The Strong Wife from Peasant Family

C240 Anger

Liu Zhishan walked in unsteadily while calling out his grandfather. Grandfather, how are you?

Looking at Liu Zhishan, the old man frowned and said indifferently: "Shouting here, what are you doing?" He did not have a good impression of Liu Zhishan, the playboy.

He didn't know how Old Man Liu taught people to allow this grandson to cause trouble everywhere.

Hearing the old man's words, Liu Zhishan choked. He opened his mouth, and just as he was about to refute, he saw his grandfather's displeased expression, and the words that were about to come out of his mouth were forcefully swallowed down.

The person he feared the most was his grandfather.

"He won't die." Liu Zhen frowned, against this grandson, he was truly disappointed to the extreme, "Liu Zhishan, you are becoming more and more capable! The next time something like this happens, you'll be left to fend for yourself. "

His face was about to be completely thrown away by this grandson.

He had to tell his eldest son when he got back, so he might as well throw him into the military camp and let him exercise so that he wouldn't cause any trouble.

Liu Zhishan shrank back from Liu Zhen's scolding, pursed his lips and did not dare to refute.

If he refuted it, he would be punished even more severely.

After scolding Liu Zhishan a few times, and seeing him lowering his head and acting like a coward, Liu Zhen slowly closed his eyes and suppressed the anger in his heart.

Normally, he would have been able to endure it. He would not curse in front of outsiders and lose face for the Liu Family. However, he was no longer in the mood now. He just wanted to vent the anger in his heart.

"Xue Taiyi, I feel like there are no longer any problems, can you pull out the needle now?"

Since his grandson's fight was over, it was time for him to go back.

The old man looked at Liu Zhen, made a sound of acknowledgement, and quickly pulled out the needle from's body.

Liu Zhen slowly sat up, donned his clothes, and after thanking the old man, he took Liu Zhishan and left the Imperial Palace.

Once he returned to the Liu Family, Liu Zhen turned around and looked at Liu Zhishan coldly.'s heart trembled when he saw that he was being stared at.

"Go to the ancestral hall and kneel for three days before coming out."

When he finished speaking, Liu Zhishan's mother, Jiang Yingying, ran over quickly. She saw Liu Zhen greeting him and when Liu Zhen nodded, she nervously grabbed onto her hand.

"Shan Er, how are you? Hurry, apply the medicine with your mother, you can't leave anything behind. "

Liu Zhishan was overjoyed in his heart. As long as his mother took him away, he would no longer need to be punished.

However, before he could nod his head, Liu Zhen's cold words had already doused his heart.

"Did you not hear what I said? Go to the ancestral hall and kneel before coming out for three days and three nights. "

Liu Zhishan froze as he looked towards his mother for help.

Only his mother could save him here.

"Father, isn't Shan Er still injured? How about … Should we wait for his injuries to heal before he goes to receive punishment? " Jiang Yingying immediately asked Liu Zhen for mercy, how could she watch her precious son get punished?

Ordinary people wouldn't be able to stand it even if they went to the ancestral hall to kneel for three days and three nights. What's more, if her son was injured, it would definitely take his life.

Liu Zhen's eyes swept across Jiang Yingying coldly, "If he were to hurt Mr. Luo today, it would not be as simple as just kneeling in the Ancestral Hall. The entire Liu Family would have to be buried with him." He was not satisfied with his son's future wife from the bottom of his heart. He did not have the bearing of a first wife. "Even if his legs are broken today, he still has to kneel for me."

With that, he no longer looked at Jiang Yingying's pale face, and walked away.

She lightly patted Liu Zhishan's hand and comforted him in a gentle voice, "Shan Er, you don't have to worry. When your father comes back, I'll tell him to beg for mercy from your grandfather, and not long later, you can come out."

Liu Zhishan nodded with a bitter face, "Mother, then quickly get your father to come over." He said that his butt was still injured and he was going to kneel in the ancestral hall, so his legs really were going to be crippled.

"I will, don't worry."

"Mom, I'll wait for you."

After Liu Zhishan went to the Ancestral Hall, Jiang Yingying returned to her room with a gloomy face. At the same time, she had everyone watch the door, and upon seeing Liu Wenjie, they immediately ordered him to return to the courtyard.

"Madam, how can the young master's body take it?" Jiang Yingying's wet nurse said with a pained face, "The Old Master is really too heartless. The young master was injured, and even punished the young master."

"Mom, be careful. There are ears on the wall." Although she also hated Liu Zhen for being too heartless and biased, she would definitely not say these words out loud.

She always remembered her mother's words, to be careful of ships with over ten thousand years of age. Once these words reached Liu Zhen's ears, she would …

After being scolded by Jiang Yingying, the wet nurse's face turned pale, and immediately said in fear that she would not do it the next time.

After all, Jiang Yingying would not go overboard towards her wet nurse. She warned her wet nurse a few more times, and only stopped when she saw her wet nurse took her words to heart.

