The Strong Wife from Peasant Family

C241 Sad

All of these, Liu Zhimo and the others who went to play in the villa were completely unaware, it was just that after going to the manor, Mr. Luo had the others to play first, he had something to discuss with Liu Zhimo.

The two of them sat in the flower hall. Mr. Luo held the tea in his hand and slowly took a sip, then looked at Liu Zhimo and said: "Zhimo, I presume you also have some thoughts in your heart?" He had originally planned to tell Liu Zhimo about this matter after he found out about it. He just did not expect to meet Liu Zhishan today at the city gate.

Seeing Liu Zhishan who looked a little similar to him, he felt that Liu Zhimo couldn't possibly not have any thoughts in his heart.

Liu Zhimo looked at Mr. Luo, then lowered his eyes. After a while, he spoke, "Do you think that Young Master Liu, who we met at the city gates today, is related to me by blood?" He felt that this Young Master Liu might be his cousin or something of the sort. Young Master Liu had a face that was about the same as his own, he couldn't ignore him even if he wanted to.

It had to be said that Liu Zhimo was indeed very smart.

As expected of his son of the Junior Disciple, he was smart enough.

"Did your parents tell you about them?"

"No, Father and Mother never said anything about me."

When Mr. Luo heard it, he let out a heavy sigh. He never thought that the Junior Disciple would go this far, to the point where he didn't even know anything about it to his children.

Maybe he didn't want his children to return to the Liu Family!

If it was really like that, then wouldn't revealing these things to Liu Zhimo mean that he had violated Junior Disciple's wish?

At this moment, Mr. Luo was in a dilemma.

After thinking for a moment, he finally spoke out his thoughts, and then asked Liu Zhimo if he knew about this matter.

Liu Zhimo smiled bitterly, "Elder, do you think I still have a choice?" He looked so much like his father that he would be recognized sooner or later.

He also understood why his father didn't want to tell him about his mother and him, but at that time, he really couldn't avoid it.

Since this was the case, he might as well understand these things in advance. As the saying goes, knowing this means knowing your opponent will result in a hundred victories. He had to know these things in advance in order to be on his guard.

Mr. Luo asked, and then laughed bitterly, he was truly old, and did not even see through this much.

Forget it, tell Liu Zhimo everything! With him here, no one would be able to touch Liu Zhimo and his two siblings.

"Your father is Liu Siye from the Guardian General's House, he …" Mr. Luo slightly narrowed his eyes, sinking into his memories …

An hour later, Mr. Luo finally finished speaking about Liu Zhimo's parents. He lifted his teacup and drank two large cups of tea consecutively before his thirst was alleviated.

He looked at Liu Zhimo, who had his head lowered, and sighed in his heart. He did not say another word, and gave Liu Zhimo time to recover.

After three quarters of an hour, Liu Zhimo finally raised his head and thanked Mr. Luo.

So it was because of that reason that his parents settled in the Ox-Head Village.

He was proud of his father's actions, and admired him from the bottom of his heart.

"Grand Master, do we still have any relatives from my mother's side?"

"Yes, but in the huge Lu family of the Lu family, only your grandfather and grandmother, as well as your second uncle's family are left." When he thought about the Lu Family that was once so prosperous and was now so miserable, Mr. Luo also felt very bad. "After the Lu Family reversed itself, your second uncle reinstated his position as an official, a justice."

Liu Zhimo curled his fist and endured the pain in his heart. "I …" He cleared his throat and said, "I want to see them." He wanted them to know more about his mother.

"Zhimo, I understand your feelings, but I still advise you to wait until the spring is over before you go find them." Mr. Luo advised gently, "You should also know the situation of everyone in the capital. You really have no choice but to be on guard."

If the enemies of the Liu or Lu Family knew of Liu Zhimo's existence, they would probably make a move against him too.

For Liu Zhimo's sake, he had to endure.

Hearing this, Liu Zhimo wiped his face. He knew, it was just that his heart was really in pain.

If grandfather, grandmother, second uncle and the others knew of the existence of the three siblings, they would probably be very happy, right?

"Endure it, your grandfather and the others don't want anything to happen to you." Mr. Luo lightly patted Liu Zhimo's shoulder, "When you get good results in the spring, I believe they will be happier when you see them again."

No, Liu Zhimo could only nod his head.

Mr. Luo no longer tried to persuade Liu Zhimo. He felt that if he couldn't even pass this little hurdle, then there was no need for him to participate in the Spring Festival.

"Alright, I came here to relax my emotions. Don't put on a face. If a few kids see it, they will worry about you." He stood up and strode towards the door. "Those little guys are probably getting impatient. Let's hurry up and go!"

