The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2279



He became a Taoist in troubled times and a famous Buddhist and Confucian in prosperous times.

It happened that the world of Double Dragons in the late Sui Dynasty ran counter to each other. At this time, whether in temples or rivers and lakes, the influence of Buddhism was at its zenith, far beyond people\'s imagination.

A Cihang quiet vegetarian can take charge of the world\'s Baidao ox ears, known as the holy land.

When Shi Feixuan, a descendant, was born, he said that he could choose a bright King for the world and attract the wind and cloud in all directions. It is conceivable that the influence of Buddhism.

Jingnian Buddhist temple.

This is the holy land of Buddhism. From a distance, there are hundreds of temples, just like a blissful pure land.

It\'s even more amazing to walk into the Zen courtyard. In the middle is seven main halls and a small copper hall with a width of three feet and a depth of three feet and a height of six and a half feet, majestic as a mountain.

Except for the copper hall, all buildings are covered with tricolor glazed tiles, with a new color. In front of the copper hall, there is a grand platform square with a width of 100 feet, built of white stone and surrounded by white stone carvings.

A bronze statue of Manjusri riding a golden lion is enshrined in the middle. Beside the niche, there are three Buddhas, such as pharmacist, Sakyamuni and Mitha. The painted gold ornaments are quite magnificent. Except for the four stone steps, there are five hundred Arhats evenly distributed, all of which are made of gold and copper, and all of them look lifelike.

The imposing temple is solemn from head to toe.

With the sound of benevolence and Buddha from time to time, the whole temple is like bliss in the West.

Today, a nun in a white shirt quietly entered the temple.

Of course, it\'s not the unrestrained plot in Jin Ping Mei. In fact, if anyone recognizes this nun, he must be surprised.

The nun is in her thirties. She looks beautiful and refined. She walks into the jingnian Buddhist temple like a breeze without any movement.

If anyone knows it, she will be shocked, because this woman is fan Qinghui, the patriarch of Cihang Jingzhai!

After a bitter love affair with song que, song que went back to Lingnan Modao hall and sat in the dead pass, closing his mind and impacting the realm of no heaven Dao.

However, fan Qinghui successfully entered the supreme state of sword heart clarity by wielding a sword. Now he is a real martial arts master.

The square in the temple is empty and silent.

Suddenly, from the four directions of jingnian Buddhist temple, a loud Buddha call came: "Amitabha!"

The four voices mixed together, vigorous and stirring, like the Arhats singing together in the sky, and the Buddha bells in the shocked Temple rang for a long time.

Fan Qinghui said in a loud voice, "the world is in chaos and the people are caught in fire and water. Please go out of the pass and save the world!"

The four masters in his mouth came out slowly from the four Buddhist temples.

"How many years have you and I not been born?"

It was master Jiaxiang of Sanlun sect who spoke. The Xuangong of kuchan had reached an unpredictable level, and his internal power had reached the realm of withering and flourishing.

"The last time I shot, I subdued the great devil Shi Zhixuan. Finally, he narrowly escaped his life!"

The emperor heart venerable of Huayan sect has a curly beard on his face, his voice is like a bell, his power is like a arhat, and the great round staff method is unpredictable.

Master Daoxin raised his palm on his chest and said with a smile, "Amitabha, several senior brothers have improved their skills again."

The last master of wisdom said, "the vegetarian Lord is easy not to go out of the mountain. What great event happened when he went down the mountain?"

"You sit close and participate in the Buddha, but you don\'t know that the world will be in chaos..."

With a slight sigh, fan Qinghui told all the major events after the arrival of Tianmen in recent months.

"There are such people in the world!"

"The heavenly Sabre song is short of, arrogant and resolute, and even leads the song valve to surrender to the Lord of the Han country!"

"Even breaking Bashu, Jingchu and Ning dodge have returned without success. No, no!"

"There are such demons in the Jianghu!"

After hearing this series of shocking news, his face changed slightly with the Qi Nourishing skills of the four holy monks.

Fan Qinghui sighed faintly and said, "Fei Xuan and Meng Yao have been captured. The situation of Jingzhai has been broken. For this reason, we have to ask four senior brothers to control the Great Han Emperor."

Buddhism has always been one, and has been working hard to promote the integration of Hu and Han.

After the collapse of the Sui Dynasty, it was originally the best opportunity for Buddhism to enter the WTO. However, Liu Hao detained the heirs Shi Feixuan sent out.

What can I do?

Cihang Jingzhai has strong influence in the north, but you can\'t go to the south to settle accounts with Liu Hao, can you?

Moreover, she is only a Jianghu force, belonging to the kind that manipulates the overall situation behind the scenes. It is impossible to really merge with the Han Dynasty.

"Then go to this experience. He is a great devil in troubled times. If he doesn\'t get rid of it as soon as possible, it will inevitably lead to great disaster in the future. I should be the pioneer of Buddhism."

In the quiet Zen courtyard, there was a long, solemn roar of King Kong subduing the devil.



Two more months passed between the fingers of young people throwing shuttles and the sun and moon flying arrows.

During this period, great changes have taken place again in the general situation of the world.

The first is the Yuwen valve. After Yuwen Huaji killed emperor Yang Guang of Sui Dynasty, he annexed 200000 Xiaoguo forbidden troops of Sui Dynasty, supported King Yang Hao of Qin Dynasty as emperor, established himself as the prime minister, took Yuwen Zhiji as Zuo bushe, and Yuwen Shiji as a general. All of them were highly rewarded for killing monarchs and traitors.

At this time, including the army originally held by Yuwen valve, Yuwen Huaji already had more than 300000 troops, most of whom were northerners. The army was homesick and timid. In addition, the foundation of Yuwen valve was in the north. Yuwen Huaji and his ambition expanded unprecedentedly, so he ordered to lead troops north.

This time, I bumped into a hard bone.

That is Wagang stronghold, the number one anti Sui force in the world!

As Liu Hao expected, after Fu killed the famous general Zhang xutuo of the Sui Dynasty, Li mi made great achievements and Zhai rang, the leader of Wagang stronghold, became increasingly suspicious of him. Finally, a fire broke out between the two sides.

After all, Li Mi\'s city hall was deeper. His white arrow, Wang bodang, shot and killed Zhai rang, the leader of Wagang stronghold, and bloody washed the members of Zhai rang\'s department. Li Mi, the Duke of Pu mountain, took the position of Wagang leader and officially stepped on the stage of hegemony.

However, the internal strife in Wagang stronghold was conflicted, and their own losses were also very serious. Many strategists and generals were discouraged and chose to withdraw from the forces of Wagang stronghold, so that Li Mi, who seemed to be in the middle of the sun, actually lost a lot of money secretly.

When Li micai took the leading position, he ran into the arrogant Yu wenhuaji. The two princes commanded hundreds of thousands of armies to attack and kill each other.

Li Mi\'s eyes were red, but Yu wenhuaji was not a vegetarian. Bing Xuanjin walked alone in the universe, and secretly united with Wang Shichong of Luoyang to sneak out of Yanshi and attack Li Mi\'s back. The three forces wrestled with each other and killed each other for days.

On the whole Henan Road, countless people die in battle almost every day. At the end, corpses are everywhere and blood is flowing into the sea.

The people along the way are ten and one.

At this point, there were no leaders and the heroes rose together, and the situation in the Central Plains fell into chaos