After an unknown amount of time, her personal maid hurriedly ran in to say that the old master had returned, but the Old Master had called her.

Hearing that, Jiang Yingying's body started to collapse. This time, she was in trouble, she had no way to plead on Shan Er's behalf.

Shan Er, don't force yourself to endure these three days of suffering.

She was so angry that she forcefully waved her hand. Clang! The teapot and teacups were all smashed to the ground by her.

That damned old man … Ever since the old geezer entered the room, he didn't have any good intentions towards her. It really was … This really pissed her off.

"Old Master, the old master is here."

"Come in …"

The moment Liu Wenjie entered the study room, he saw his father writing calligraphy. He knew that his father had a habit, when his mood was bad, he would write big words.

He wondered why his father was in a bad mood today.

Only after Liu Zhen finished writing the large word 'quiet' did he put the brush down. He raised his head and looked towards his eldest son, Liu Wenjie, "That good son of yours has gotten into trouble again." He was slightly disappointed in this eldest son of his.

Especially when the eldest son failed to fulfill his responsibilities as a father to the eldest grandson and was overly fond of his youngest son, causing him to be free and free all day to cause trouble for himself, he felt disappointed.

When Liu Wenjie heard this, the smile on his face stiffened. He secretly cursed in his heart, Why did that brat make trouble again?

There really wasn't a day where no one didn't want to cause trouble.

"Father, I will definitely teach that brat a lesson. Don't worry."

Hearing this, Liu Zhen laughed coldly, "How many times have you told me this? "Huh?" He took a deep breath to stop himself from vomiting blood. "Let me tell you, when he comes out of the ancestral hall, immediately send him to the barracks to train." He really could not tolerate Liu Zhishan anymore.

If he didn't twist his temper a little, he would be ruined for the rest of his life.

"This... "Father, he's still young. Why don't we wait for another two years?"

"Small?" Hearing that, Liu Zhen angrily slammed the table, he extended his hand and pointed at Liu Wenjie, and cursed: "He's already sixteen, and he's still young? How old was Hao Er when he went to the battlefield? Do you still remember your father? "

Liu Zhen looked at Liu Wenjie with eyes full of ridicule.

Liu Zhishan was already sixteen, and he still dared to tell him that he was young? He was not afraid of biting his tongue when he said those words.

Thinking about his eldest son, who was born and bred with him, Liu Wenjie lowered his head and did not dare to speak.

Liu Zhen glared at Liu Wenjie in dissatisfaction and exhaled forcefully. He sat back down on the chair and said coldly: "If you don't change his personality, one day, the Liu Family will be implicated to death by him."

Startled, Liu Wenjie quickly asked, "Father, this … What exactly is going on? " He had just returned from work and hadn't received any news yet. He didn't know what kind of trouble that brat had caused his father to be so angry.

"He galloped his horse around in the busy city and almost bumped Mr. Luo into him. This matter directly caused a ruckus in front of the emperor and caused him to be beaten ten times for punishment." Liu Zhen thought about what the Emperor had told him. He thought about his young son who had died young, and looked at his eldest son.

"This time, it was all thanks to the timely reaction of the guards around Mr. Luo. Otherwise, if we really bumped into Mr. Luo, what good results would the Liu Family have? What do you think …"

Hearing that, Liu Wenjie's entire body was drenched in cold sweat, it was not a small matter!

That brat really stirred up a disaster this time.

This time, no matter what, he couldn't just let that stinky brat go again with his wife's pleas.

"Father, I will listen to you. After Shan Er comes out of the ancestral hall, I will send him to the army camp to train."

This time, his father had truly made up his mind. It was impossible for him to change his mind so easily. It would be better to follow his father's wishes and let him quell his anger.

Liu Zhen's taut face loosened for a bit. He nodded, then waved towards Liu Wenjie, telling him to leave.

After Liu Wenjie went down, Liu Zhen collapsed onto the chair, his eyes looking at the ceiling and sighed heavily. If Jing Er was down there, then the Liu Family … The Liu Family would not be like this. On the surface, they looked beautiful, but their insides were already rotten.

If he had not strongly pressured Jing Er back then, Jing Er would not have run away from home. If he had not run away from home, she would not have died young.

This … This was all his fault, all his fault!

Liu Zhen reached out his hands to cover his sore eyes, his face filled with pain.

After he recovered from the shock, he picked up his brush again and wrote a letter to his grandson Liu Zhihao.

If he did not clarify these things, his heart would not be able to rest for a day.

After he finished writing the letter, he called for the butler to deliver the letter to Liu Zhihao quickly.

When Liu Zhihao who was in the army camp heard the urgent letter, and opened it to read the contents, his heart immediately jumped. How did his grandfather know about this?

He knew that he couldn't hide anything this time, and could only write down everything he knew in the letter and tell Liu Zhen.