The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2254

"This... Is this still a person?"

At this time, the only thing left in everyone\'s mind was the idea of horror.

The terror power of this young general in white robes is simply an ancient wild beast. He is so domineering and ferocious that he doesn\'t make sense!

Even Yue Fei, who had always been calm, stroked his beard and sighed: "Pei Yuanqing\'s two arms have the power of dragon and tiger!"

All the generals in the Han army were shocked and amazed:

"When the tiger prison was closed, Yuwen Chengdu held the 10000 Jin gate with both arms and entered the general of Kowloon in the first World War. The holy emperor was even more famous for his bravery and unparalleled in the world. Today, it seems that Pei Yuanqing is not inferior to general Yuwen!"

"Young and brave, invincible in the world."

"This son is a general!"


With Pei Yuanqing\'s first swing, all the Han Army\'s troops will be excited and awesome.

During the devastating attack, the killed Hanzhong army ran away. Xue Ju repeatedly killed several defeated soldiers with a knife, but he still couldn\'t stop the collapse of the mountains and the earth.

Once the gate is broken, the Wanjin gate opens, and the whole city is in an undefended state.

The fierce general of the Han army went up to meet Pei Yuanqing. Tens of thousands of Han troops held high their shields and rushed into the city like a tide. The attack and defense war in Hanzhong reached the stage of street warfare.

"The tide is over, the tide is over!"

Xue Ju was like being poured on his head with ice water, cooling from head to foot.

Watching the soldiers of the Western Qin and Han Dynasties being slaughtered by fierce soldiers of Huben, he was bleeding in his heart!

In the final analysis, it depends on whose strength is strong and whose fist is hard.

He worked hard for more than ten years to pull up such a team, but today he was killed in Hanzhong.

"King Qin, let\'s go. If it\'s late, I\'m afraid things will change!"

Zong Luoxuan, one of his generals, hurriedly backed down from the gate with Xue Ju, ready to break through and run.

Hanzhong battlefield is really one-sided at this time. Only by abandoning Hanzhong and running to Longxi can there be a glimmer of vitality.

"Ha ha, where are you going?"

Pei Yuanqing saw Xue Ju, who was supported by all the people, with a flash of tiger eyes and a roar: "die!"

Bang bang!

The Silver Hammer opened the way and broke into the thousands of troops. The beating turned people upside down. In an instant, it cut a path of blood and approached Xue Ju.

Xue Ju clapped his horse and ran away. He felt his back chilly. When he looked back, he was almost scared.

The white robed Silver Hammer general actually chiseled through the military array and killed him directly. The distance between them is infinitely lengthening.

"Don\'t panic, king. This son\'s sudden attack alone is to kill himself, Ruhr!"

Luo Qiang, the chief General of the Qin army, said, "let the last general lead all the generals to kill this man and avenge the prince!"

"All the generals listen to the order, kill the brave generals in white robes and silver hammers, reward thousands of gold and seal thousands of households!"

"Kill, kill!"

Zongluo took the generals of the Western Qin Dynasty and killed them with a murderous spirit.

Pei Xingjian is leading the army to rush into the array and kill. He suddenly catches a glimpse of Zong Luoxuan and others\' killing out. He can\'t help shouting: "be careful, third brother!"

Pei Yuanqing\'s white robe was stained with blood, just like a terrible demon God killed in hell. When he swept it away with a hammer, his vigorous spirit stirred up, and more than a dozen soldiers of Hanzhong army would be swept over and killed by him.

"Come on, let\'s take you on the road together!"

Pei Yuanqing seemed to be an inexhaustible wild and fierce beast. He raised the silver hammer and boldly burst into the crowd of generals.

Bang bang!

Every time the hammer fell, a valiant general of the West Qin army was broken and fell off his horse.

Zong Luoxuan exerted twelve points of strength. The spear in his hand danced like a python swimming in the air and stabbed him in the air. Amid the roar of the wind, Pei Yuanqing grinned, lifted the silver hammer and the double hammer rolled thunder.

With a bang, the bin iron spear weighing 60 or 70 kilograms had been broken. The silver hammer hit Zong Luoxuan\'s helmet like thunder. The head exploded like a watermelon, half of the body collapsed, and the red and white juice splashed everywhere.

In an instant, he killed more than ten fierce generals.

Pei Yuanqing seems to have done a trivial thing. He turns and chases Xue Ju again.


The silver hammer falls like thunder!

After hearing a loud noise, Xue Ju was chased by Pei Yuanqing and smashed into a mass of meat sauce.

"The thief Xue is dead. No one dares to resist and kill him!"

Pei Yuanqing held up the silver hammer and roared like spring thunder at the tip of his tongue, which shocked the battlefield.

Hundreds of thousands of people trembled.



Ding Dong!

"Congratulations to the host. Yue Fei used his troops like a God and broke the Hanzhong army. The additional reward worship value is 50000 points and the additional reward merit value is 150000!"

"Congratulations to the host. Pei Yuanqing won the third army and killed Xue rengao bravely. The additional reward is 3000 points of worship, 5000 points of merit and 1 additional reward of Wulin stone!"

"Congratulations to the host. Pei Yuanqing lifted the Wanjin gate to fight zongluo and ten fierce generals. He will be rewarded with an additional worship value of 10000 points, a merit value of 20000 points and an additional reward of Wulin stone * 3!"

"Congratulations to the host. Pei Yuanqing is so brave that he broke into 100000 troops and killed Xue Ju, the overlord of the Western Qin Dynasty. The additional reward is 5000 points of worship and 8000 points of merit. The additional reward is Wulin stone * 1!"


Aware of the situation at home, Pei Yuanqing suddenly brushed the screen, and dozens of system messages jumped out one after another.

Liu Hao immediately sat up, put on his clothes and began to check the system military newspaper carefully.

"Pei Yuanqing, the third hero of the Sui and Tang Dynasties, is really brave!"

Even Liu Hao, who had really experienced a big scene, couldn\'t help being surprised and praised the Hanzhong war.

This war of attack and attack in Hanzhong can almost be said to be Pei Yuanqing\'s stage alone.

The white robed and Silver Hammer generals of the Han Dynasty will be famous for eight watches since then

"Yue Fei led the Weibei army in the Hanzhong battlefield. The situation is as stable as Mount Tai. Now let\'s see how the war in Jingchu is..."

After checking the harvest slightly, Liu Hao ordered Cao Zhengchun, the old manager, to come in.

Cao Zhengchun bowed into the room and said, "Your Majesty, the eldest princess went out to play by zhufengbird today. I don\'t know why she hasn\'t returned yet. The old slave has sent someone to find it..."

Liu Hao raised his hand, pressed it with emptiness, and said with a smile, "ah Tan, don\'t worry. She can take care of herself... Go and pass it on to Wang Meng."