving up his own.

"I\'ve long heard that the emperor of the Han Dynasty has widely posted heroic posts. I\'m tiele quao. Come uninvited. Please don\'t blame me."

The eagle eyed old man wanted to show off his skills, so he roared at the door, his voice was powerful and stirring, and spread far away in the field.

"Master tieler, flying eagle, Qu Ao!"

"The hero of the grassland has come to join the fun and participate in the Marquis League meeting!"

"This man looks ambitious!"

"If the three great masters don\'t come out, the tiele flying eagle is vertical and horizontal without taboo. Does it deceive me that there is no one in the Central Plains!?"

On the stage of the princes in the League venue, there was a sudden clamor, and the crowd was excited.

The alliance of the princes of the Central Plains, the tiele alien master, all came to join the fun, didn\'t they slap their faces?

Without Liu Hao\'s consent, Qu Ao led the alien warriors behind him and rushed directly to the League venue.

I only heard a sneer from the Han Emperor\'s stage in the League meeting: "even the barbarians dare to act wildly in the Central Plains and be killed!"

As soon as the word was uttered, the voice stirred and spread, and the void was silent.

Everyone was shocked and quickly used their skills to resist. Just a light drink made people bend their knees and admire.

"What a big breath!"

Tieler Feiying Qu Ao laughed wildly: "when I fought with Wu Zun Bi Xuan, you yellow mouth boy, I\'m afraid you haven\'t been born. Today, there are hundreds of thousands of tieler cavalry. Can\'t you sit in this seat!?"

"Follow the emperor\'s order and kill the barbarians. You\'ll die!"

Not far away, suddenly a ghostly figure swept out, followed by the overlapping Dao gang.


The long Sabre cuts through the void, and the sound of dragon chanting surges. The sabre Qi is like a violent River tide rolling back towards Qu Ao.

What a powerful swordsman!

Qu Ao\'s expression changed abruptly. His feet stepped heavily on the ground, and an air wave poured out. The people on the side were inevitably forced to step back for several steps. However, he saw that he had shown a momentum of soaring to the sky, and he was really like an eagle flying on the grassland. His hands were like eagle claws, grasping the amazing blade.

"Then cut off your bird\'s claws!"

There was a long roar in the air, and the knife Gang turned into a blazing boiling sun and fell on the earth inch by inch.

The bright golden awn is everywhere. When he is under the knife, he can\'t hide. Qu Ao feels the unique meaning of the knife, and a cold sweat has fallen on his forehead.


It\'s horrible!

Only those who face this knife can realize the horror of heaven\'s will like a knife.

"Tiandao! You are Tiandao!"

Qu Ao screamed, his face as ferocious as crazy.

All the princes in the venue were shocked when they heard the sound of Tiandao, but at this time, the venue changed sharply.

When Qu Ao was chased and killed by Tiandao Jue, he finally used his kung fu to press the bottom of the box:

"Look, I\'ll break your sky knife with flying eagle thirteen moves!"

His flying eagle thirteen movements are the peerless martial arts that have been tempered for thousands of years. They are also the foundation of Qu Ao\'s great master.

At the extreme, people couldn\'t see his body clearly. They only heard the fierce voice of eagles in the air. The Qi strength around him was as cold and sharp as the vigorous wind at the top of the West barren lonely peak.

It also makes people have no doubt that if this turbulent Qi touches people at all, the unlucky guy will end up with broken bones and muscles.

At the beginning of the meeting, it was the confluence of masters, which made people addicted.

Many princes have stood up, holding the railing on the edge of the platform and watching the battle closely. Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling, with their eyes on the two people fighting in the field, exclaimed repeatedly:

"I\'m a good boy! Lingshao, this eagle has a proud nose and can compete with Tiandao song que!"

Xu Ziling frowned and said, "that\'s not necessarily true. I think Qu Ao is not the opponent of Tiandao."

Du Fuwei snorted: "the prestige of the Heavenly Sword is never under the three great masters. I think this tiele bastard can\'t support a few knives, so I\'ll give the head..."

Before the words fell, the sword Qi in the air suddenly soared, like the Milky Way hanging upside down on the earth, killing the flying eagle in the air.

Qu Ao parried with his cross arm. As a result, the overbearing sword Qi directly cut off his arms. The blade turned and didn\'t give Qu Ao any chance. Tiandao killed him and split the air, splitting Qu Ao into two pieces.

There was a blood rain falling in the air. The tieler warriors brought by Qu Ao were almost staring out of their eyes, with their mouths open and shouting

This was a decisive battle between the masters. It was extremely fierce and quickly divided the victory and defeat.

All the princes in the hall looked dignified.

It\'s like killing a dog to kill the master under the Heavenly Sword!

If this knife kills you, how can you resist it!?

Kou Zhong was stunned and murmured, "if I had such Sabre skills, wouldn\'t I be invincible in heaven and earth?"

Xu Ziling shook his head and sighed, "Tiandao song Ke was recognized as the No. 1 swordsman in the world thirty years ago. If you want to catch up with Tiandao, you\'re afraid it\'s very difficult."

Du Fuwei glanced askance and sneered: "just you stupid boy, you also want to catch up with the cultivation of Tiandao. It\'s a fool\'s dream!"

At first there was silence, then the atmosphere exploded, and the princes applauded.

In the final analysis, this is the alliance of the princes of the Central Plains. It talks about the major events of the princes of the Central Plains. No matter how the princes fight, they always respect the Han people in the end.

Qu Ao maintained his cultivation. Seeing the chaos in the Central Plains, he wanted to step into the Central Plains and reap benefits. He broke the rules of the game and made a big taboo.

The man who made the rules of the game still sat high on the stage of the middle Han Emperor, looked indifferent, and didn\'t make any waves because of Qu Ao\'s death