Liu Zhimo slapped himself, and twitched his mouth, thinking that those few small people could not see anything wrong with him, he chased after Mr. Luo with big strides.

By the time they reached the river, the smaller ones were already fishing with their hooks.

Mr. Luo looked at the earnest little fellows, and the smile in his eyes, walked over and asked softly, "How is it? Did you catch any fish? "

Li Qingning turned to look at Mr. Luo, and said: "Nope, the fish here are too smart, they aren't even willing to take the bait."

Hearing this, Mr. Luo couldn't help but laugh. He asked Li Qingning if the Ox-Head Village's fish were very stupid, easy to be hooked on.

Scratching his head, Li Qingning laughed, "Actually, I have never fished before. I use fishing nets even in Ox-Head Village." Basically, any fish can be caught by the fishing net, making it much easier to fish.

Before she came to the capital, she had always wanted to come to the capital. After coming to the capital, she felt that there wasn't much fun, so she started to miss her friends from Ox-Head Village.

I wonder when they'll be coming home?

When Mr. Luo heard it, he asked the butler to ask if the manor had any fish nets.

"Grand Master, you can't let her go like this. Once she goes crazy, she won't be able to stop."

"How can that be? Which time wasn't it my sister who called me? Did I just go home?" Li Qingning retorted, "What's more, the Camel has never tried to net a fish before, of course we have to teach him, right? Camel? "

Mr. Luo was definitely on Li Qingning's side. He let out a heavy grunt, saying that wanted to play.

Hearing that, Li Qingning immediately raised her eyebrows at Li Qingling, and clearly told Li Qingling: See, it's grandteacher who wants to play, not me.

Li Qingling was so angry that he almost choked. He quietly glared at her and warned her not to go overboard. Otherwise, when she returned home, he would have to be careful of her little butt.

Being stared fiercely at by Li Qingling, Li Qingning moved his shoulders back and made a motion of seaming his mouth shut. She did not dare to casually challenge the dignity of his own sister, or else, when he returned home, she would be dead for sure.

Not long after, the butler brought the fishnet over. Upon seeing the fishnet, Li Qingning was instantly excited, she immediately ran over and took the fishnet from the butler's hands, shouting for Li Qingfeng and the others to come and help her.

Li Qingfeng and Liu Zhiyan quickly ran to Li Qingning's side to help. They had not caught a fish in a long time, so being able to catch one now made them very excited.

Put the net in place, a few small ones, see the right place and drop the net.

When they were about to close the net, they called Mr. Luo over to close the net as well.

Mr. Luo was so old, but he had never played with these before. He could not hold himself back anymore.

Ye Zichen followed the other children and slowly took back the fishing net.

Seeing that the fish net had caught onto the fish, a few of the smaller fish jumped in joy, but Mr. Luo could not hold back his laughter, not afraid of dirtying his hands, he grabbed the fish with his own hands and threw it into the bucket.

This was really the first time he had done such a thing, and he had never felt so good about it before.

One old and a few young ones had even harmed the fish in this section of the river. They reluctantly withdrew their nets after finding that the bucket could no longer hold them.

Seeing the few of them dripping with sweat, Li Qingling felt both angry and amused.

"Hurry back to change, don't get caught in the cold."

The few of them ran back to the room laughing, changed their clothes and ran out.

"Camel, I'll show you my skills right now. I'll roast fish for you." Li Qingning grabbed a fish and said smilingly to Mr. Luo.

Mr. Luo looked at Li Qingning with anticipation, "Alright, I'll be waiting to taste Ning Ning's cooking skills." He also grabbed a fish and said, "Camel, I have never personally grilled fish before, Ning Ning can also teach Camel how to grill fish, right?"

It was much more interesting being with these kids.

Li Qingning waved her hand and said her piece.

She threw the fish back into the bucket and pulled Liu Zhirou along to pick up the firewood, yelling at her brothers to prepare the seasonings.

Seeing the few small ones busy themselves, the smile on Mr. Luo's face became even wider, and he turned to look at Liu Zhimo and Li Qingling who were standing there motionlessly.

"Why don't you go and help?"

Liu Zhimo laughed: "Since they want to eat it, they have to do it themselves. If we were to go and help them, they will habitually depend on others." He didn't want to be such a parent. He wanted his children to be able to do what they wanted on their own and not rely on anyone.

"He's not that old, but he sure knows how to teach." Mr. Luo laughed as he praised them, "These children have all been well taught by you all." He had a good temper and was very independent. He was much better than many children from influential families.

However, this also showed that these children had suffered a lot. Otherwise, they wouldn't have understood so much at such a young age.

In his eyes, he was both relieved and distressed.

From now on, he had to hurt these kids a lot. He couldn't let them suffer anymore.