The Star Knight

Chapter 41

Ten minutes later:

the side room of the theatre lounge.

Urka flipped through their mercenary diaries and said, "with your skills, do you still want to be a mercenary?"

Opal said without expression: "don't talk nonsense. How to do it? Give me a definite answer. We just came in and eavesdropped. How much can we do? "

It's true that he can't commit much crime. At most, opal can compensate for a robot and detain him for another 15 days.

Raymond noticed that only urka and the two of them were in the lounge. Knowing that the guy would not hand them over to the police, Ramon squinted and said, "what do you want to do?"

Urka chuckled and took out a diary of mercenaries from his arms and raised it at them.

A golden "s" was burned on the black cover.

Opal and Raymond were relieved at the same time.

"Hello, master." Opal said dogleg and immediately motioned to Raymond with his eyes. Raymond was busy bowing and saluting: "good master, good master."

"It should be said that the elder has a long life!"

Raymond said in a hurry: "the elder lives a long time."

ULKA grinned and said coldly, "behave yourself."

"Yes, yes, yes." Opal began to look around the room. Raymond sat down and said, "we Can you apply to share mission intelligence? What do you think? "

Urka said, "leave at once, I say - at once!"

Opal said, "don't do this. I wish you a long life, eh? I remember one thing Are you Gangyu urka

Urka held the flue in her mouth: "have you heard of me? Hey, boy, don't touch anything here. "

Opal took out the list from his pocket and said, "here, the spanner also asked me to take a signature for you. Here you are..."

Urka looked at the list with tears and laughter and said, "you know little spanner? Class E mercenaries have a wide range of contacts. "

"I warn you." "There are a lot of big names from the Republic and the Empire to watch the concert. The defense will be very tight. The whole theater will be assigned to protect the VIP seats. Don't act rashly," ULKA said

Raymond moved in his heart and asked, "are you here on commission?"

"Help an old guy and take his runaway daughter home. That's Molly, the little apprentice of legeson."

"Oh -" Raymond and opal suddenly realized.

"Who is the old man?" opal said

Urka got up and kicked opal out of the door and said, "get out of here. This is not what you should know."

Opal and Raymond put away the diary of the mercenary and came out. The corridor went straight to the backstage. Raymond said, "we should have asked Ben to come with us just now. Maybe the task is finished now."

"Survey the terrain first," opal said

Raymond looked back at urka's door and said, "not afraid to be caught by him again?"

Opal: whatever it is, he let us go, which means acquiescence. Maybe he's afraid of Molly You can find a way to help him get a girl tomorrow. You should thank him... "

Ramon pulled the collar and the two walked through the corridor. The robot in the background didn't alert them. The staff saw them coming out of ULKA's room and knew that the two men had been released.

"Come here and have a look." Opal pushed open an open door, which was a room for storing sundries.

Raymond: be careful to be a thief And this way? "

The corridor is a zigzag. It goes around and goes back to the door of urka. Opal sticks his ears up and hears Molly questioning urka. The main idea is that when he hears the news, she comes here specially and finds that Opal and ouerka have been released. Opal ran away with Raymond.

The outer corridor is more than 1000 meters, and at the end is a spacious hall. Raymond looked up and said, "is there an audience?"

Opal pushed open a small door, the end of which was the stage utility room of the blue crystal throne. The bottom was cleaned very clean. There were lifting plates and magnetic levitation devices inside. Raymond turned around and stopped at a small door with a lock on it.

Opal put E7 on the top and connected the electronic safety lock. The terrain was projected on the top of E7. Here, it was controlled independently by a small room. Opal opened the door and quickly connected the electronic lock. He found another channel leading to the 12th class audience.

"Great!" Raymond said.

Opal was still a little confused and said, "what do you do with so many secret passages?"

Raymond said: "it's mostly for magic. Let's get out of here."

When they went back, they were much more relaxed. At the main gate, opal and Raymond told their employers that Ben was so excited that he couldn't sleep all night. They repeatedly said, "he's going to kiss me," "Jay is going to kiss me"

Opal's mouth twitched. Six hours later, the autobiographical cycle of the planet was very short, which made him very uncomfortable. He yawned and escorted the class to the concert.

Opal found that Raymond always seemed to be very energetic, and did not change the length or length of his sleep. He asked, "you have great energy."Raymond glanced at him and said casually, "physical factors, or do you go back to sleep? I'll go backstage with my class. "

Opal waved his hand to show that he didn't need to. The three people checked in. The class 12 tickets were prepared by the class for the helpers. There were six tickets in total. The VIP seat is full of armored robots. The ordinary seats are too far away, so the guard is not so strict.

There was a lot of talking, and there was a lot of noise in the blue crystal throne. Raymond entered in ahead of time. Seeing that this period of time was the most stringent inspection, the security guards brought robots to register their identities one by one, and there was no gap to find. So they had to change the time of stealing into the backstage to the end of the stage.

