The Strongest Legend of Dragon Ball

Chapter 72

Of course, at this time, Xia Ya also gradually recalled some details that he had forgotten.

It is mentioned in the original work that shortly before the destruction of vegeta, the God of destruction birus did come to vegeta and coerced the king of vegeta to lower his arrogant head. This scene happened to be seen by vegeta and left a deep shadow on vegeta\'s childhood.

But Xia Ya didn\'t expect such a coincidence to happen today, because Meles\'s rashness angered birus and almost destroyed vegeta in advance.

After thinking about it, she still felt uneasy. Xia Ya\'s eyes narrowed slightly: "no, as long as the God of destruction is still on vegeta, it\'s not safe here. I\'d better take Xiling and them away as soon as possible."

Originally, in order not to attract others\' attention, Xia Ya and others planned to leave on the eve of the destruction of vegeta, but now they can\'t manage so much for their family and life.


After calling the other party\'s name, Xia Ya took out a string of candy from her arms and stuffed it into the other party\'s hand. She said, "put this string of candy away, and it will be regarded as my compensation for you. Go back quickly!"

Then, without waiting for Meles to respond, he hurried out of the alley and walked towards the crowd, and soon disappeared.

Meles stood in the alley watching foolishly and didn\'t react until Xia Ya disappeared from the crowd.

"Ah! That guy... Woo..." touched his spanked ass, and the burning feeling didn\'t disappear. Meles bit his thumb, and the more he thought about it, the more wronged he became, and stamped his foot angrily there.

Then he looked at the string of candy in his hand and licked it with his tongue. It was sweet. Meles\'s eyes suddenly lit up and licked it with flavor.

"Well, eat well!" The sweet taste stirred the taste buds, and Meles ate attentively and felt much better all at once.

However, for Xia ya, who is a nuisance, Meles has kept it in mind. With her character of vengeance, this revenge must be avenged!


Home in the residential area.

Xia Ya hurried back from the outside. Seeing that Edry and Rebecca were at home, she hurriedly asked, "Uncle Edry, is Xiling at home?"

"The girl is resting in the house. What happened?" Aldry saw that Xia Ya was so worried, so he asked.

"There\'s no time to explain, uncle aidry. You should inform uncle beiluk immediately that we\'re leaving Beijita at once!"

"OK, I\'ll contact them immediately!"

As soon as Edry heard it, he knew something big must have happened. Otherwise, Elijah\'s character would not be so urgent to face Felisa, so his expression became serious.

Xia Ya nodded to him and went straight to Xiling\'s room. Without knocking, he opened the door and went in. In the room, Xiling sleeps lazily in the quilt, only covered with thin sheets. Xia Ya looked at her and picked her up without saying a word.

"Oh, what are you doing?" Xiling woke up with a start.

"Don\'t make trouble first. Wait until you leave here!"

Xia Ya\'s stern expression made Xiling close her mouth and follow him to the living room with doubts.

At this time, aldry put down the contact device in his hand, looked at his daughter wrapped in a quilt in surprise and said, "I have used the contact device to inform Beirut that they are waiting at home."

"OK, let\'s go first!"

With that, Xia Ya nodded and then prepared to launch an instant movement.

The next second, the sight shifted, and the four appeared on the distant barren star.

On the barren star.

It was dark yellow and the air was freezing to the bone.

Only seven towering giant towers stand as unyielding as soldiers stationed in the frontier, and the surface of the shell has been mottled due to wind and rain.

"Uncle adley, you stay in the gravity training room first. I\'ll pick up the others." Xia Ya said that and immediately started to move away in an instant.

Looking at Xia Ya\'s burning eyebrows, Xiling asked suspiciously, "what\'s going on? Xia Ya is so worried. Did Frisa attack vegeta?"

For so many years, she has never seen Xia ya so embarrassed!

In her impression, Xia Ya always looks calm and steady in handling the winning ticket, so that in her mind, Xia Ya is a myth that he will never fail. What can make him so impolite?

After thinking about it, I can only think that feliza is going to attack vegeta.

Aldry shook his head, clenched his fist, and looked at the direction of vegeta with a dignified face. Was it really Felisa who shot?

"Xiling, go to the gravity training room and change your clothes first!"

Looking at her daughter wrapped in sheets, Rebecca frowned and couldn\'t see it. Although Saiya people are forthright and don\'t care about details, how old a girl can be so casual!

Fortunately, when the fidaya built the gravity training room at the beginning, they built the whole training room extremely luxurious. In addition to the training room on the upper floor, the lower floor is also divided into catering area, washing area and living area. There are reserves in all daily necessities.

Xiling looked at her appearance. Oh, she went into the gravity chamber and changed her clothes.

Soon after that, beiluk, paladi, lizer, Alice and others were transmitted, and then the members of xiaya team such as shakda, ataxia and Jielin also arrived.

When the Saiya people planned to move to hongshanxing, xiaya told the members of xiaya team the truth. When the members of the team knew the real strength of their captain, they were like beating chicken blood one by one, and their eyes were full of worship

"Captain, what\'s going on? Is Frisa going to do it?" Shakhta\'s handsome porch was stiff and looked a little ugly.

"Yes, what happened when you transferred us in such a hurry?" Beiluk and other saiyas also asked.

Xia Ya shook her head, organized a language and said, "it\'s not Frisa who wants to attack vegeta, but it\'s more dangerous to stay on vegeta now."

"What\'s going on?"

Adrian frowned at the words.

If it wasn\'t for Frisa to attack vegeta, it\'s reasonable to say that no matter what happens, their current strength should be enough to deal with it. Why would Xia ya say it\'s more dangerous to stay on vegeta?

Are there other emergencies?

But what is it?

Xia Ya took a deep breath and exhaled a cloud of turbidity: "if it\'s just Felisa, I have the ability to transfer you out even when the planet is destroyed, but do you know who I saw on vegeta just now?"

"The God of destruction, berus! The great God appeared on vegeta!"

Remembering the scene of passing by with death just now, Xia Ya still sighed in her heart. She was lucky to say that if it wasn\'t for the destruction god\'s almost stubborn preference for food, he wouldn\'t have a chance to survive at all.

In the face of God of destruction, his super power seems to be solidified and cannot be used at all.