The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2308

"It\'s a living fossil in the Jianghu. You Chuhong\'s attribute is not a little better than a group of waste firewood of Dugu valve..."

After reading you Chuhong\'s attributes and abilities, Liu Hao is quite calm. The Tang world has a strong aura and a large number of masters.

However, when I saw the system\'s desire to make complaints about the color of Yu Chu Hong, Liu Hao\'s face suddenly turned black.

"System, come out and explain what the favor of this brush you Chuhong is..."

In fact, with the foundation of you Chuhong, she was definitely a beauty in those years, but the beauty could not resist the passing of time. Looking at the wrinkles on you Chuhong\'s face, she thought of you Chuhong\'s age, and Liu Hao felt a chill in his heart.

The system voice sounded faintly: "please make persistent efforts to increase you Chuhong\'s favor with the host to 90 points, which will trigger the hidden task!"


Liu Hao is sweating in his heart. This may be the most painful task he has triggered.

"Come and give me a seat."

"Thank you for your kindness."

Holding a leading crutch, you Chuhong sat on the imperial master\'s chair and said to the mountain directly: "I\'m very happy to hear that his Majesty the holy emperor has entered Luoyang. It\'s just that I\'m old and sick. It\'s a strong side. When I see his Majesty the holy emperor here today, I\'m really the son of tomorrow and the dragon among people..."

The old woman was over a hundred years old, but her logic was clear. She didn\'t mention Dugu Feng, but gave Liu Hao a little hug.

Liu Hao nodded and smiled. It\'s easy to talk to smart people.

You Chuhong said, "Your Majesty is a hero in troubled times. He will fight for the Central Plains in the future to save all the people in the world from fire and water. I admire him very much. However, he is very old and weak. It is a little humble intention to offer some gold and silver money and food to fund the armaments of the great man."

Xiaoguizi took you Chuhong\'s gift list and handed it to Liu Hao.

Liu Hao glanced at him, calmly put away his face and said calmly, "old lady, I like to deal with smart people. This matter has been exposed. I will ensure that Dugu valve will be fine in Luoyang in the future."

"Thank you for your grace."

You Chuhong breathed, and the stone hanging in her heart finally fell to the ground.

Master Wudao is extremely sensitive to Qi.

From the first moment she stepped into the palace gate, you Chuhong\'s heart was full of shock.

Liu Hao\'s Qi machine like an abyss like a sea diffuses. You Chuhong almost stops beating with fear and reveres Liu Hao as God.

But she didn\'t show it. In fact, her back was already soaked in cold sweat.

Dugu Feng stared at Liu Hao with her beautiful eyes. She was very curious.

After all, Liu Hao looks very young, not a few years older than her, but he is already the leader of a dynasty.

Moreover, she personally handled and integrated half of Dugu valve\'s property. She knew that a little exposure of the money would definitely make the whole Jianghu eight gangs and ten sects crazy.

Liu Hao\'s face remained unchanged in the face of such a huge amount of wealth. At present, Jinshan and Yinshan seem to look at a pile of soil.

Such a bearing, even her grandmother was in awe, not to mention the cardamom girl.

With this episode, the atmosphere between the two families became harmonious.

Ding Dong!

"Congratulations to the host. You Chuhong is in awe of the host. Her favorability is + 20. The current favorability is 90 points. The host triggered the hidden task - the mystery of the evil emperor!"

"Congratulations to the host. Dugu Feng is curious about the host. His favoritism is + 20. At present, his favoritism is 80 points. Please make persistent efforts!"

Hearing the hint of increasing popularity, Liu Hao felt a little happy, turned the conversation, and asked: "the old lady has experienced ups and downs, have you ever heard of the evil emperor to Yutian?"

Speaking of the name, Liu Hao felt it keenly. You Chuhong breathed and his heart beat several minutes faster.

General martial arts masters breathe Qi smoothly, even if Mount Tai collapses in front, they don\'t change their face. You Chuhong is obviously abnormal.

You Chuhong was silent and said with a bitter smile, "I didn\'t want to mention these old things, but his majesty asked questions, so I\'ll say a few more words."

"Xiang Yutian is an immortal genius of the demon sect. He has cultivated the great magic method of planting demons in the heart of the Tao to the top. Your majesty defeated the four holy monks. You should know the strength of these four monks. Several decades ago, these four monks couldn\'t take ten moves in Xiang Yutian\'s hands..."

"In the era when the evil emperor suppressed the Jianghu, Cihang Jingzhai closed the door and locked the mountain, and did not dare to step out of the Jianghu. No one dared to be a master in the world. Only after he hid from Yutian did three masters rise in the world..."

"Xiang Yutian appeared for the last time and divided the martial arts of the evil extreme sect into several parts, which were passed on to you Niao tired, Ding jiuzhong, Zhou laotan and Jin Huanzhen. Finally, he disappeared from the Jianghu... Even the old man didn\'t know where he had gone. If he still lived in the world, his martial arts would have reached an incredible level..."

You Chuhong slowly told some old things. Liu Hao listened carefully, but a strange feeling appeared in his heart:

"I\'ve confirmed my eyes. I\'m afraid the evil emperor had a story with her..."

People\'s eyes will never cheat.

Especially in front of martial arts masters like Liu Hao, there is no escape from all emotional fluctuations.

You Chuhong obviously has some different feelings for the evil emperor to Yutian, but Liu Hao is not a gossip expert. It\'s not good for him to ask about other people\'s feelings.

Just extrapolating from the news given by you Chuhong, Liu Hao came to an extremely terrible conclusion:

"The evil emperor told Yutian that he might still be alive!"

Cultivation is beyond the top of a great master. It can be called half a foot into the realm of human immortality. The essence of life has been sublimated and the life span has been greatly increased.

Liu Hao\'s mind flashed. He deduced countless possibilities in an instant. Finally, he decided to live to Yutian for hundreds of years, and then live for decades. It seems that there is no pressure.

Liu Hao believes in the result of his own deduction more than the rumor in the Jianghu that the evil emperor died of evil practice.


Thinking of such a potential enemy hiding in a corner of the world, Liu Hao was vaguely excited.

He set foot on the top of the mountain, invincible in the world, and has been lonely for too long