The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2280



Temporary palace of the Han Dynasty.

Liu Hao wore twelve diaos on his head and a robe embroidered with purple dragon, with the sun, moon and stars embroidered on his shoulders. He sat high in a red gold dragon chair and looked down at Xiong. There were a large number of Han officials and generals in the hall.

Mei Changsu, Minister of the Dahan military aircraft department, stood out, brushed his wide sleeves on both sides, bowed down, held the wat board and said: "Inform your majesty that the military aircraft Department has used the information channels of Yin Kui sect and baling sect for its own use, and has successfully arranged the information to Guanzhong. With Li Shimin as the commander and Li Yuanba as the pioneer, after 100000 Xuanjia cavalry entered Guanzhong, with the help of Chai Shao, the great warlord of Chang\'an, successfully captured Chang\'an and Guan Longda. They all respond to each other, even Chao, the martial arts master of Nanhai sect Gong CuO took the whole Nanhai faction under Li Shimin\'s command... "

"Li Yuanba, Li Yuanba..."

Liu Hao pinched his eyebrows and murmured the name.

The true eternal bravery is unparalleled. It has the courage to revive a overlord. This is a demon!

Seeing that Liu Hao made a continued gesture, Mei Changsu bowed and said: "recently, the news has been sent back from Hanzhong. Marshal Wu Mu has controlled all the counties and counties in Hanzhong. The Duke of Zhennan shocked Jingchu and took over the cities of Jingchu. Now the rear of the dynasty is stable, and your majesty can have no worries!"

In the past few months, the general situation in the world has changed, and the Han Dynasty, a behemoth, has also operated rapidly.

First of all, marshal Yue Fei and song que of Wu Mu completely connected the land of Sichuan, Hanzhong and Jingchu.

The whole territory of the Han Dynasty is now monolithic.

"The intelligence network is spreading, the rear is stable, and there is no worry about the future. It\'s time to go north to Luoyang..."

Liu Hao flicked his finger on the table, made up his mind very decisively, and asked, "Dear Aiqing, I am determined to send troops to Luoyang and settle in the Central Plains. What do you think?"

"Your Majesty is wise, the world is in chaos, and the rear of the dynasty is stable. It is the time to forge ahead!"

"A new batch of war horses have arrived at Pegasus ranch. It\'s just that the horses are stepping on the Central Plains!"

"The last general, please be the vanguard and attack Luoyang!"

"Hit! Hit the fuck!"

"Ha ha, I\'ve been waiting for this day for a long time!"


The officials of the Han Dynasty reacted enthusiastically, and all of them were asking for war.

Liu Hao raised his hand, pressed it with emptiness and said in a calm voice, "the lion fights the rabbit with all his strength. Luoyang guards Wang Shichong, supports more than 100000 soldiers, and guards Li mi Yu Yanshi. He is not an ordinary person... Where is Cheng Yaojin?"

Hearing Liu Hao\'s voice, Cheng Yaojin woke up like a dream. He hurriedly stood up, bowed down in the hall and said, "I\'m here!"

Liu Hao said: "this time, I will take you as the vanguard general, open mountains in every mountain, build a bridge in case of water, lead troops to rush forward and take Luoyang directly!"

Cheng Yaojin was overjoyed. He hurriedly bowed down to take the order and shouted, "I will take the command at the end!"

Being a pioneer means that you have more opportunities to get credit. When the time comes, fight for first-class credit. The military aircraft department reports that the emperor Longyan is happy and the Duke of Jiafeng is happy?

A group of generals in the hall also cast an envious light on Cheng Yaojin.

Liu Hao continued to order: "in this war, we must take Luoyang first and occupy a corner of the Central Plains. Wang Meng controls 150000 Huben, and then the army presses the array!"

Wang Meng stood out of the line and said, "minister, take command!"

For Wang Meng\'s command, the Han people have no opinion.

He himself was a master of literature and Taoism. He suppressed rivers and mountains with great spirit and intrigues. He laid down the land of Jingchu with great momentum and had long been convinced by the people.

"General Guan Yu of the five tigers led troops into the south of the Yangtze River."

Liu Hao continued: "the situation in the south of the Yangtze River is chaotic. Aiqing knows the way to use troops and should focus on smooth progress."

Guan Yu also hugged his fist and said, "it must be his Majesty\'s right to take the south of the Yangtze River!"

After everything was arranged, the meeting and the military discussion broke up. Cheng Yaojin walked with wind, blushed and laughed.

"Hey, hey, I\'m going to make great contributions this time!"

Cheng Yaojin looked left and right, saw Qin Qiong with an unhappy face, walked forward, patted Qin Qiong on the shoulder, and said triumphantly, "Uncle Bao, do you want to mix with me? It\'s time to give you half the credit. Let\'s seal the country together?"

Qin Shubao\'s golden face sank and spit out a word coldly: "get out!"

Cheng Yaojin was also a shameless man with no skin. He didn\'t care. He smiled and said, "don\'t regret Lao Qin. Wang Shichong is a soft persimmon. Beating him is not the same as eating and drinking water?"


Qin Qiong glanced sideways and said, "arrogant soldiers will be defeated. I\'m afraid it\'s very unknown if you go to Luoyang!"


Cheng Yaojin suddenly jumped in his right eye, sneezed several times in succession, and muttered, "isn\'t it really so evil?"


On the official road, the long wind is mighty.

The red dragon flag of the Great Han flew in the air.

The 30000 vanguard troops set out from Xiangyang City. The queue was as neat as a long dragon. They stepped on countless dust and walked meandering towards the north.

Cheng Yaojin was wearing a heavy armor, a lion helmet on his head, and a pair of Tiangang and Disha axes weighing more than 100 kg in both hands. He rode on a black Zhui horse. Looking around, he was also majestic.


When the smoke and dust of the former army rolled, a royal guards drove a horse galloping, hugged his fist on the horse\'s back and shouted: "general Cheng, Nanyang pass is in front. Wu Yunzhao, Nanyang Hou, is guarding Nanyang pass. He built an arrow tower in front of the pass and asked the general to make a decision!"

"Wu Yunzhao? Why does this name sound so familiar?"

Cheng Yaojin touched his chin and beard, tilted his head and fell into meditation.

"General Cheng, this is the person on the list given by his Majesty the holy emperor. It is said that he is good at shooting and ranks among the top three in the world. It can\'t be underestimated," said Ma Zhonghan, a divine capture general on the side

"Oh, that seems to be a great man..."

Cheng Yaojin patted his thigh and said with a loud laugh, "God helps me. Your majesty loves me most. If this Wu Yunzhao has real skills, I\'ll capture him alive. It\'s a first-class feat. If I kill Wang Shichong again in Luoyang, I\'ll be stable in the position of Duke... Ha ha!"

Seeing Cheng Yaojin\'s expansion, Ma Zhongwei Khan said, "general, the last general is only afraid that Wu Yunzhao is not a good character."

Ma Zhong has seen the hegemony of Tiandao song Ke and has a deep understanding of the level of force in the world.

What\'s more, can Wu Yunzhao be a kind person who can get such high praise from Liu Hao