The Strongest Legend of Dragon Ball

Chapter 60

"This is the star map of hundreds of years ago. Because the fidayans have never planned to leave the home star, this star map has been kept in the database of the Central Intelligence brain..." doksha explained that his mood will be very low whenever he thought of the home star.

"However, the track of star movement often doesn\'t change much. This star map should have reference value."

Xiaya was surprised when she heard the news. It was like a traveler wandering in the desert for several days who suddenly found an oasis without water and food. She immediately had the idea of going to explore.

"Doksha, you immediately organize people to screen, and inform me immediately when you have the results. I will go to the field."


After telling doksha a few words, xiaya left the temporary base of the fidaya people. Of course, xiaya left the seven large gravity training rooms with xiaya.

In order to carry these seven equipment, Xia Ya almost made herself strong enough to eat milk. In the end, they could only be transported one by one. It took an hour or so to move these gravity chambers from the fidayan base to the barren star near vegeta.

Vegeta, night is falling.

Xia Ya asked aldry to call all the members of the aldry team.

"Xiao Ya, why did you call us here?" As soon as he entered the door, the loudest paladi shouted.

Then beiluk, Alice, lizer and others came in one after another.

Knowing that Xia Ya\'s thoughts were as mature as adults, beiluk, who had not treated him as a child for a long time, looked calm and asked, "Xiao Ya, is there anything important for you to come to us?"

Xia Ya said hello to them one by one with a light smile, and then nodded and said, "yes, it\'s really important. I asked the fidaya people to make something before, and now it\'s finished. I\'ll take you to have a look. I think you\'ll like it very much after you\'ve seen it."

"Is it the gravity chamber you mentioned before?" Lizzie asked in confusion, but she guessed the answer at once.

"Can that gravity chamber really improve our combat effectiveness?"

Beiluk frowned. Their senior soldiers had not improved their combat effectiveness for many years. Some time ago, they envied Edry and Rebecca for a long time.

"It must be possible!" Xia Ya showed two rows of white teeth and a bright smile on her face: "but you should also be prepared. The sudden increase in combat effectiveness will cause unnecessary attention."

"It doesn\'t matter. We just have to try it. It can really increase combat effectiveness. We can use it after leaving vegeta at most."

Xia Ya nodded and then asked everyone to hold hands to prepare for the instant movement.

The members of the aidry team have experienced several blinks and are naturally familiar with the road, so they form a circle very cooperatively.

The next second, the instant movement starts.

On the barren star.

Yellow sand covers the sky and the climate is strange and changeable.

The climate on the barren planet is very similar to the light yellow planet in fidaya temporary base. The climate is very bad, but the climate on the barren star is more extreme and the temperature is lower.

He raised his head and put his hand in front of his forehead. Aidry and others were stunned by the scene in front of them.

I saw seven towering buildings like mountains standing in front, with dark gold color emitting pleated brilliance. Eight strong steel tongs, like solid and powerful arms, were deep into the soil layer to fix the seven magnificent bodies on the ground.

In the yellow sand, this scene seems so overbearing.

"Xia ya, is this the gravity chamber you brought back?" With her mouth covered in surprise, Xiling ran to the front of the gravity chamber and touched the strong support columns with her small hand. The support columns were large and had a diameter of two meters.

Xia Ya looked at them in surprise, and then said the technical parameters of several gravity chambers.

"Xiao Ya, it\'s no use saying this. Let\'s experience it ourselves!"


Open the door of one of the gravity chambers with the word "2", and aidry and others follow xiaya into it one by one. In fact, the space inside is very wide. Even if several people practice at the same time, there is no problem.

"Uncle aldry, I\'ll turn on 15 times the gravity first!"

As soon as the voice fell, Xia Ya adjusted the parameters of the gravity chamber. Suddenly, a huge pulling force acted on him.

Aidry and others changed their complexion slightly and didn\'t say anything. 15 times of gravity had no pressure on them. After a while, they slowed down. Beiluk said in a deep voice: "continue to increase gravity!"

Xia Ya didn\'t say much, and continued to increase the gravity. As the gravity increased bit by bit, the faces of aidry and others became more and more pale, and their bodies began to tremble slightly.

"Now it\'s 25 times gravity!"

