The Strongest Legend of Dragon Ball

Chapter 74

In a practice room in the palace of the begeta star.

In the dark environment, two or three cultivators surrounded the young figure in the center, but they were afraid to attack.

You should know that these cultivators are cultivated with the highest technology. The combat effectiveness of each cultivator is about 1000, and the figure surrounded in the center looks like a young Saiya under the age of five, but even so, those cultivators still instinctively feel fear.

"Hum!" The little Saiya snorted coldly and adjusted his figure to prepare for the attack.

In a moment, the little Saiya people suddenly accelerated, and the illusory shadow immediately spread all over the field of vision. Then a flash of light lit up, and the glittering and translucent energy seemed to overflow the whole practice room. After the roaring noise, the smoke of gunpowder filled the line of sight.

When the smoke gradually dispersed, only the young Saiya stood proudly in the field.


Disdainfully glanced at the charred cultivator crawling in the ammunition pit. The young Saiya\'s voice was cold and flat, and then put on his cloak and walked out of the training room.

After the figure left, the Saiya man in charge of cleaning up the mess looked at the potholes on the ground and said with emotion: "Prince vegeta is really powerful. He can defeat the cultivator at such a young age. He must be an outstanding king in the future!"

"Yes, under the leadership of King begeta and his Royal Highness Prince, we Saiya will become stronger and stronger!" Another middle-aged Saiya looked at the direction where vegeta disappeared and replied with envy.

In vegeta, there is a clear boundary between the strong and the weak. Saiya people with medium qualifications like them can only do chores. If Saiya people want to develop, they still need talents like Prince vegeta!


On the corridor of the palace, vegeta walked forward with a calm face. Although his combat effectiveness has exceeded 1000 points, he was not satisfied.

At this time, several bodyguards in the corridor hurried by, holding large plates of food in their hands. When vegeta saw this, she couldn\'t help feeling a little strange, so she grabbed a bodyguard.

"What\'s the matter with you running so fast? Who\'s the food for?" Asked vegeta strangely.

The bodyguard, sweating profusely, replied, "a strange man has just come to the palace. The king asked us to arrange for these foods to be delivered! Your highness, please let me go. The guest has been in a hurry!"

Let go of his hand and looked at the back of the bodyguard. Vegeta wondered, "what kind of guest is it? Why did father let people prepare so much food?"

Thinking about it, vegeta walked towards the inner hall of the palace.

When she came to the side of the palace hall, vegeta heard a humiliating curse coming from the hall. It was a very strange voice.

"Asshole, you let people prepare these garbage to entertain the God? King vegeta, you know that you can\'t afford to fool and destroy the God!"

Birus\'s voice was dignified and indifferent.

"Lord Beeroth, I dare not fool you. This is the most delicious food on vegeta!" King bejita\'s voice was a little frightened, his hands on the ground had completely crawled on the ground, and his face was very distorted.

King vegeta is a person with strong self-esteem, which is exactly the same as the future vegeta, but in front of birus, he can only lower his arrogant head and humbly please each other. Because once the other party is angry, the whole vegeta star will completely disappear from the universe.


Birus put one foot on King vegeta\'s head, dug his ears with his fingers, and blew it on his mouth, showing impatience. To tell the truth, the food prepared by King vegeta made him very dissatisfied. It was not as delicious as he had eaten before.

"Is that what you call delicious?"

Birus stared at the golden pupils and threw the food on the head of the king, who could only bear it humbly.

"What\'s the matter, who is the other party, and why should my father endure such a great insult!"

Beijita hid behind the stone pillar and looked at the picture in front of her. The king of the Saiyan... How can she be so humble. Vegeta clenched her fist and was a little unhappy.


Birus noticed that someone was hiding behind the pillar and stared. The vast power immediately penetrated the rock and hit vegeta. Vegeta immediately fell to the ground like a lightning strike and was unable to move.

As soon as both hands sucked in, vegeta was grabbed by birus and lifted up by his head.

"Lord Beeroth, please let the villain\'s child go!" King bejita showed his horror on his face, clenched his teeth and begged: "villain, let people prepare delicious food again immediately!"

"No need!"

Birus\'s face was covered with clouds and threw vegeta out. Bang, the wall cracked a big hole. The huge impact made vegeta fall into the wall at once, and a large part of her bones were broken.

Birus flicked his finger and said uninteresting, "it\'s boring. I thought I could eat delicious food. This vegeta star is really good for nothing!"

With that, the figure of birus suddenly disappeared from the palace.

Seeing that the God of destruction birus disappeared, after a long time to make sure that the other party had left, King vegeta wiped the cold sweat on his head.

He really didn\'t expect that the legendary god of destruction birus would appear in front of him. If it weren\'t for the legend of God of destruction in the royal family of Saiya, the consequences would be unimaginable!

The real God of destruction is more terrible than the legend!

Thinking about the bottomless power like the ocean, King vegeta, who came back, was afraid for a while. At this time, he found that his clothes had been soaked in cold sweat.

Several hurried to Beijita. The king of Beijita carefully examined it and found that Beijita had only broken a few bones. He was relieved, and then quickly summoned the bodyguard to send Beijita to the convalescent cabin for treatment.

Begita is his most valued son and the best soldier of the Saia people. There can be nothing to do.

King vegeta was alone in the hall, his face changed, and he didn\'t know what he was thinking.


In the vast universe, the God of destruction, berus, wandered at will bored.

At this time, a colorful glow galloped from the universe and appeared in front of the destruction god berus.

"Lord Beeroth, you\'re sneaking out again!"

A delicate voice sounded in my ears. A silver haired fake mother in red and black robes walked forward step by step with a divine staff, and a blue collar around her neck magically floated.

"Oh, Wes, you\'re here!" Billus lay on his back in the universe, holding his head in his hands and letting his body wander in the universe.

"Ah ah, Lord Beeroth, you have destroyed 134 planets this time. It will be very difficult for the king gods to go on like this." Wes put his hand on his forehead, but there was no expression of embarrassment in his eyes.

"Cut!" Birus tutted his tongue and looked indifferent. "It\'s just that he has destroyed a few planets. Let those world king gods recreate a few."

"It takes a long time to conceive the planet, especially the life planet. If the creation speed of the world king God can\'t keep up with the destruction speed of Lord birus, there will be a big problem."

With a disdain on his face, birus changed the subject and said, "Oh, Wes, I tell you, I ate a rare delicacy when you were away just now. The taste is still lingering!"

"Really, Lord Beeroth, I wonder if you left me one?" When it comes to food, Wes is also interested.

"Those delicacies are so few, how can I leave them to you!"

"It\'s so sad. Did Lord birus eat it on that planet?" Wes pointed his wand at the dark red star of vegeta in the distance.

"Yes, that\'s right, but those delicious foods are gone!" When it comes to vegeta star, birus is still a little angry. I really want to smash vegeta star with an energy ball!

But birus has promised Shaya to release vegeta. If he makes a mistake, it will damage the reputation of God.

"By the way, Weiss, who is the ruler of this area?" Asked birus, turning his head.

Weiss picked up the divine staff and inquired. On the blue crystal ball of the divine staff, a portrait of Felisa emerged. "Lord birus, the ruler of several star regions nearby is a guy named Felisa, a member of the frozen family!"

Birus touched his chin and said, "well, send a message to feliza that I don\'t want to see vegeta and let him destroy it for me."

"Yes, Lord Beeroth!"

Wes answered.

It\'s just destroying a planet. It\'s like drinking water for them. It\'s already common.

And letting someone destroy vegeta doesn\'t mean doing it yourself, which not only preserves the majesty of God, but also fulfills God\'s promise.