The Strongest Legend of Dragon Ball

Chapter 52

"Lord Shang Bo, this is the energy response detected by the detector when sitasi disappeared. I just don\'t know why the other party\'s energy intensity only shows 540 combat effectiveness!"

The cosmic man on one side pressed the energy detector and reported the detected data.

"Young man, you shouldn\'t be from fidaya. Can you tell me how to kill that... Sitasi with your ability?" Shang Bo\'s movements are elegant and his voice is calm and upright, just like a well-educated noble gentleman.

If you don\'t know his true colors, you can easily be deceived by his acting skills.

"You say that lizard man? If you want to know, you can try it yourself!"

Xia Ya had a faint smile on his face, but he was alert to the extreme. He knew that there was still a big gap between himself and Shang Bo.

The reason why Xia Ya chose to deal with Shang Bo in a positive way is that Xia Ya has his own purpose. One is to test how far there is still a gap between his power and the mainstream experts in the universe; The second is to disrupt the deployment of Shangbo and win more time for the fidaya.

After all, the fidaya were the first group of xiaya\'s subordinates. It would be a pity if the whole army were destroyed here.

Of course, the more critical reason is that Xia Ya has the ability to teleport. At a critical time, this is a magic weapon to protect her life!

If you can, xiaya is very willing to have a good fight with Shangbo. Saiya people can grow up better only if they have experienced a real battle.

"Hahaha, indeed as expected, those who don\'t know are fearless! Young man, you should know... Not everyone is as easy to talk as me!" Shang Bo smiled softly, his tone was very calm, as if he was not angry at all, but the evil light hidden under his golden pupils was ready to move.

"Ha ha!" Xia Ya sneered and was on alert, but the breath in her body had been secretly mobilized.

Whew! With a quick murmur tearing the air, Xia Ya chose to start first. His figure suddenly disappeared from his eyes. A series of crackling fights made the cosmic people around Shangbo cry in pain one after another, and then fell directly from the high altitude.

At this moment, the energy detector sent out a "beep beep" rapid alarm sound, and the data on the lens flashed several times and soon returned to the original state.

Because Xia Ya\'s action is so fast that ordinary people can\'t see his action clearly, it may be inexplicable to see this scene, but Shang Bo can see it clearly.

"Pa Pa Pa!" Applause broke out. Shang Bo smiled and applauded softly while cheering loudly. Only he saw all Xia Ya\'s actions clearly, so Shang Bo knew that it was impossible to win him with his cosmic people.

"Hahaha, good Kung Fu. Young man, you are much better than those soldiers under me. I wonder if you are interested in joining the Frisa army. I can personally introduce you to King Frisa." Shang Bo said to Xia Ya calmly.

"Hehe, I don\'t promise to be Frisa\'s running dog!"

"What a pity!"

Shang Bo covered his mouth and looked very sorry to shake his head. He seemed to walk to Xia Ya very casually: "since he is unwilling to work for king Frisa, he can only let you die!"

Xia Ya\'s eyes were dignified, and he felt a great sense of oppression from Shangbo\'s standing posture alone.


Xia Ya was no longer clumsy, and the strength in his body came out crazily. Suddenly, a fuzzy and thick air field was formed around him. The air sounded "zizizi", and the local atmosphere was slightly distorted.

The energy detector on Shangbo\'s ear beeped, and the data kept rising. Finally, it was fixed at - 14500!

"Ah, there are 145000!" Shang Bo looked surprised. "What race are you? Are you Saiya? No, Saiya can\'t have such high combat effectiveness!"

Shang Bo guessed Xia as like as two peas, but Xia Ya could not have such a fighting power at an early age.

And there is no Saiya\'s iconic feature - tail behind Xia ya!

With a "whoosh", Shang Bo suddenly disappeared from his face.

Xia Ya sensed her surroundings with vigilance, and her eyes followed Shang Bo\'s figure. She quickly determined Shang Bo\'s position and stretched out a fist to attack. However, when the fist attacked, Xia Ya felt something wrong, and the fist failed.

"Residual shadow!" Xia Ya\'s face was cold. He turned back and retreated. His movements were coherent and smooth, and then carefully examined and judged.

