The Strongest System To Dominate the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 91

Zhang Liang's head is so big that it can't be stopped completely.

His 10000 troops originally wanted to block Zhang Yu and buy time for other yellow scarves, but Zhang Yu was too fierce.

Zhang Liang tries to stop him, but Zhang Yu and Huang Zhong still kill him not far away.

"No, if I die in battle, the whole army will be destroyed."

Zhang Jiao carefully layout, now is the time to pick up the results, Zhang Liang is very aware that once he did not hold on, this road failed, then the whole plan simply can not achieve the goal.

Zhang Liang retreated, and then tried to mobilize the army. If he wanted to stop Zhang Yu, he would at least delay time.

"Today, unless I die, I will break the formation of this army." Zhang Liang made up his mind to fight to the death even if he knew it was very dangerous.

Zhang Yu and Huang Zhong are getting closer and closer, and both sides can see their faces clearly.

Zhang Yu spins the Bawang halberd and cuts the Yellow scarves under the halberd.

Huang Zhong is also crazy. Like an axe, he splits the yellow scarf from left to right.

"Get in the way, come on, get in the way."

Zhang Liang yelled, pushing the yellow scarf soldiers to the battlefield, while the number of soldiers around him was decreasing.

Zhang Jiao has been paying close attention to the changes of the war situation, and he can see it very clearly in the city.

Zhang Yu rushed all the way and repeatedly destroyed his own arrangement.

Now it is in the key position of yellow scarf.

"Zhang Yu, I'm afraid it's really the trouble of my yellow scarf." Zhang Jiao has seen the crisis above.

He knew that Zhang Liang would not be able to stop him, but just how long he could delay.

If you can break the formation of the officers and soldiers first and break them, you will win. Otherwise, once Zhang Yu breaks through the blockade, Zhang Liang himself will be very dangerous.

It's not just Zhang Yu and Huang Zhong who fight in bloody battles. Zhang Yu's legions are twisted up and down into a rope, and they are all fighting with Zhang Yu.

"Lord, the army is going to be unable to hold on." Zhang Yu let Ling Cao pay attention to the war situation, because he wants to break the battle, can't be distracted.

"Is it going to be in vain?" Zhang Yu's heart sank. Once the army of the imperial court couldn't support him, his efforts were not only in vain, but also in danger.

"No, we can't let soldiers give their lives in vain." Zhang Yu gritted his teeth and made the last effort.

"Hansheng, I'll block these yellow scarves for you. You attack with bow and arrow." There are still more than 20 meters away from Zhang Liang, but the closer they are to Zhang Liang, the fiercer Huang Jin's resistance is, so Huang Zhong is their last and only chance at this time.

"Good." Knowing that the situation was urgent, Huang Zhong wiped his sword on the ground and took off the bow and arrow he was carrying behind him.


Zhang Yu takes the first two steps to sweep away the obstacles for Huang Zhong, giving him space to attack.

Zhang Liang sat on the horse directing the battle, and suddenly he felt very uneasy.

It's like being watched by wild animals.

"Not good."


When Huang Zhong shot his bow and arrow, Zhang Liang found out and quickly turned over and dismounted.


But it was too late. The speed of the arrow was very fast. Although Zhang Liang avoided the crucial point, the arrow penetrated his arm, took him out two meters, and then fell heavily on the ground.

"General rengong."

"General rengong."

Zhang Liang fell to the ground heavily. Zhang Yu said in secret that it was a pity. He saw it very clearly. Zhang Liang found the arrow ahead of time and avoided the key.

There's no way. Huang Zhong's attack angle and environment are too bad. Otherwise, it's not difficult to kill Zhang Liang with Huang Zhong's archery.

However, Zhang Liang was injured, Huang Jin's morale was greatly affected.

"Zhang Liang is dead." Zhang Yu roared: "follow me."

