The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2312

Liu Hao raised his hand, pressed it with emptiness, shook his head and said, "this is not the time to start. I use Wang Dao to control the world. No matter how evil Li Shimin is, he will never turn over any waves."

This is Liu Hao\'s confidence and the absolute confidence of the emperor of the dynasty.

Although Li Shimin is a monster, he still doesn\'t see enough in front of the Han Dynasty. Liu Hao\'s Dragon seat sits firmly on the white bones of many evil heroes.

Strategic attention, tactical contempt.

No matter how powerful Li Shimin was, he was the second son of Li valve at this time, which was a lot worse than Cao Cao, the treacherous hero in the Central Plains.

"The royal guards were sent to closely control the news channel of Li valve. This time, Li valve came to Siming Mountain and sent Li Yuanba. This son must be protected..."

Liu Hao flicked the red sandalwood table in front of him with his fingers.

Li Yuanba\'s ferocity can be described as thunderous. Looking at the world, there are all heroes, but who can compare with Li Yuan\'s pair of golden hammers for beating drums and urn?

"Minister, take orders!"

Mei Changsu bowed and bowed his head, took orders and retreated.



September 5, autumn is crisp.

At this time, the voice of the people in Sifang city was already boiling.

Everywhere, all the princes, heroes and Jianghu giants from all over the world gather in the city.

There are countless people in the Central Plains, crowded with officials, watching the alliance of princes in the four cities.

This is a once-in-a-thousand-year event. If you look at it from a distance, it may be the real dragon and the son of heaven who will sit firmly in the future.

In the Great Han Dynasty, the powerful men with tiger back and waist, bare arms, Qiu knot and strong muscles, like hard rocks, began to swing their mallets wildly and bang the battle drum.

At Siming Mountain, drums roared like thunder.

At the foot of Siming Mountain, dozens of high platforms have been built, more than ten feet high and tens of meters wide, which can accommodate hundreds of people.

This is the prince Yuntai for all princes. There are only dozens of people who can be brought in by all princes. Apart from the royal guards and Longxiang camp forbidden guards who maintain order on the field, there are not many people brought by all princes on the field.

However, people are more valuable than excellence, and those who are qualified to enter are people with excellent skills.

On the cloud platform of the princes in the northwest corner.

The white Royal King of Xiangzhou talked about the saint and looked at the situation around him. He only saw that the princes everywhere were fierce like clouds. He couldn\'t help saying: "today, the princes alliance invited almost all the heroes in the world. The Great Han emperor is really brave!"

The princes who wanted to dominate the world entered in person. Cautiously, they also sent their sons and the most capable hands down Siming Mountain. They all had extraordinary spirit.

Talking about a fierce man under the holy command, with a purple face and a curly beard, he laughed loudly: "although the king is stable, I am at the alliance meeting of the princes today. I promise that the king will dominate the princes. Who refuses to obey, and he will be convinced!"

On the stage of Xiangzhou general, there was a burst of drum noise:

"Grand Marshal, Hengyong is the best in the world!"

"No matter how fierce it is, when you meet Marshal Xiong, you don\'t want to turn into ashes!"

The white Royal king talked about the saint, and his heart was also overjoyed. He nodded again and again: "with the marshal, there is no worry!"



On the other Lord\'s cloud platform.

Anti King Li Zitong looked around at the generals and said with a smile, "all the heroes in the world are in the four cities."

One of his counselors with a long beard and a green shirt arched his hands and said, "I see that all the heroes are not as powerful as the king. Today\'s alliance meeting is to make the king\'s name move eight tables. In the future, he will command millions of troops in the Central Plains and occupy the world. At that time, all the heroes will kneel at the king\'s feet."

"Emperor Shengming, long life!"

Li Zitong\'s civil servants and military generals were all celebrating.

Li Zitong laughed: "there is a great general Wu Tianxi alone. He is the real enemy of all people. If things are successful today, we should thank the Great Han Emperor for his efforts to achieve the reputation of King Gu."



Jianghuai Yuntai.

Xu Ziling and Kou Zhong stood beside Du Fuwei, one left and one right. Their eyes were rolling and watching the situation around them.

Although Du Fuwei dominates the Jianghuai River, the south is weak, and its heritage is not strong compared with other old princes.

Therefore, compared with the laughter of other princes, the Jianghuai warlords are much quieter.

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling, two strong men, are not willing to be lonely.

As soon as they looked at each other, they immediately understood each other\'s thoughts.

Xu Ziling sighed and said, "I\'ve been watching these princes for a long time. None of them can compare with my father. It seems that the emperor will be my father."

Kou Zhong answered and said with a smile, "lingshao, your vision is really good. The hero... It\'s a little the same. Dad, you\'re the emperor. Do you want me to be a general with lingshao?"

"Don\'t talk nonsense. Look at it. The emperor of the Han Dynasty is coming."

As soon as Du Fu Wei\'s face turned black, he suddenly got up, rolled his robe sleeves and slapped each of the two cockroaches.

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling, although their martial arts have reached their inborn level, they have been ravaged countless times in the face of Du Fuwei, who is only one step away from the master\'s realm. At this time, they are too lazy to resist

Hearing the word "holy emperor", Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling stood up and stared at the entrance of the alliance.


I saw that the league would kneel down on one knee, hold a long halberd, punch with one hand, cross the front chest, and shout: "long live the holy emperor, long live your majesty!"

"Long live the holy emperor, long live your majesty!"

The roar of the mountain and the tsunami immediately attracted everyone\'s attention on the field.

A chariot, as noble and domineering as the chariot of the emperor of heaven, drove slowly into the entrance in the sound of long live the mountain.

Liu Hao wore twelve Diao crowns on his head, embroidered Purple Dragon gun robes and embroidered sun, moon and stars on his shoulders. He got off the Kowloon Emperor\'s car and ascended to the heaven step by step on the Han Emperor\'s platform.

"Such bearing!"

The heroes in the field looked shocked.

With this step, he walked effortlessly onto the platform of more than ten feet. Such lightness skill is unimaginable and beyond people\'s imagination!

The key is that Liu Hao looks only in his twenties. He is young and handsome. His temperament is Yuanzhi tingning, but it makes people feel more extraordinary.

The dragon horse in front of the noble emperor hissed like a dragon, shaking people\'s hearts and minds