The Strongest Legend of Dragon Ball

Chapter 61

120000 combat power!

This means that Xia Ya has stood at the top of the food chain of the strong in the universe and belongs to a very few super experts who can rule one side.

But then Xia Ya smiled again.

Now is not the time for complacency. The situation before him is still very grim. Feliza will attack the Saiya in about a year. There is not much time left!

"It seems that it\'s time to find the planet to evacuate!" Related thoughts flashed in her mind, and Xia Ya quickly turned her mind to the Galactic star map mentioned by the fidayans.

"I don\'t know how the fidaya people have been screened. Go and ask later!"

Turn off all the power in the gravity training room and Xia Ya goes outside.

In the dark sky, the bleak and cold wind swept the sand and gravel all over the sky, making a "Ding Ding Dong" sound on the metal shell of the gravity chamber, leaving a light trace of wind and frost erosion on the dark gold shell.

Due to long-term exposure to the harsh environment, the part below one meter of the gravity chamber has been buried by yellow sand.

After checking the conditions of several gravity chambers in turn, Xia Ya found that among the seven gravity chambers, only the one of Xiling was still "buzzing" with a low engine sound.

"This guy still works so hard!" Xia Ya smiled slightly. It seems that Xiling doesn\'t intend to come out if she doesn\'t surpass him.

That\'s not good. Xiling is still so young. It\'s time for her growth and development. What if it affects her future development? Xia Ya doesn\'t want a cute little guy like Xiling to grow up badly in the future.

Besides, cultivation is a step-by-step process. If there are many outbreaks, it also needs a period of precipitation, so as to ensure long-term and stable progress.

As far as the Saiya people are concerned, their combat effectiveness may not increase much after each battle, but the accumulated information is actually accumulated. Therefore, when they are on the verge of death, these accumulated information will burst out at once, making the Saiya people make rapid progress after life and death.

In contrast, if you don\'t experience enough accumulation, even if you are on the verge of death for many times, there may not be much improvement after recovery. The reason is that although the mechanism of potential explosion is started when you are on the verge of death, you are faced with the dilemma that nothing can explode.

In fact, the cultivation methods of continuously refining Qi on earth are the same. They are different, but they all come to the same goal. Xiling has been practicing in the gravity chamber for so long, and the inside information has been consumed almost, so she needs to precipitate.

So Xia Ya opened the gate of Xiling gravity chamber and went in.

There was a dark red color in the upper cultivation room, and the air was stuffy and uncomfortable. In the center, a slender young girl was sweating, faltering and doing all kinds of exercises, struggling to punch, jump and dive. The training clothes made of special materials have been broken into cloth strips in the harsh environment, and the clothes are hung on Xiling without covering the body.

When xiaya came to Xiling, a huge force of gravity was exerted on her.

"100 times gravity!"

Xia Ya frowned and secretly said that Xiling really didn\'t know what to do. It obviously exceeded the body load and was easy to hurt her body. Then he went to the front of the control panel as usual and turned down the gravity engine a little until it turned off.


The whole room was restored immediately.

Xiling looked at him. The tip of her hair had been soaked with sweat and collapsed directly on the floor, panting in her mouth.

Take out a fairy bean and feed it to her. Xia Ya scolded with dissatisfaction on her face: "didn\'t you say that you should do what you can, look at you, you almost lost half your life!"

"Gu, I only have 90000 combat power now. If I don\'t do this, I\'ll never catch up with you!"

Xiling\'s bright eyes looked at him seriously, with a stubborn face.

Xia Ya was stunned for a moment.

Knowing the strong character of the other party, he stretched out a hand and pressed it on the other party\'s head and rubbed it hard. Until Xiling opened his hand discontentedly, Xia Ya said softly: "in the future, you will use a gravity chamber with me. If you don\'t stare at you, you\'ll be fooling around again."

Xiling\'s eyes turned. She didn\'t know what she thought. Her pretty face was a little red.


Xiling thought for a moment and bowed her head to answer.

Next, Xia Ya asked Xiling to take a bath first. Xiling was embarrassed and kneaded for a while before looking left and right and walking towards the bathroom.

"The girl knows she\'s shy. She was unscrupulous before." Xia Ya shook her head in silence, but then remembered Xiling\'s slightly developed body, and realized that Xiling had grown up and was no longer a little girl who could stick to herself at will.

