The Strongest Leveling System

Chapter 246

If it was someone else, Lao Hui would have turned his back. You are asking me to do something. Although there is a contract, if you go too far, I will break up with you! Laohui was not a good man. He was forced to enter long Xiaotian's body.

But now Lao Hui has no more respect for long Xiaotian. If he was alone, would he have the chance to cultivate his soul? Moreover, with the promotion of the spiritual field, their own soul and body strength progress very fast.

Even Lao Hui didn't think that he had opened up a brand-new path of cultivation for pharmacists, that is, soul power first and then body.

Originally, the body and the soul are linked together, and they can't be separated. Who would be stupid enough to sacrifice the existence of the body, just cultivate the soul body, and only those with brain drain will do so.

But now it's totally different. Lao Hui realized that losing his body was good for cultivating soul power. Especially, the promotion of Lingtian was so fast that his speed of cultivating soul power also increased rapidly.

Even if long Xiaotian doesn't want him now, he still wants to stay here begging for nothing and won't be willing to leave.

This is the best place for him to practice. He cherishes this year's time. What he regrets now is one thing. Why does long Xiaotian set a time with himself for only one year? If it is longer, he will not hesitate to agree to it.

"Master, I want to remind you of two things." "The first thing, I have refined the pills you want," he said

Long Xiaotian was stunned. He suddenly thought of Lin Tao. It must be Lin Tao's elixir, so Jordan's appearance can be restored.

Thinking of his bad attitude towards Laohui just now, to tell the truth, Laohui has given himself a lot of help. He can make pills and solve his array. Besides, isn't Xiaobai relying on his eyesight to help him? Otherwise, I would not have thought that there were other mysteries in this box.

Thinking of this, long Xiaotian immediately paid attention to his attitude and made his face look better. He said to Laohui with a smile: "Laohui, I was in a hurry just now. Don't blame me."

Considering what long Xiaotian did with his attitude, he decided that he must have a good relationship with the temporary owner, and he could also make a request for him to stay.

Of course, he knew that longxiaotian had to ask for himself, but didn't he also ask for it? I have developed soul power now. If I have not guessed wrong, as long as I go to the pharmacist's Union, I should be at least level 3. Ha ha, it's not far from level 4 pharmacists.

If he could go further, the fourth level pharmacist would be honored as "Tiandan master". That would not be a treatment. So where would Lao Hui leave? I can't leave even if I'm dead.

Laohui said with a smile: "master, you are so polite. My pill is sure to be effective, and the quality of the pill has reached more than 88%

How does long Xiaotian know the concept of 88% in his mind.

In fact, he didn't know what kind of terror degree 88% of them had reached! Eighty eight percent is not as good as 90 percent. In fact, with the height of a third level pharmacist, this is the highest value.

Of course, long Xiaotian didn't know. After Laohui had made the pills, although he had a premonition that the results of the alchemy would surely give him a big surprise, he did not expect that 88% of the pills would be refined in his own hands.

On the one hand, this is because his soul power has been greatly improved, and it is also because in long Xiaotian's body, his soul power can be promoted to the best state.

Eighty eight! Lao Hui's excited lips are trembling. If he didn't know long Xiaotian, how could he reach such a high level? If you want to achieve 80% of the pills you have practiced before, you need to fail at least three times. That is to say, nine out of ten pills are failed products.

But this time, he was a success. How could Laohui not feel excited? He had to know whether the pill would cause the sequelae of the explosion.

If the explosion happened, it would be a very heavy blow to the current situation of Laohui, because Laohui is now a soul body, which is an important reason why the soul and the body can not be compared with the body.

But no! And the quality has reached a high level of 88%, which of course makes Lao Hui very happy.

Long Xiaotian quickly collected the vial of the pill, and then asked Laohui, "Laohui, what else do you want to tell me?"

With a dignified expression, Laohui said to long Xiaotian, "master, this matter is very important to you, that is, you are going to cross the robbery."

"What's that Long Xiaotian said casually, suddenly his neck became stiff: "what do you say? Is it a robbery? I've heard that if you want to survive the robbery, you need to reach the Jingyuan realm? Why are you going to rob now

Can he not know what happened to the robbery? Although he did not practice before entering the world, he knew this thing when he read online novels. It was very dangerous and dangerous!It seems that in his previous life, he had heard such a legend that a big snake tried to cross the river and was beaten to pieces. He didn't know whether it was true or not.

But after coming to this world, it is totally different from the original world. It is a world of practitioners. This legend may be an illusion of people in the original world, but it exists completely in this world.

But at least for the present state of long Xiaotian, there is no need to worry about it, because it can only appear when the spiritual realm breaks through to the Jingyuan realm.

When long Xiaotian thought of the horror of the legendary robbery, his scalp felt numb. This was not fun. Once he crossed the road, he would die, even the lowest level in the world.

It's a double test of one's physical and mental strength. Only powerful people can withstand it. Long Xiaotian doesn't want to reach this level so quickly.

Although he knows that if he has reached the essence state, he will certainly usher in this day, but this worthless guy will not hope that this day will appear. At most, he will run away from Mu Xianxian and Yun Zhongyan Li Yuejiao, and be free and at ease. Isn't it beautiful?

It seems that after reaching the spiritual realm, one's life expectancy can reach at least 200 years old, which is enough for his original world to be included in the Guinness Book of contents. What else do you want to do?

"Why did I have a catastrophe? I don't want the realm now, OK? " Long Xiaotian asked tentatively.