Zhang Yu shouts, although he knows that Zhang Liang is not dead, Zhang Liang certainly does not dare to show up easily. They know this, but those who fight with the army in the distance don't.

The yellow scarf in front of us has also been greatly shaken.

"No, third brother is in danger." Zhang Jiao had a very clear view of the city.

Huang Zhong is still on guard with his bow and arrow. Once Zhang Liang shows up, he will attack.

But if Zhang Liang doesn't show up, he will be mistaken for being killed.

At that time, the morale of the front will be greatly affected, and this battle will be regarded as a failure.

Zhang Jiao is very anxious. He knows Zhang Liang and is afraid of taking risks.

"Go down immediately and rescue general rengong." Zhang Jiao said to a young guard, let him take people out of the city to save Zhang Liang.

As Zhang Jiao expected, Zhang Liang stood up in great pain and asked the soldiers to support him. He wanted to mount his horse to command the battle.

The morale of the soldiers has begun to waver. If he does not show up as soon as possible, the battle will be difficult.

"General, danger."

"No, general."

Zhang Liang's bodyguards have been persuading him, but Zhang Liang is still determined to get on the horse.

"Whew ~"

As soon as Zhang Liang got on the horse, the sound of breaking the air came over,.

"General rengong, dangerous."

At the critical moment, the soldiers next to him pulled Zhang Liang off his horse and escaped Huang Zhong's surprise attack.

However, Zhang Liang's injury worsened and he couldn't get on the horse.


Zhang Yu took the opportunity to launch a fierce attack. Without Zhang Liang's command, Huang Jin's combat effectiveness dropped greatly, and Zhang Yu made breakthroughs one after another.

"Go on, go on."

Finally, with Zhang Yu's efforts, they broke through Huang Jin's interception.

Zhang Yu and his army continued to charge. He rushed to the back of Huang Jin, who was fighting with the army, and launched an attack from behind.

Zhang Liang is very anxious, he is he suffered not light injury, unable to command, can only watch Zhang Yu they will destroy their efforts.

The yellow scarf was in chaos, the rear was attacked secretly, and the yellow scarf in front didn't want to fight.

When the officers and soldiers saw it, they took the opportunity to counterattack.

When the two sides started a scuffle, they both lost their command. It was a chaotic war.

"No, we have to break through."

Chaos began, but Zhang Yu was undoubtedly in the center of the vortex, surrounded by yellow scarves.

"From there, it's our only chance." Zhang Yu pointed to Zhang Liang's place with his halberd.

Zhang Liang saw that Zhang Yu actually pointed at him with a Bawang halberd, and knew that Zhang Yu took him as a target, angry and anxious.

"Zhang Yu, I will cut you alive."

Being treated as a prey, how can Zhang Liang not be angry? It's just that he is injured and can't fight directly, but he can command Huang Jin to encircle Zhang Yu.

However, Zhang Liang did not dare to mount the horse this time. The archer was too terrible. Zhang Liang struggled from the edge of death twice. It was impossible not to be afraid.


Identify the direction, Zhang Yu begins to fight.

This time he asked Huang Zhong and Ling Cao to cooperate with him.

Disorderly yellow scarf team, blocking is not strong, but yellow scarf is too much.

All the way, no one can stop it.

At this time, there is no need for any other language except to rush and kill the enemy.

"General rengong, get out of here. It's dangerous."

Zhang Yu, they really broke through to Zhang Liang. Zhang Liang's guards protected him and kept retreating.

Zhang Liang killed more than ten meters, Zhang Liang deeply felt the terror of Zhang Yu and the three of them, and set off a bloodbath in front of them.

At this time, two thousand yellow scarves rushed out of the city and rushed to Zhang Yu.

"It's a pity." Seeing the reinforcements coming out of the city, Zhang Yu says it's a pity.

A Huang Jin Qu Shuai has at least 50000 points, but this liang doesn't know how many. Unfortunately, Zhang Yu lost his chance.