As the lights dimmed, opal whispered, "when will you act?"

"Try it in the middle of the show, or after," Raymond said

The water blue light swept through the audience, and the whole blue crystal throne became quiet. Opal looked up and saw the VIP stands more than 10 meters high. The whole concert hall seemed to be full.

"When are we going to meet Jay..." Ben asked excitedly.

"Shhh -" Raymond and opal held him together.

The music rang out, and the whole blue crystal throne burst into a torrent of cheers. Everyone got up and clapped wildly, whistling or yelling at the stage. Ban was especially excited and yelled: "my dear Jay!"

Opal and Raymond got up with a black line and applauded. For a moment, the scene was extremely crazy. Opal noticed that there were still many people standing at the top of the VIP platform, including the soft general. The four VIP seats should be full of people with heads and faces.

Music around the venue, all the seats, partitions and walls have become transparent. Tens of millions of fish are spinning rapidly. The miniature jellyfish are full of space. All the light is far away from them. In the middle of the dark stage, there is only a bright river of light.

"The man who chooses the dawn at night, and the dawn chooses the free wind for him..."

In a flash, the stars were shining, the river of light was expanding, and the whole blue crystal throne was submerged. With blonde hair, he appeared on the stage in his blue robe. His appearance was shown on 16 giant screens, and the cheers were crazy again.

"Choose a bird or a leaf, a rock or a cloud of smoke..."

As the cry went down, he stood in the middle of the throne, like a beautiful Prince of the sea in ancient mythology. Hundreds of blue skinned water and blue star people revolved around him. In opal's pupil, the beautiful face of legeson is reflected. His hair is like the burning sun, and his eyes are like sapphire soaked in the sea floor for hundreds of millions of years. His face is breathtaking. When his singing is heard, there is a deep shock to his soul.

Listening to the concert records is far from feeling, just like pulling their souls out of their bodies and into the blue deep sea and the vast sky. His voice has a kind of extraordinary magic, and the moment it rings in my ears, I can't help but feel a burst of joy.

Opal even forgot what he was here to do. Like all the other people, he was fascinated by it. There was a strong impulse in his heart, just like being controlled.

"Every heart has a lonely time; who chooses the lonely world, the world chooses his song..."

There was a strong, unspeakable joy in opal's heart, as if he had seen a bright and hopeful future.

He turned his head and looked at Ramon, trying to say something to him. Raymond happened to be looking at him, and his eyes were very complicated.

Opal said, "his singing is just like, like..."

Raymond's Adam's knot moved and sighed uneasily. "There's a kind of hypnotic Magic," he said

The magic of hypnosis.

Opal suddenly thought of something. He narrowed his eyes slightly. After singing his first song, he said in a soft voice: "water blue star, after 120 years, I have returned to the throne of blue crystal..."

The sound from the stage almost overturned the whole meeting hall. The cheering wave drowned the conversation between Opal and Raymond. When he warmed up the stage and returned to the stage, opal found his eyes full of tears. It was really evil. I don't know why. He always thinks there is something wrong in it It's just a mental control of the audience Mind control? The power of faith?!

In his heart, opal thought of the legendary king of meteorites. He fell into an extremely shocking hypothesis when he passed the stage.

"Does the king of meteorites have an exact identity?" Asked opal.

"What are you saying?" Raymond leaned over to opal. At the moment, the blue crystal throne was filled with the noise made by the out of control audience. Opal pushed Ramon away, pressed his ear button, and whispered, "do you know about the king of meteorites?"

Raymond heard it clearly and said, "I don't know much. What's the matter?"

Opal shook his head, and regison appeared again. This time, it was an opera to tell the story of the love between the ancient and the present on the blue star, and the love between the human immigrants and the sea elves prince.

Opal tries to use the power of his faith, squint and immerse himself in his spiritual world. The stars surrounded him, gently forming a protective barrier, and the influence of his singing had faded a lot.He Opal is almost sure that this guy will hypnotize!

It's no wonder his singing has a magic power. How did he do it? There are at least 200000 viewers in the blue crystal throne! It also includes strong generals like soft generals And the S-class urka, who can hypnotize 200000 people at a time with his own songs?!

However, it is not only the star knight who can deeply hypnotize. It is not necessary for opal to take a deep breath. Maybe he's the third star knight, or maybe he's the king of meteorites - is Colin just his pseudonym?

Suppose he was the third star knight, why didn't ractor ask for his help? As a popular figure in the Empire and the Republic, how could he sit back and watch ractor lose?!

Well, he's probably the king of meteorites, Colin Opal was completely frightened by his inference.

