The Strongest Leveling System

Chapter 247

Laohui can't help but collapse. He can see that long Xiaotian doesn't really go to the realm of cultivation if he knows that he can really avoid the catastrophe. Although he has never seen his master practice before, this is the place where Lao Hui is puzzled.

For the system, although he knew that there was such a thing, he thought it was some magic weapon that made the sound, where he knew that the realm of dragon Xiaotian was brought to him by the system.

But is there such a person? The doubt in old gray's heart, such a person seems to have no such excellent quality besides his own master.

We should know why they embarked on the path of cultivation. We should know that although the results of cultivation are beautiful, practitioners also have their own difficulties. Are they not giving up a lot of enjoyment?

When did you see practitioners and secular people eating and drinking together? If there is no such person, this is the price that practitioners must pay. Even if they enjoy, they must restrain themselves. Of course, they should not eat at all, but at least they should eat what is good for their cultivation.

Cultivation is to act against the heaven. Their purpose is to get more longevity yuan. There is also a reason for you. With the improvement of cultivation level, you will enter a new world. This world will let you know many unknown things and even enter a new plane!

Don't you want to know what the superior plane looks like? And there must be other worlds outside the land of San Yuan. Are they not attractive to you?

Unless you are unable to practice and can only swallow saliva and envy, otherwise, as a practitioner, you will not give up when you have the opportunity to improve your realm and practice as a matter of course.

Of course, they will encounter such terrible things as robbery, but this is not an opportunity for practitioners. Others do not have the ability to cross the river. I don't know how many people will be greedy for you.

"No, but it has nothing to do with your realm." Old ash only wry smile: "just because your spiritual field promotion is too fast."

Original Lingtian promotion too fast will also have side effects? Long Xiaotian's fakes are jumping around. Just now this guy was still complaining that the system was not generous enough. He didn't promote himself to Tianpin Lingtian. Now he knows that the promotion is not all good for him.

However, should I hope that the growth rate of the holy land will be slower and slower. If so, I can feel safe, but it is not a bad thing for the fiber?

All of a sudden, long Xiaotian turned to think about it. He couldn't help laughing and said, "so it is. If you come, let him come."

Originally, Lao Hui still wanted to persuade long Xiaotian, but now he is good. Long Xiaotian has convinced himself, which saves him a lot of things.

But he also felt very strange, how could his master suddenly think of it?

It turns out that long Xiaotian suddenly thinks that his realm is given by the system and has nothing to do with God. This catastrophe may not come to him. Therefore, if he worries too early, isn't he worried?

So the goods didn't put the old ash's warning in his heart, so he backed out happily, stroked Mu's hair with a smile and said, "Xian Xian, do you see that my injury has been cured, you don't have to worry about me."

Mu Xianxian sees that her pills have been effective. As expected, the blood doesn't flow. Moreover, long Xiaotian is not a demon, which makes her happy. She doesn't need to worry about it any more.

"But why are you not the devil?" Mu Xianxian felt strange: "my master can't be wrong."

Long Xiaotian said seriously: "although I don't know why you believe in your master like this, what you should know is that it's better to believe in books than to have no books? Do you know what it means

Mu Xianxian widens her eyes and looks at long Xiaotian. It seems that he doesn't know him. It's no wonder that Mu Xianxian and long Xiaotian have never thought that this guy would be such a wise man since they got along with each other.

Under the beautiful woman's gaze, long Xiaotian could not help but feel more and more proud: "even if your master is the best master in the world, he also has something he can't see. By the way, is your master a woman? "

Mu Xianxian was stunned by his sudden turning point. She suddenly reacted. It is estimated that this boy's small bellied chicken is playing a trick again. She said with a smile: "of course, it's female, and it's a very beautiful woman."

"I don't believe she can be more beautiful than my filaments." Long Xiaotian takes advantage of it and tightens Mu Xianxian's waist. Mu Xianxian gives him a look. Out of her guilt just now, she doesn't struggle.

Long Xiao Tian Shuang, this girl is not only beautiful, but also a princess. But she is so obedient to herself and her life is like this. What is more?

While holding the beauty to take advantage of the advantage, he made the appearance of the most honest man. It is estimated that the title of the film emperor long Xiaotian has not run away. How could no wise director find his excellent material at the beginning, or did he have it only after passing through?

"Slim, you must know that there are many things in this world that your master can't know. Of course, I can't know either, but at least I know how to imagine boldly and make careful textual research!" Long Xiaotian said in a deep voice: "as for how my different pupils come from, this is the gift of nature. Don't ask why, as long as you know that I have such magical ability."Mu Xianxian looked at long Xiaotian and said, "you are right. I think my master's vision is worse than you. Even she doesn't know this truth."

Being looked at by such adoring eyes of beautiful women, and still in their arms, only in this world can enjoy it, and that world such a wonderful woman can't help asking about her own wealth.

If you know that you are a poor person, it is estimated that the probability of turning around and leaving is more than 200%.

"Slim, although I don't blame you for hurting me, I'm also very moved by your practice. At least you don't part with me, but you clearly believe that I am a demon and are willing to go to the netherworld with me, but you have hurt an innocent person after all!" Long Xiaotian looks like saliva is flowing down: "I said you should compensate me something?"

Is it that Mu Xianxian and long Xiaotian have been together for such a long time, can they still know the implication of this guy? Her pretty face is not from a burst of red, gently way: "if you want, just do as you like, as I wrongly blame you."

With that, the girl closed her eyes. Her heart was beating wildly and her delicate body was shaking. She was waiting for long Xiaotian to kiss.