The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2293

"The generals listened to the order and sent the information about the attack on the tiger prison back to the Lord!"

"Prepare more rocket oil and arrows, and strictly prevent the fierce attack of the Han Army camp under the city. If there is any change in the Han Army, immediately sound the horn and warn, and the general will personally lead the troops to kill it!"


The generals responded boldly.

At this time, late at night, the Han army set down the camp far away, and there was no movement. Wang bodang yawned and turned back to get ready to go to bed.

The task of strictly guarding the city is naturally watched by other departments.

It was quiet all night, but the city guard at the head of the city was also sleepy. He stared at the city all night and nothing happened. On the contrary, his eyes boiled red blood.

"The Han army chief was also very hearty. He camped on the spot and slept in the tiger prison all night?"

Before dawn, Wang bodang ran to the head of the city to wait and see. He felt some regret. He shook his head and said, "this man didn\'t know how to use troops. He knew he went out to rob the camp last night. Unexpectedly, he must have made a lot of gains!"

However, at this time, there was a rustle among the mountains and forests in the distance. With bursts of dull roars, it seemed that a dormant giant beast appeared.

"What\'s that?"

When Wang Bo\'s eyes were sharp, he found something unusual from a distance.

I saw that in the lush mountain forest behind the Han Army camp, there were wooden cattle and horses, slowly dragging a large cloud ladder built by bamboo poles out of the mountain forest.

This ladder is more than twenty feet high and more than ten feet wide. It is very open in front and back. There are several layers up and down. There are thousands of fierce soldiers of the Han army.

The outside is also covered with iron sheet, which is simply a high-rise steel building, which makes people tremble at the sight!

"Overnight, tall buildings rise from the ground!?"

Wang bodang was stunned. What is this operation!?

Just seeing the tall building leaning towards the tiger prison, the soldiers in the tiger prison were in an uproar, and Wang bodang\'s face changed greatly.

At this point, no matter how stupid he was, he realized:

"No, the Han Army built this tall building in order to attack the tiger prison pass!"


"It\'s really a genius to combine Mu Niu Liu Ma and Yun Lou. I dare ask the military division, what\'s the name of this thing?"

In the Han Army array, Huang Zhong, Xu Sheng and other Han generals were full of shock when they saw this behemoth.

Those who have experienced the iron and blood siege understand that this invention is simply incredible.

"Just call it Yuntai..."

Lu Miaozi squinted at the tiger prison, with a cool smile in his mouth, but his heart was full of respect for Liu Hao.

He was just a whim. He combined the cloud tower, a sharp weapon of the dynasty, with wooden cattle and horses to create the broken city Yuntai.

"As soon as these siege artifacts are released, there will be no strong city in the world!"

Veteran Huang Zhong stroked Bai Xu and said with sincere admiration, "I deeply respect the talent of Duke Lu."

Lu Miaozi put his hands together in his wide sleeves and said with a smile, "general Hansheng is ready to supervise the war and seize the city. Xiao Feng has commanded the Wulin army to Mount Yuntai."

Huang Zhong solemnly lifted his sword and shouted, "in that case, the pioneer of the Wulin army ascended the city. All the generals took their headquarters and were ready to attack the city!"




The bleak and desolate horn sounded suddenly!

The fierce soldier of the Great Han Huben began to shout a loud bugle, step on a neat and killing pace, and put a cloud platform near the tiger prison.

Xiao Feng stood on the top of Yuntai, almost flush with the city head of tiger prison pass. The tiger looked at the enemy potential at the city head and made a decisive gesture to the Wulin Army: "prepare to seize the city with someone!"

"Seize the city! Seize the city!"

Most of the Wulin troops are from the Jianghu. They all have martial arts skills. They are the elite among the elite. They are even more eager to try in the face of the current situation.

Just when Yuntai was close to the tiger prison pass for a few feet, the arrow rain at the head of the city hit wildly, hit the iron sheet on the top of Yuntai, and kept making the sound of gold and iron.


With a roar of the tiger, Xiao Feng threw himself into the air, pushed his hands in a circle, and the Dragon subduing palm immediately hit out.

The majestic palm force tears the air like a dragon singing!




The cloud platform hit the wall of tiger prison and made a dull sound.

"Damn it! Damn it!"

Wang Bo was foolish. His advantage of being the most powerful pass in the world and high risk in the city disappeared.

"It\'s useless to hit by arrow rain!"

"The fire oil offensive can\'t burn the iron sheet!"

"Send someone to send a letter to Duke Mi immediately and ask for help! If it goes on like this, the tiger prison will be in danger!"

On the cloud platform, the Wulin non commissioned soldiers of the Han Dynasty jumped to the city head and began to fight with the defenders at the city head, but Wang bodang had no way.

"Shoot the horse first, catch the thief first, catch the king!"

When Uncle Wang swept across the battlefield with an eagle\'s eye, he suddenly locked the iron blood red dragon flag waving in the wind.

Three hundred steps, within range!

The instinct of marksman drives Wang bodang to touch the five stone bow pinned behind his back.

I have a bow in my hand!

Wang bodang pulled out a strong bow, instantly locked the veteran under the handsome flag, and suddenly shouted, "die for me!!!"


The bowstring trembled violently, and the dull and sombre sound shook in the air.

The arrow burst into the air and shot away.

"White arrow God!"

"White arrow God!"

The soldiers of Wagang stronghold immediately shouted wildly to cheer for Wang bodang.

Wang bodang\'s archery can wear poplar and willow three hundred steps away, and never miss under the divine bow.

In the Han Army array.

Huang Zhong stood by the knife, his white beard fluttering, and his expression was powerful and solemn. When he saw Wang bodang\'s arrow, his eyes gradually showed a fierce look and shouted, "good arrow technique!"

Guan Gong plays with a big knife in front of Huang Zhong and shoots arrows in front of Huang Zhong.

Xu Sheng, the young general of the Han Army, suddenly began to mourn for Wang bodang at the head of the city.

"I also give you an arrow!"

Huang Zhong stretched out his hand and took the seven stone bow from the horse\'s back. After painstakingly practicing the hidden dragon magic skill, the divine bow experienced thunder pool quenching and was more powerful.

The wolf tooth feather arrow fell on the bow string.

Huang Zhong\'s tiger\'s eyes narrowed slightly. His eyes were like electricity. He took an arrow to lead the string. His fingers suddenly loosened and collapsed to lead the string to open the arrow.


The bow string trembled and made a loud noise like thunder. The arrow was like a red flame meteor, with electric light lingering and flying rapidly in the night sky.

The two arrows collided together in the air, and the air roared. The two arrows annihilated and cracked into dust in the air.

"Come again!"

Almost at the same time, they drew the string and opened the arrow again. In a moment, thirteen arrows flew through the air like bullets.

Everyone was stunned and their scalp was numb!

This is so special!

If this arrow shoots at yourself, isn\'t it directly going to report to the underworld!?

Suddenly, the flying arrow broke through the air and excited like lightning.

After the twelve wolf feather arrows collided with each other and blew into dust, Huang Zhongna\'s last arrow, like a meteor chasing the moon, tore the void, crossed a perfect curve and flew to the head of the city