The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2253

Pei Yuanqing once fought against Yuwen Chengdu for dozens of rounds during the war in Sichuan. He was praised by the holy emperor as an unparalleled general who did not lose the general of Kowloon and also came down to earth to kill stars.

Xue rengao saw a young general in white robe killed in the Han Army array, looked around and laughed: "there is no one in Shuhan. Send such a little boy. I\'m afraid the two big hammers are not made of paper?"

"Ha ha ha!"

Someone joked and said, "if this little boy can take the crown prince\'s three moves, he will eat three kilograms of shit."

In the laughter of all the generals in Hanzhong, Pei Yuanqing had killed in front of the two armies. He raised the silver hammer and scolded: "dog thief, if you can take grandpa\'s two hammers, you will not die today."

WOW! This boy is so arrogant!

Xue rengao was so angry that his veins jumped in front of his forehead and his chest was full of Qi and blood.

This little hairy child is too annoying?!

Xue rengao is the No. 1 general under his father Xue Ju. He runs across Longxi and rarely meets an enemy. He is nicknamed the enemy of all people. Where will he pay attention to this teenager?

"If I don\'t kill you today, I swear I won\'t be a man!"

Xue rengao galloped out of the battle with his horse, carrying a more than 130 kg mace in his hand, swung it round and waved it with great momentum.

The violent Qi force swept in like a tide, and the wind roared in the air, which was also very powerful.

At the same time, Pei Yuanqing\'s Mount turned into a yellow streamer and suddenly rushed to the sky. The Silver Hammer in his hand held high and fell down like thunder.


A sudden sound of gold and iron, which was enough to crack people\'s eardrums, came. It was as if a torrent broke out and swept the world.

The ground exploded, mud, dust and debris flew, and smoke billowed.

Hey, law!!

Xue rengao took off his violent Qi, but his mount couldn\'t bear it. With a sad hiss, his four hoofs broke and knelt down in the dust.

The majestic energy poured into his arms like a tide.

Xue rengao shouted fiercely, but the mace was hit into a bow shape by a silver hammer. His arms clicked and his muscles trembled wildly, as if his bones had been cracked!

Pei Yuanqing laughed: "you are such a waste, also known as the enemy of ten thousand people?"

At that moment, the silk was merciless, and the hammer fell. The Silver Hammer smashed Xue rengao\'s head into a cracked watermelon, and the red and white juice splashed everywhere.

"Who else?"

Pei Yuanqing raised his twin hammers and roared loudly. His voice was like the sound of a dragon, which shocked the whole country.

On the battlefield, everyone trembled!

"General Pei, good job!"

"General Pei\'s double hammer is invincible. It\'s powerful!"

The big Han Huben was moved by it. The domineering and brave of this hammer was only seen in the general of five tigers and nine dragons.

The 100000 generals of the Hanzhong army could hardly believe their eyes.

Xue rengao\'s bravery is also a bloody record. Otherwise, he would not be called the enemy of ten thousand people.

Now, two hammers.

He couldn\'t even stop the white robed Silver Hammer. He was smashed into meat sauce!

Pei Yuanqing killed him, roared and clapped his horse and hammer, just like a tiger down the mountain, and directly entered the Hanzhong army.

The silver hammer falls like thunder, and the Qi force sweeps through the place. If you touch it, you will die, and if you touch it, you will be disabled!

The formation of Hanzhong army seems to have been swept by a tornado and was pierced by Pei yuanqingsheng.

Knowing that the enemy was in chaos, Yue Fei held up the Liquan magic gun and shouted:

"All the generals will listen to the order and the whole army will attack! Kill!"




The killing sound of mountains and seas rushed madly towards the enemy array.

Several of the five tigers and nine dragons generals, Pei Xingyan, Pei Xingjian and other Han generals, all killed the enemy fiercely.

The chief General of the Hanzhong army had just died, and Pei Yuanqing was too brave to be a soldier. The general was shocked, so he stepped back and dared not fight with the Huben of the Han army.

In this way, the advance and retreat of the front and rear arrays are different, but they are trampled by themselves, and there are countless dead.


Xue Ju, the overlord of the Western Qin Dynasty, who was standing at the head of the city to watch the war, was stunned and almost stared out of his eyes!

This is so special!

Since the war against the Sui Dynasty, I really haven\'t fought such a war. The collapse of the three armed forces has a good interpretation of what is called defeat like a mountain.

"Open the gate! Shoot an arrow!"

"Prepare to defend the city!"

Xue Ju was sweating and stood at the head of the city shouting. The soldiers at the head of the city ran in a hurry.

As soon as the city gate opened, the defeated troops immediately poured in. Pei Yuanqing rode alone among the chaotic troops and killed a sea of corpses.


Seeing that the gate of Hanzhong was about to close, Pei Yuanqing caught his horse\'s belly with his legs, like an arrow from the string.

He rushed to the gate of the city, and the Silver Hammer in his right hand suddenly fell.


A loud noise seemed to shake the whole city of Hanzhong.

Xue Ju was stunned and asked in a trembling voice, "this... This... What are you doing?"

The soldiers in Hanzhong City are also Qi Hanran.

This white robed man wants to break the city with his own strength!?

This NIMA is incredible!



Pei Yuanqing slammed the city gate like a maniac, and his momentum reached the peak. The essence of wolf smoke ran through his acupoints and orifices. Like wolf smoke, he shot straight into the sky. Even the strong wind couldn\'t disperse.

The troops of Hanzhong army on the edge dare not approach at all, otherwise they will be killed by the fierce weather of this unparalleled general.


After a crazy noise all day, the gate of Hanzhong city finally made a heavy noise and collapsed.

Everyone was stunned!

Xue Ju leaned out his head and looked down. He couldn\'t help taking a breath, and his cold hair stood up!

I can\'t believe my eyes!

What the fuck is this?

City Gate... The city gate was directly broken!

The people of Hanzhong army were shocked and speechless. Xue Ju reacted quickly and shouted, "release the Wanjin gate!"

The garrison in the city no longer cared about anything else and put down the 10000 Jin giant gate.

"Get up!"

Pei Yuanqing roared wildly, swept under the giant gate, held his arms high, and carried the Wanjin giant gate that crashed down