No, there's another possibility - people who will be hypnotized by deep consciousness are not necessarily star knights. It seems that opal has heard of it. Illus are also good at influencing brainwaves of intelligent life and persuading them to buy their own junk goods.

It is probably because he needs to hypnotize too many people and his spirit is scattered. However, his opera is still very romantic and aestheticism, and many audience have already cried, moved by the hero and heroine in the story.

Opal looks at Raymond sideways and finds that Raymond's eyes are red and immersed in the plot.

"Go ahead." Opal's index finger is against the ear canal.

"Listen a little longer." Raymond replied.

Opal was helpless. He looked at him sideways and found out that he cheated. After that, he was not so fascinated by his singing. But at the beginning, the wonderful feeling still lingered in his mind.

Like opening a door, the future is a light full of beautiful melody and hope.

He vaguely experienced that experience, but he forgot when Opal was quietly thinking in the audience with his eyes closed. What brought him similar feelings?

Maybe it was the moment when Rex told him the secrets of the universe, or he came to liexing and met his first real friend, Raymond.

In his mind, Raymond took him to the second floor to sign up for the establishment of a mercenary regiment. When solving the Commission together for the first time, he stood side by side in the greenhouse.

"Go ahead." Said opal.

Raymond was still a little reluctant, and opal began to use the means.

He concentrated all the power of faith and intruded into Raymond's mind. Suddenly, he saw a scene - in the endless flower fields of Rembrandt last time, they were drinking flower tea outside the apron with sunglasses on.

"Cough!" Opal cautioned.

Raymond was shocked and broke away from the opera of legeson. According to the program list, the part of the heroine died soon. The girl was singing in the middle of the stage, and the hypnosis was reduced a lot.

"Go." Raymond got up.

Ramon and opal set up the class. Opal wanted to brainwash his employer, but he gave up the idea. When he was hypnotized, he was hypnotized. He felt happy.

They leave the audience and walk to the bathroom. Ben giggles in the mirror. Opal cleans his hair. His coat is facing the front. Raymond pees in the cubicle.

"When I get out, I'll take care of the security." Raymond said, "you take him back backstage along yesterday's road."

Opal hum sound, think of the identity of legeson, just by the way to investigate, in case his other identity is the king of meteorites? No, since ractor has taught himself a skill, he can't lose his teacher.

Ramon and opal came out of another door in the bathroom, went to the 12th class, and uncovered the cover where they had marked yesterday.

Everyone was staring into the middle of the stage with an almost obsessive look, and no one noticed them. A robot found them and came quickly.

Raymond gave it a foot, the robot fell down, opal immediately took ban along the tunnel to the backstage.

The three robots come this way, and Ramon turns and runs.

"Hello! What are you doing? " Wuerka, who was patrolling, suddenly appeared in front of Raymond. Ramon stopped suddenly, turned around and left without incident and said, "look around."

At the same time, opal drags Ben across the stage quickly. The opera has come to an end. When he arrives at the entrance of the corridor, opal sees the door of the lounge closing.

There was a security guard outside. Opal took the class to the front. The security guard immediately said, "who is it?"

Opal cut his hand on his neck, and the security guard fell suddenly.

He stepped aside and knocked on the door. Inside, the voice of regison said, "come in."

Ben went in and let out a shout of ecstasy, followed by the sound of "Gudong".


Opal took the security guard to the props room, stood at the door, put on the guard's hat, kept the door expressionless, put his index finger against the ear buckle, and whispered, "Raymond. Ben's in. We've commissioned itRamon's voice came: "I'm with master urka. After you solve the problem, give the mercenary's diary to the employer and ask him to register his fingerprints."

Raymond put down his finger against the communicator and walked behind urka. They passed the pool platform between the 10th and 11th seats. Urka stopped. They stood in the corner of the platform and lit their cigarettes.

Urka squinted in the smoke and said, "that girl is hard to handle. It's like a wild cat."

Raymond said casually: "you are the S-level mercenary of our strong star, so you intend to follow them all the time? Will you go back to war, master? "

Urka laughed and said, "say more, you were a soldier?"

Raymond waved his hand and said, "No

Urka looked Ramon from head to toe and said, "man, you don't look like a D-class mercenary."

Raymond gave a modest smile and said, "what kind of class is it like?"

Wuerka said: "barely strong level B, but you have no experience with that child, but the fighting foundation is very good."

Raymond nodded and said, "there may be people who are born to do it."

"Well." "The people who took me have said that before," ULKA said

Raymond asked, "master, have you been a mercenary?"

"I used to be a deserter from the third army of the Empire," urka said

Raymond couldn't help but smile. Urka chuckled like a ruffian, touched the scar on his head and said, "of course, there are special reasons. Later, they didn't investigate and asked me to go back several times."

Raymond said, "what's your rank?"

"Major, I didn't have a high rank when I was a deserter, but my old friends are doing well now."