Suddenly, he felt something wrong on one side and moved away quickly.

"Bang!" Shang Bo\'s fist crossed from his side. The violent storm hit the ground, and the whole land surged violently. The land within a kilometer range was beaten into a huge pit, with ravines vertical and horizontal, beyond recognition.

As for those Cosmic people brought by Shangbo, they have long been thrown to nowhere by the strong air waves caused by the battle.

"How close!"

Xia Ya flew high into the air and looked at the ground that had become a crater, thinking with lingering fear.

"Hehe, I escaped my attack. I\'m so good at my young age. It seems that you can\'t stay!" I don\'t know when Shang Bo has come to the top of xiaya.


Xia Ya was surprised, and then her pores tightened up and made a defensive posture. Shang Bo clenched his hands and hit Xia Ya\'s head violently. His brain suddenly fainted and his body fell down quickly.

When she was very close to the ground, Xia Ya hit the ground with her Qi and stabilized her body by rebounding. At this time, Shang Bo followed and launched a fierce attack on Xia ya. Xia Ya defended passively and was soon covered with scars.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Xia Ya and Shang Bo come and go, punching each other. As they move at high speed, they can only see two virtual shadows flashing. The battle scene continued to expand, with mountains, lakes, forests, grasslands and large tracts of land destroyed.

Xia Ya stopped to breathe heavily. After a short battle, his physical strength had been consumed a lot. On the contrary, Shang Bo only had some damage to his combat clothes, and there were few injuries on his body. His breathing was still the same calm.

One is embarrassed, the other is elegant, and the two stand high and low! The gap is really not small!

PA! A hard blow.

Xia Ya\'s body fell quickly.


A huge mushroom cloud suddenly rose from the cracked earth, and the thick dust covered the sun, making the whole earth suddenly dark.

A deep pit appeared on the ground. Xia Ya supported the ground with one hand and half knelt in the middle of the pit.

"Ha ha, the anti Strike ability is good, good!"

Shang Bo twisted his neck and the bone made a "cluck" sound.

Whew, the figure disappeared again and kicked towards Xia Ya\'s abdomen. Xia Ya\'s expression was very serious. He caught the foot with both hands, but the whole person was kicked out from a distance in a moment. If it wasn\'t for his strong enough physical strength, the just foot would break his hands together.

"The gap is too big!" Feeling that the whole hand was still numb, Xia Ya flashed a good idea in a flash and smiled bitterly.


Xia Ya wiped the blood from the corners of her mouth and left the battlefield in a blink, and then observed Shang Bo in a very distant place.

The first confrontation just now has made him see the huge gap between himself and Shangbo. Without using super powers, he is not Shangbo\'s opponent at all.

"Shang Bo\'s usual combat effectiveness is close to 22000, more than 7000 higher than me, which is a huge gap that is difficult to make up. Up to now, Shang Bo still has a playful attitude and has not been ruthless!"

If your tail is still there, you may become a giant ape to fight, but these are just thoughts. Because although the ape can improve his combat effectiveness, there are too many uncertain factors. More importantly, it exposes his identity as a Saiya.

He knew that there was a very serious problem with the ape transformation, that is, the body was huge, and the movement speed of the body could not keep up with it.

Just like the muscular transformation of super Saiya people, although the energy increases and the strength of a single attack increases significantly, the speed can not be improved. This may not be a problem in low-level combat, but it can be fatal in high-speed combat!

As long as the opponent is fast enough, there will be countless ways to kill the ape like himself. Cutting off the tail is only the simplest and direct one.

The world\'s martial arts are invincible, only fast!

It is not so much a means of attack as a defense based on barbaric power! But when you meet a real expert, this defense is full of loopholes!

After shaking his head and throwing these useless things out of his head, Xia Ya began to concentrate on preparing for the battle again.

Shang Bo\'s figure quickly appeared in front of him. He looked a little confused: "strange, how did you come here? I can\'t catch your movements at all!"

"Hehe, guess!" Xia Ya smiled brightly, revealing two rows of white teeth.

Shangbo grinned and licked his lips disdainfully. His handsome face was finally impatient. He has played enough cat and mouse games. It\'s time to show all his strength. I don\'t know how many attacks the other party can bear.