The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 110

"It\'s dangerous... Fortunately, it\'s a rookie assassin!"

Liu Hao held the female assassin in his hand and touched his torn sleeve with one hand. He was afraid for a while!

If he hadn\'t just got Lingbo micro step, lingxu moved horizontally and avoided the key blow, Liu Hao didn\'t know whether the next development would be reversed.

Heavily threw the female assassin onto the couch in the camp and tied it with cloth.

"Yellow scarf thieves always rush up. They don\'t do the trick of assassination, do they?"

Liu Hao was also a little curious. His intuition told him that the yellow scarf thief didn\'t have this IQ.

Liu Hao\'s eyes lit up when he opened the black scarf on her face!

This assassin is a beauty!

The female assassin was bound, with green silk like a waterfall, skin like jade, bright eyes and teeth, a trace of stubbornness in the corners of her mouth and graceful figure.

She passed out, no longer the original fierce, obedient like a little sheep.

Ding Dong!

Liu haomu\'s golden awn flashes, and the emperor hopes that Qi can be used successfully.

Liu Yan, force 78, intelligence 73, politics 42, command 21, charm 94.

Special effects, such as shadow: it has the talent of sneaking and disappearing, which is difficult to be found. If it is shot in the night environment, force + 3.

"I still have such talent for assassination. No wonder I can hide my five senses."

At this time, the female assassin on the cloud couch was in a coma for half a sound and had long woken up.

She found that she had been tied to death. At that time, Jiao\'s body trembled and her voice was a little crying: "dog officer, let go of me, you big villain!"

"Let you go?! it doesn\'t exist!"

Thinking of his narrow escape, Liu Hao\'s only feeling of pity for xiangxiyu was gone. He was very cold.

It\'s impossible to put it. What if it\'s assassinated again?

You can only bind it to talk well


The female assassin named Liu Yan looked at the handsome Liu Hao and felt an inexplicable palpitation in her heart.

The man in front of him has a clear and detached temperament. He doesn\'t have any superfluous taste, only the smell of warm sunshine.

Looking at him, I feel a little intoxicated.



Ding Dong!

"The Heart Sutra of the Royal daughter of the Yellow Emperor is refined again. The current progress is 510!"

Liu Hao\'s mood finally calmed down, followed by a strange feeling.

What\'s all this called?

At this time, there is another scene in the camp.

Liu Yan, a fierce female assassin a moment ago, turned into a docile and lovely woman and said softly: "concubine, now she belongs to the master. Please loosen her concubine."

Liu Hao was a little stunned. The sister\'s attitude changed so much that she was like a different person!

Is it a bitter meat trick?

Liu Hao opened a safe distance and guarded the tunnel: "are you sure you won\'t attack me suddenly?"

"How could it be... My lord defeated brother Yan\'er\'s army..."

Liu Yan, the female assassin, was wronged and said, "Yan\'er just wanted to scare adults last night. I didn\'t expect that adults were so skilled that they caught Yan\'er..."

"Sweat! You\'re running to scare me. What\'s the matter..."

Liu Hao was still worried. He used the emperor\'s Qi again to check his loyalty.

Ding Dong!

"Liu Yan\'s loyalty to the host is 100, and the additional reward is 800!"

One hundred loyalty, even if she is told to die, she will do it

Sleeping trough, that\'s ok

Liu Hao was stunned.

This girl is not a shaking m!?


Just then, outside the camp tent, a burst of eager voice suddenly came. Liu Hao asked, "what\'s the matter?"

The soldiers rushed in and said, "Lord, General Liu Pi is looking for someone."

"The last general Liu PI disturbed the Lord. Please forgive me!"

There was some tension in Liu Pi\'s voice.


Liu Yan exclaimed. Liu Hao finally knew that her brother was Liu pi

How did Liu Pi\'s parents live?

The son has five big and three thick, but the daughter is more charming than flowers?

Liu Hao quickly untied Liu Yan, who was still inconvenient to move, and lost a long shirt to her.

The original night clothes can\'t be worn anymore

"Ha ha, here is the Lord. Eh, no... why..."

Liu Pi\'s face changed wonderfully and his smile was a little strange.

As a passer-by, he saw his sister coming out of Liu Hao\'s camp. With her pinched steps and shy posture, he immediately understood in his heart.

"General Liu, I heard that Yan\'er is still your sister. She has excellent martial arts. She is really a heroine among women..."

Liu Hao patted Liu Pi on the shoulder with a smile. Liu PI was flattered.

Liu PI hurriedly said, "no, this girl has learned some skills from an old man since childhood. She is very savage..."

"Hum, I\'ll go back first..."

Liu Yan proudly hummed. Obviously, she didn\'t agree with her brother and trotted out.

"Hey, little sister, go slowly..."

Liu PI hurriedly said goodbye to Liu Hao and chased him out. In his eyes, he thought more:

Yan\'er, a girl, unexpectedly broke into the main public camp by mistake and had a real relationship with the Lord.

Hei hei, she is as beautiful as a flower. At that time, I will be a family with the Lord?


Ding Dong!

Liu Pi\'s loyalty has been increased to 100, and the additional reward worship value is 666.

Liu Hao looked at the back of Liu Bi\'s brother and sister and was speechless for a while.

These two brothers and sisters are really 666. They can\'t be measured by the thinking of normal people!

"Forget it, call a legend first!"

Liu Hao gathered his mind, swallowed the lucky potion directly, and directly chose the value of consumption worship.

"Ding Dong, get a diamond level legendary summoning card!"

"Ding Dong, got the right to draw ten times at random!"

"The current worship value is 1251 points. Continue to consume“

Forget it, try the water first!

Liu Hao stopped chopping his hands.

Watching the worship value accumulated for a long time evaporate in an instant, heartache.,,.