Raymond nodded, remembering the relationship between Azeroth and the Empire. Urka's identity was very special. He had both Imperial connections and was one of the six S-level strongmen in the mercenary country. Perhaps he had made a lot of efforts in the relationship between the two countries.

"Can you fight?" Raymond said.

"I can't tell." "Your partner hasn't come out yet? So long? Hurry him up. I can't take care of you. It's too obvious, otherwise Molly's girl will come to me again

"Opal, you'd better hurry up." Raymond said, "or I'll be beaten."

Opal's index finger pressed his ear button and replied, "now, I have to sign..."

Molly, dressed in her costume, is about to come over before she finds opal at the door.

"Who is it?" Molly frowned.


Molly said, "what are you doing here?"

Opal said, "well, I'm a special staff member of this concert. You know, only one security guard is not safe..."

Molly gazed into opal's eyes and murmured, "who are you? Answer me..."

In a flash, opal felt the power of faith directly rush into his mind, and then he formed a confrontation with jasmine. The breath of jasmine was smothered, he stepped back half a step and gasped at opal.

"Mercenary." "Let him in, honey," he said lazily in the lounge

Opal Yilin, Molly did not speak again, and the voice of rajason said: "baby, go to the stage and find a way to drag me for a while."

Molly looks at opal suspiciously and turns away.

Opal pushed open the door of the rest room, which was very luxurious. In his snow-white shirt and slim trousers, he was as slim as a demon.

Opal said, "you Hello. "

Opal made a mercenary salute, and he looked at him with a smile, as if he were looking at a very novel thing.

Opal was so hairy that he said, "Wang Azeroth, let me give you a message. If you are willing to come to the Ares system to hold a concert, it will be a great honor for the land of mercenaries. "

"Come, you will come." "But I don't think it's necessarily a concert," he said, squinting like a sly fox

What do you mean by that?

He doesn't look like a dark man It won't be the king of meteorites. Opal took a deep breath and said, "can you sign for us? Here are Your stills. "

"No problem," he said with a smile

He took the autograph photo from Opal and sat at his desk to sign. He took the opportunity to look at the rest room and found his employer lying on a big sofa. He was surprised.

"Oh, he just fainted because he was so excited." He said.

"Have you met before?" Opal road.

"Yes, I've seen it in my dream," he said

Opal's heart beat very fast. This was the first time he had such close contact with the prince of opera. He had seen the holographic projection for a long time and finally saw the real man. He was very beautiful. His facial features were as exquisite as carved out. Since entering the room, his beautiful face has been perfect from any angle.But opal is not good at this. He has almost no feeling of being moved by him. He occasionally immerses himself in his singing. When he knows the magic principle of singing, this intoxication almost disappears.

He stood in front of him. He couldn't ask any questions about his previous temptations. He was very nervous. When he was nervous, his mind was easily distracted and confused. If he was nervous, he was not the type he liked. So what type did he like?

In opal's mind, Raymond's appearance appeared, and he suddenly found that Raymond was also very good. He was upright and masculine, safe, steady and reliable. He looked much more approachable than that of legeson.

He was like a brilliant, perfect God, a dummy.

opal embarrassed himself to laugh at it. Lejason looked up at him. His eyes were full of ridicule.

"Here If it's convenient for you. " Opal carefully took out a list and said, "can you sign a letter to my favorite Alice..."

"Is Alice your lover?" he said with a smile

"Well, No Opal said helplessly, "he is the grandmother of a clerk of our mercenary Union. You know, it's not easy to make a living these days. You have to know every aspect. In other words, do you know a man named" Rickett "

Without pausing, he said, "I don't know. Who is ractor?"

Opal murmured, "a mercenary who also loves your song."

He did not use the power of faith, but unconsciously felt the spiritual world of legeson, which was purely spontaneous, covered by a green, like a dense forest.

He looked up and took a look at opal, who woke up from his trance.

"You should take your employer back." He signed a bunch of photos and returned them to opal.

Opal said, "excuse me, I'm really sorry for the delay. We'll leave right away."

"By the way, I suddenly want to entrust you with a task," he said

"What?" opal asked

He put Ben's arm on his shoulder and turned his head to look at regison.

"If it's convenient for you, can you take him home and send him back to his mother? The child has been away from home for so long that his mother will be worried

"No problem." Opal loosened his mouth.

"Just now he told me that his home is in a place called scarlet planet in the ChiYan system. If I remember correctly, it should be Paradise fire courtyard, 19th Street? "

Opal said, "OK, no problem."

After he agreed to this, he suddenly remembered where the place name seemed to have been heard, but he could not remember it at all.

He put his finger on his lip, flicked at him and blew a kiss.


Opal came out of the corridor with ban in his arms. He put his hand on his ear button and said, "Raymond, our business is over. Do you hear me?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!