Soon after, Xiling came out in a bathrobe with her wet hair behind her. Because she had just finished taking a bath, the water mist in the bathroom added a hazy color to the girl\'s young body.

After changing her clothes, Xiling came close to her. Xiaya naturally held her shoulder and hugged her with one hand at the waist. A delicate and soft touch came from her arms.

Then he launched a blink and returned to the home of vegeta.

After lunch with Mr. and Mrs. aldry and chatting with them about the recent situation of vegeta, Xia Ya came to the fidaya base alone using space ability.

In more than a year, the results of doksha screening have been released.


In the main control room of the fidayan spacecraft.

"Lord Xia ya, after more than a year\'s analysis and summary by fidaya scientists, a total of four planets meet the requirements of evacuation." Doksha pointed to the galaxy map on the big screen.

On the large screen tens of meters long and wide, the large total star map of the Milky Way galaxy is projected on it. On the four winding huge cantilevers, four red bright spots are particularly bright, which is the research result of fidaya scientists for more than a year.

"These four planets are qingran in the West galaxy, dokala in the South galaxy, Hongshan in the East galaxy and tudyas in the East Galaxy!"

"Tell me about these planets!" Xia Ya said seriously.


Doksha saluted and continued to introduce: "the first is qingran star, which is a medium-sized planet located on the border of the West Milky way. Its land area accounts for 34%. There is a low-level civilization named Xilu nationality on it, and the degree of civilization is not high..."

The star map on the screen changed into a light blue planet, which is the green star introduced by doksha.

"Docara, a giant planet to the north of the southern Milky way, is about 80 times the size of vegeta. There is no obvious trace of civilization on it. It is still in the wild period."

"Hongshan star is located in the northwest of the eastern Milky way, close to the center of the Milky Way galaxy, and this is a rare double planet companion star structure. It forms a double star system with a planet called Meishan, which surrounds the young star in the center..."

"Tudyas, a planet in the south of Dongyin..."

Xia Ya listened carefully. The stars in the universe are vast and endless, just like a plate of starsand. There are countless stars in the North Milky Way alone, not to mention the whole Milky way.

These four planets were selected by the fidaya people from the vast sea of stars during their research for more than a year, focusing on various factors.

Xiaya is very satisfied with these four planets. It is the most suitable place for the Saiya people to evacuate. Moreover, there is little interference from other forces in the surrounding star areas. It is the most suitable place for the Saiya people to recuperate.

Considering the distance, Xia Ya is more interested in docara in the southern galaxy and Hongshan in the Eastern Galaxy, which are the two planets closest to the middle of the Milky way.

"Doksha, focus on the situation of Hongshan star!" Xia Ya thought for a moment and said.


The big screen then changed, and a sky blue planet appeared in the center of the big screen. It looked very similar to Selma, which Xia Ya had been to, and the color was as beautiful and charming.

In the orbit not far from Hongshan star, another ice blue planet appeared, which is the companion star of Hongshan star - Meishan star.

"Hongshan star is a small sky blue planet with a diameter of 6768 kilometers. The ocean area accounts for about 67%. The remaining 33% is polar glaciers, and the habitable area accounts for only 21%. It is an uncivilized original ecological planet," doksha said

"What\'s strange is that although Hongshan star is small, it has a gravity higher than that of an ordinary planet, about 12 times the standard gravity! Therefore, although it is small, it can pull Meishan star, which is several times larger than his physique, around together."

"Yes!" Speaking of this, doksha paused. "Although there is no trace of civilization on Hongshan, there is a human race called Meishan on Meishan, with an adult height of about 1.7 meters and a life span of about 100 years."

"Comprehensive evaluation belongs to low-level planet!"

"It\'s like the earth!" Xia Ya took a surprised look and thought in her heart.

These four planets are very suitable for evacuation. There are no large forces around. However, after listening to doksha\'s description, xiaya prefers red mountain star.

Not only because of the geographical location of Hongshan star, but also the structural composition of Hongshan star.

If Hongshan star is taken as the evacuation site of the Saia people, we can not only get an original living planet, but also a planet of human civilization not far away, which may be helpful to the growth of the Saia people.