The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 109

Ding Dong!

"Step 4: hide the task. At present, break the yellow scarf thief * * and the task is completed!"

When Liu Hao closed his eyes and was ready to sleep, he suddenly received a good report from the system.

"Rewards are being generated..."

Liu Hao suddenly turned over from his couch and sat up, relieved.

Damn it, I finally completed the hidden task of this step!

The reward is second. The key is the punishment of egg pain, which is finally far away from yourself

"Step 4: hide the task reward. You can choose from the following options. The task reward in the next step will be doubled!"

"First, the unique skill of the Xiaoyao sect, the northern underworld magic skill, can absorb other people\'s internal power after dispersing the skill! Rank king!"

"Second, the unique skill of Xiaoyao school, Lingbo micro step, is a divinatory symbol of the sky. It\'s floating lingxu! It\'s rated king!"

"Third, the unique skill of Xiaoyao sect," eight wastelands and six harmonies, self respecting skill ", sweeps across the eight wastelands and is domineering without couples. Each layer increases the force value by two points and is rated king!"

Is this... The golden old man\'s unique skill?

The above three unique skills are undoubtedly the top skills in the Golden Book.

"The task reward in step 4 is not very good!"

Liu Hao was very calm and even a little disappointed!

At this time, he was already everyone who had seen the world.

With the true spirit of Huang Di\'s Inner Canon and the emperor of heaven, coupled with the Joyoung\'s magic power and dragon elephant\'s training, the power of the world is absolutely crushed.

Beiming\'s divine skill is not reliable. It not only needs to dissipate its own true Qi, but also the extracted true Qi is mixed, but it\'s trouble!

As for the "eight wastelands and Six Harmonies self respecting skill" practiced by Wu Xingyun, the name sounds domineering, but it is somewhat strange, let alone consider!

"Choose Lingbo micro step!"

Liu Hao made a decision without hesitation.

With his position getting higher and higher, he is bound to encounter more and more dangers. "Lingbo micro step" can be regarded as the most golden body method. It\'s just good to leave a way back for himself!

Ding Dong!

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the lightness skill body method of King rating, Lingbo micro step!"

With a mysterious sound concussion, Liu Hao\'s consciousness came into contact with a mysterious and profound information light ball.

With the deduction of congenital divinatory symbols in his consciousness, the magic changes of body methods were deeply engraved in Liu Hao\'s brain.

The secret strategy of Qi watching also happened to involve the innate divination. Liu Hao accepted Lingbo\'s micro step, and there was almost no obstacle.


I don\'t know how long later, Liu Hao\'s acupoints and orifices on his feet continued to emerge with a mysterious force!

"So it is, Lingbo micro step?"

In the long laughter, Liu Hao\'s body seemed to turn into an illusion and wandered wildly in the camp.

For this lightness skill, he has done his best.

When he opened the door in a happy mood, his heart clicked.


The night was deep and dark clouds covered the moon.

Why does silence seem to contain an inexplicable terror?

After Liu Hao studied the Yellow Emperor\'s Internal Classic, the five senses were greatly enhanced again, almost dozens of times that of ordinary people!

Only when threatened, this feeling will trigger!

No, someone assassinated!

When the idea emerged from Liu Hao\'s heart, a petite black figure appeared in the shadow.

"Hum, look at the sword!"

With a cold drink.

The assassin is like a ghost sneaking out of the dark night.

Silently, he shot from the dark and hit Liu Hao directly.

No sound, no ghost!

"How on earth did the assassin sneak in without telling his own bodyguard?"

At this critical moment, Liu Hao approached instinctively and took the Lingbo micro step deeply engraved in his mind according to the innate book of changes!

News disease Lingfeng, transposition and shape shifting!

This is the king\'s rating, and it is also the power of the top lightness skill body method in the gold department. There is no doubt about it!

The sword was shining brightly, but Liu Hao was floating like an immortal.

By a tiny margin, he avoided the assassin\'s sword light and directly opened the distance between them.

Liu Hao shouted coldly, "who are you? Dare to assassinate me?"

"Hum, who wants to assassinate you!"

The assassin hummed like a silver bell.

Liu Hao had an accident. The assassin was still a woman!?

Take a closer look. The female assassin is wearing a black scarf. She can\'t see her face clearly, but her eyes are shining.

The peaks under the night clothes are towering, and the feet are slender, showing a hot and beautiful figure.

According to the old driver\'s scoring standard, the 100 point system can at least give a score of 89 to 10.

"You big official, how can you be so handsome..."

After the female assassin failed, she didn\'t hurry to escape. Instead, she looked up and down at Liu Hao, and a strange look flashed in her beautiful eyes.

"You can\'t go away tonight!"

Liu Hao took a deep breath, but a touch of evil spirit appeared on his face.

He is not a person who can\'t walk when he sees a beautiful woman. In this world, there is absolutely no beautiful woman more important than his life.

The long sword in his hand burst out a clear and fierce Feng Ming!

The Phoenix seeks its mate, the sword flies, and moves in an instant!

Suddenly, Liu Hao\'s figure rose from the ground, like a flying phoenix!

Especially after more Lingbo micro steps, it adds a bit of natural and unrestrained elegance.

The sword light is intertwined, like a dream.

Put the female assassin in the sword light!

"No, his sword... It\'s so terrible. I\'m not an opponent!"

The female assassin uttered a panic cry.


In her hasty retreat, a wisp of sword Qi, like the feather of Shenfeng Tianhuang, wiped her arm, immediately cut her night clothes and exposed the greasy skin inside!

Until now, she knew what a terrible existence she had provoked!

"Still want to run, where to run?"

Liu Hao didn\'t intend to let him go. The emperor\'s true Qi floated, and Lingbo\'s Micro steps suddenly broke out!

Shrink to an inch and flash behind the female assassin!

A hand knife!

Knock her out completely.,,.