The Strongest System To Dominate the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 92

Zhang Yu did not dare to take any more risks. He had already lost a lot in this war.

All those who rush out of the city are the elite of yellow scarves. Zhang Yu doesn't dare to fight with them.


Zhang Yu turned around a little and retreated to the northeast. At this time, there were fewer enemies in this direction.

Zhang Yu and Huang Jin are retreating. The officers and soldiers are fighting with each other. However, after a while, the commanders of both sides withdraw slowly.

"Lord, it's not good. There are officers and soldiers fighting with Huang Jin in front. It's the 100000 Huang Jin reinforcements." Zhang Yu, they meet the enemy again.

"Be sure to take them out." Zhang Yu looked at his legion. At this time, there were only more than 3000 people left.

These three thousand people have fought with Zhang Yu many times. They have changed from recruits to elite soldiers. Each of them is a precious treasure.


Without hesitation, Zhang Yu went to the battlefield with his troops. There was no road in the rear, but only in the front.

Because the enemies of the two gates have been released and slowly retreated, and the officers and soldiers fighting with the reinforcements also began to retreat.

Zhang Yu, they have to face a large share of yellow scarves.

"If you rush out, you'll see the sky and the sea." Zhang Yu thought silently.

As the two sides approach, Zhang Yu is ready to fight.

"Ning er." When the two armies finally meet, Zhang Yu discovers that Zhang Ning and Ma Yuanyi are the leaders.

Of course, Zhang Ning didn't need to say that Ma Yuanyi had changed his fate because of Zhang Yu, but he didn't die.

Zhang Ning also found Zhang Yu, with mist in his eyes.

"I didn't expect to see you again." Zhang Yu sighed in his heart.

Although he has known for a long time that he will stand on the hostile side with Zhang Ning, when this day comes, Zhang Yu's heart is still very bitter.

Two lovers meet each other on the battlefield.

Zhang Yu did not move, Zhang Ning did not move, more than 100 meters apart to watch.

"Brother Zhang Yu, why is this so? If I had gone back with you, you would not have come here." Zhang Ning was bitter in his heart and hazy in his eyes.

"What are we going to do, saint?" Ma Yuanyi also recognizes Zhang Yu. At the same time, he also knows that Zhang Ning has a different relationship with Zhang Yu.

Zhang Ning held back tears, then said: "Zhang Yu once saved me, today even if the two Qing, let them leave."

Ma Yuanyi nodded. Zhang Yu only had more than 3000 of them, which had little influence on both sides of the hundreds of thousands of troops. Naturally, he would not fight Zhang Ning because of this.

"Lord, they have made way."

After Huang Jin gives way, Zhang Yu looks at Zhang Ning stupidly, but he doesn't react, so ling Cao reminds him.

"Hoo ~"

Zhang Yu returned to his senses, gave a deep breath, and then said, "let's go."

When the two armies meet, Zhang Yu looks at Zhang Ning, and Zhang Ning also looks at Zhang Yu.

Two people say goodbye and go back to one side.

Zhang Yu's heart is heavy, as Zhang Ning is.

This is the battlefield, and the war is cruel.

Zhang Yu's vitality was greatly damaged. After saying goodbye to Zhang Ning, he withdrew his residence.

Zhang Yu's mood is rather dull, and the general team is handed over to lingcao.

One day later, Zhang Yu also found out the situation of the war.

In this war, the strength of the officers and soldiers was also greatly damaged.

More than 70000 officers and soldiers were killed in the battle, and 130000 were killed in the battle of Huangjin.

After this battle, the officers and soldiers were no longer able to attack and fully entered the defense.

At this time, there were only more than 60000 troops left in the army. They kept close watch on the barracks and did not dare to attack.

Zhang Yu sighed, the scale of the war between the two sides has been much larger than in history, but Zhang Yu has not realized where the problem is.

Zhang Yu stayed in the military account all day by himself. Except for Zhang Ning's problem, Zhang Yu wanted to study the current situation.

The current situation is very bad.

At this time, the yellow scarf occupied the advantage, there are more than 300000 yellow scarves in the city, while the officers and soldiers only have more than 60000, so the defense force is not enough.

But to Zhang Yu's surprise, after the war, there was no movement in Huang Jin's side, and he didn't take advantage of it.

What Zhang Yu didn't know was that there was a big problem in the yellow scarf.

That is, Zhang Jiao suddenly became seriously ill. When he went back that day, he fainted in his room. When he woke up, he was as angry as if his life had been exhausted.

However, Zhang Jiao is like this. Only a few people like Zhang Bao and Zhang Liang know that they have blocked the news.

Zhang Bao and Zhang Liang did not dare to leave Zhang Jiao, which made Huang Jin unable to organize the attack, so he had to hold on.

The situation of Zhang Jiao is of course related to the rise and fall of Huang Jin.

Under such circumstances, the two sides suspended the war temporarily.

"Newspaper, Lord, someone outside the account asked to see him and called him an old friend, but he refused to show his true face." The soldier came to report.

"Old friend?" Zhang Yu doubts that he has any old friends here.

"How many on the other side?" Zhang Yu asked.

"One person."

"I'll go out and have a look." Although Zhang Yu was confused, there was only one person on the other side. It was obviously not a conspiracy. Maybe he was really an old friend.

From a distance, one was wearing a black cape, a hat and a black scarf.

At a glance, he knew that the other party wanted to cover up his identity, so Zhang Yu was more confused.

"What? Is that you After approaching, Zhang Yu recognized each other.

The familiar fragrance and the big eyes.

After Zhang Yu was shocked, he did not understand the voice and color and said, "come in with me."

One before and one after, they went to Zhang Yu's tent, and another team of guards followed.

"All bodyguards are within 30 meters of the tent. No one is allowed to get close to them. In addition, an order is sent to Ling Cao to strengthen the guard of the camp." At the gate of his tent, Zhang Yu ordered.

His soldiers had great respect for Zhang Yu and good discipline, so they immediately took orders to execute.

"Ning'er, why are you here?" After entering the tent, Zhang Yu holds Zhang Ning's shoulder in both hands and says.

This person is Zhang Ning. Zhang Yu never thought that Zhang Ning would come to him alone in the evening.

Zhang Ning took off his hat and scarf and said, "brother Zhang Yu, Ning'er misses you so much."

Zhang Yu held Zhang Ning in his arms and said, "Ning'er, I miss you very much, too."

They held each other quietly.

For a long time, Zhang Ning said: "brother Zhang Yu, let's leave here. Don't fight or die."

Zhang Yu didn't answer, leave? That's impossible.

But if they don't leave, they belong to different camps, which may kill each other.

Among other things, Zhang Yu almost killed Zhang Liang today. If Zhang Yu killed Zhang Liang, what would the relationship be like.

"Brother Zhang Yu, why is it like this? Why?" Zhang Ning cried.

Zhang Yu sighed and said, "Ning'er, we are all forced to get involved in this war. No one can avoid it, but no matter what the situation worsens, I will protect you."

"Brother Zhang Yu, I'm afraid of losing my father, my uncle and you." Zhang Ning looked up at Zhang Yu and said.

Zhang Yu wants to talk but stops. Zhang Jiao can't live this year. He is the same with or without him, so Zhang Yu doesn't know what to say.

"Brother Zhang Yu, you want me." All of a sudden, Zhang Ning said with astonishing words.