The Strongest Legend of Dragon Ball

Chapter 51

Among the ruins of a broken city, there are traces of collapsed buildings everywhere. The trees for greening on both sides of the road are cut off by the waist, and the broken branches and leaves are scattered on the ground. When the wind blows, the leaves and waste paper flutter with the wind, and a pungent smell is filled in the air.??

On a fair road full of cracks and breakpoints, a large group of people are staggering forward. The originally flat and beautiful mechanized road has been broken into sections. The cracks are densely distributed like spider webs. Sparks are constantly emitting from the cracks, occasionally a violent explosion, and a fireball is rising slowly.

Seeing the former prosperous city become beyond recognition, the eyes of all fidaya people are full of sadness, and the unwilling mood of being weak lingers in their chest.

"Docra, is your fidayan spaceship near here?" Xiaya did not turn back and asked the fidaya to take it.

"Yes, sir, it will arrive soon. The spaceship was originally used as an alternative spaceship for emergency use, and it was parked in the underground dock in front!" The fidaya man named docra led him behind, and when he heard Xia\'s question, he quickly answered.

Because the cosmic attack came so suddenly, the fidaya did not react, and the disaster had already come to them. Therefore, at the first time, the spacecraft anchored in the spaceport and large fortress were destroyed. Now the only alternative spacecraft that can take off on fidaya is the one for special situations.

"Well, you speed up a little more. Those Cosmic people have energy detectors in their hands. If they slow down, they will show up!" Xia Ya looked at them with a slight frown.

"Yes, yes!"

Dorkla\'s face was cold, nodded hurriedly, and then shouted to everyone to speed up.

After experiencing the struggle on the edge of life and death, these fidayans have been full of fear for the cosmic people under feliza. When they hear that the cosmic people may chase after them, they all use their milk to speed up their pace.

Soon after, doksha led everyone to a suburb far from the city.

Different from the ruins scene of the city, it is surrounded by green trees everywhere. The forests here are row upon row, densely arranged, and rows of trees more than ten meters high are orderly arranged, which is not affected by the fracture of the big 6 plate.

"Lord Xia ya, there is an underground base with alloy structure under the forest, and the alternative spacecraft is parked below!" Said dorkla, pointing to the orderly forest ahead.

Xia Ya nodded her head gently, narrowed her eyes and understood.

It turned out that the whole forest was built on a huge alloy structure base. No wonder it was not affected by the movement of the big 6 plate.

"You hurry to enter the base. I\'m afraid it will change if you\'re late."

"Yes, my Lord!"

All the fidayans were busy at once. Under the command of several young and strong fidayans, the fidayans hurried to the entrance of the base. In a short time, more than 10000 fidayans all entered the base.

Next, these fidayans will complete the overall debugging and maintenance of the alternative spacecraft in the base. This workload is not small. Fortunately, almost all fidayans are scientists, and the maintenance of equipment is as simple as drinking water for them.

Xia Ya wandered in the base for a while and saw the spaceship known as the last hope by the fidaya people. It was a giant spaceship with a length of more than ten kilometers. The whole body of the spaceship was silvery gray, and more than ten alloy mechanical arms were extended at the bottom and around the ship, which looked like a huge white monster from a distance.

When he first met him, he was also startled by the advanced level of fidaya technology. The fidayans seem to have a special love for silver gray. This color is adopted by the planet and space corridor, even the spaceship.

"It\'s a miracle that the fidaya people have such advanced scientific and technological level, but their physical strength is so weak that they have not been conquered by other forces." Xia Ya thought to herself.

Fidaya is located at the junction of the eastern region of the northern galaxy and the southern region. It is precisely because it is located at the junction of the two regions that fidaya has not been clearly swallowed up by other forces. But in the end, fidaya could not escape the fate of being conquered.

"It\'s a strange thing. The wisdom of ephidas can\'t be without any vigilance!" Xia Ya shook her head in disbelief. It is reasonable to say that the fidaya people have been in the universe for so many years. It is impossible not to know the darkness of the universe. How can they not be prepared at all?

"Dokhara, what was the ancient warrior mentioned by the cosmic man before?" Xia Ya asked dorkla directly.

Duokra showed his confused eyes and said bitterly, "I don\'t know this. It seems that it is a class warrior studied by our fidaya ancestors in ancient times. No one knows the specific information because of its age!"

"It\'s ironic that the first-class soldiers created by our ancestors to protect the nation finally became the root cause of almost destroying the fidaya people!"

Xia Ya sighed slightly and didn\'t speak again. She thought that the ancient warrior should be a biochemical warrior similar to man-made man. The fidayas, like the Saia, may have forgotten the legends handed down in ancient times because of national migration.

But it\'s also good. Only when the fidayans face a critical moment of life and death can they accept them so easily.

Suddenly, Xia Ya\'s face changed. He sensed that dozens of powerful breath were flying towards them. One breath was unusually cold and powerful, which was as towering as a mountain compared with the other dozens.

This is the breath of Shangbo!

Xia Ya\'s face became dignified and muttered, "I didn\'t expect Shang Bo to lead the team in person!"

"Duokra, let everyone hide in the spaceship immediately, and then turn on all the protective functions of the base!" Xia ya did not hesitate to give orders to docra decisively.

"What\'s the matter, my lord?"

From Xia Ya\'s face, duokra saw something bad. He thought of what Xia Ya had mentioned before that the other party had an energy detection device in his hand. Was it the Cosmic Attack? Docra\'s face turned white at once.

"Shang Bo is coming here with his cosmic men. He is expected to arrive in three minutes. Don\'t ask any more and execute my order immediately!"

The cold voice rang in dorkhara\'s ear. Three minutes later, the enemy would arrive. Dorkhara felt soft all over.

"Yes, sir. I\'ll arrange it right away." Dorkla replied in a trembling voice.

After seeing duokra trotting away, xiaya looked leisurely into the sky and moved in an instant to a place more than 300 kilometers away from the underground base. This is the only way to the base.

Xia Ya plans to intercept Shang bo here.

"Chambo, let me see how much power you have as Frisa\'s right hand!" Xia Ya felt that her blood was boiling all over her body, and the whole person was very excited.

In the twinkling of an eye, three minutes passed.

In the distance, dozens of figures flew over from the horizon, for the handsome man with a dark green head - Shangbo!

When he saw the black boy blocking the road ahead, Shang Bo waved his hand to stop all his subordinates, and then observed each other with great interest.

What is the origin of this young man in front of you? Shangbo\'s mouth showed a cold and heartless smile, holding his chest in both hands and floating in mid air.

Because there are many human like races in the universe, and the differences between different races are also very small, and the battle suit Xia Ya wears is the largest battle suit in the northern galaxy, Shang Bo can\'t judge which race Xia Ya belongs to for a while.

"Tut Tut, I hope this boy can bring me some fun." Shangbo looked at Xia Ya with great interest, and a faint smile appeared on Junlang\'s face.