Xia Ya knew that 25 times of gravity was the limit that aldry and others could bear, so she didn\'t continue to raise it. After all, AI Zhixi has the highest fighting power except for 10000 people in Delhi!

After Shaya lifted the gravity, beiluk breathed out, and his whole body was still trembling slightly.

"I really don\'t know if I don\'t try. I feel that once I adapt to 25 times of gravity, my combat effectiveness will exceed 10000!" Adrian looked shocked. It seems that the gravity chamber is really a magic weapon that helps to cultivate!

"Uncle aldry, you can practice under 25 times of gravity first, and higher gravity will be carried out after leaving vegeta."

"That\'s right."

Saiya people with 10000 combat power on vegeta are very rare, but they are not without it. Even if senior soldiers like aidry break through 10000 combat power, they will cause a sensation at most, and will not make king vegeta afraid.

She turned her eyes to Xiling, who was eager to try, but saw the little girl looking at her with an innocent expression. Xia Ya smiled and said, "Xiling, you can do whatever you want, but remember to step by step. Don\'t turn the gravity too large at once, and be careful to affect the development."

"I see!" Xiling couldn\'t help looking white after hearing this, and then ran up to drum happily.

"Let\'s start cultivating next. There are daily necessities on the lower floor of the cultivation room, which can last for a period of time."

Then, several people found their own gravity chamber one by one, and Xia Ya himself came to the "No. 1" gravity chamber. Next, he will also start formal cultivation.

In the original work, the monkey king adapted to the environment of 100 times the gravity in just one month on his way to Namike, and his combat effectiveness suddenly exceeded 90000!

This is a kind of crazy behavior of squeezing potential, and even nearly died several times in the process of cultivation. Xia Ya is not as crazy as the monkey king. He has enough time, so he arranged a gradual cultivation process for himself.

"Start with 35 times gravity and adjust the air pressure to 10 times atmospheric pressure!"

He thought about it in his heart, but when the strong gravity really worked, Xia Ya knew that he had miscalculated. His bones clattered all over his body, and his ability to move was greatly limited.

"But... It\'s tolerable!"

Two eyes showed firm eyes. Xia Ya bit her teeth and insisted. Then he began to practice. He began with simple push ups and running, and gradually adapted to the environment of 30 times the gravity.


Time flies when time flies.

Another few months have passed

More than a month after Xia Ya entered the gravity chamber, aidry and others adapted to 25 times the gravity one after another, and then started the auxiliary robot for cultivation and began to practice fighting. Two months later, after they were injured, fought again and again, their Saiya potential was finally developed, and their combat power exceeded 10000 combat power one after another.

Although this breakthrough is not big for them who are already close to 10000 combat effectiveness, considering that their combat effectiveness has been stagnant for a long time, this promotion is precious, as if a door has been opened again.

After that, they stopped practicing and began to consolidate their existing combat effectiveness.

If they continue to practice, it is likely to arouse the suspicion of King vegeta, which is what they don\'t want to see.

As time went by, Xia Ya made a slight adjustment after adapting to 35 times of gravity. After a few days of rest, she charged towards 40 times of gravity.

At the same time, a robot with auxiliary cultivation also joined the cultivation process one after another. From one, five and ten, it slowly doubled, and soon all 100 auxiliary robots were active on the challenge arena.

A year later, seven towering civilized creations lined up in a row on the barren star plain.

The dark golden shell has been covered with a thick layer of yellow sand in the wind and sun.

In one of the gravity chambers, the gravity value was set to 120 times and the air pressure was adjusted to 30 times. Due to the bad environment, the whole room showed a depressing dark red. In this extremely harsh environment, a young man with black hair vigorously waved his arms, dived and crossed, and continued to do basic cultivation. With the vigorous exercise of his body, the glittering sweat also penetrated like a drizzle.


When the gravity engine was turned off, the whole room immediately returned to normal, opened the door to the lower floor, and Xia Ya went out with a wet towel.

I took a hot bath in the bathtub, and my fatigue was swept away at this moment.

The effect of the gravity chamber is obvious. Xia Ya spent more than a year to adapt to 120 times the gravity. Although he didn\'t have the abnormal speed of the monkey king, he also changed his whole person.

"120000 combat power!"

Feeling the abundant power flowing in the body, Xia Ya\'s mouth outlined a faint smile.