The Star Knight

Chapter 40

AquaStar is one of the registered members of Star Alliance. It is in the jurisdiction of the Republic of China, but it maintains its independence. It revolves around a white dwarf star with a period of 2.5 cosmic years. The rotation time is very short, only 13 cosmic hours.

The name of the stellar system is called μ - 27. The white dwarf, called chandraseka, has escaped from all the surrounding planets as it evolves from a red giant to a white dwarf.

A time billions of years ago, a comet carrying a lot of solid water flew from the depths of the universe and headed for chandraseka. Its fate would eventually be swallowed up by a white dwarf. However, just then, another comet flew from a more distant place to the star system.

These two comets collide in the gravitational field of chandraseka, which is the minimal probability of collision in 20 billion years after the formation of the universe. If we want to describe it with specific numbers, the probability will be 93 zeros added after the decimal point.

The two comets fused in one place after impact, changing their respective trajectories and orbiting the white dwarf star rapidly.

In that distant past, if anyone could observe it with his own eyes, he would marvel at the mystery and mystery of the universe.

The two comets and ice became the only planet in the stellar system, aqua blue. Its revolution distance was just close enough to make the large amount of ice carried by the comet melt at the temperature of white dwarf star, and gave birth to strange life in the water.

And that's just enough to keep the water from melting and escaping in the heat of the white dwarf. It's just a thin film of water covering the core.

Water blue star is the only planet in the universe. The earth's surface is completely covered with water. The outer layer is covered with an atmosphere made by the photosynthesis of cyanobacteria. The oxygen content is 30.5%.

The high temperature and low luminosity of white dwarfs make the light not strong here, but it is like summer all the year round. The gravity of the star produces strange tides. A peak of 100 meters high formed by sea water always faces chandraseka in the center of the stellar system and moves around the equator. The period is exactly one year.

The water blue star is like a drop of water around its core. In 10337 A.D., humans discovered it and established the Stargate. "Let's go." Raymond checked the wristbands.

"Have you been here?" Asked opal.

Raymond nodded and said, "when I was a mercenary, Raymond:...."

Opal finally solved the purple enchantress, he angrily dropped it on the wall, a funny liquid splash sound.

"Love is a puff of smoke from a sigh. Time will soon pass. Twelve Lizhu, please come and kiss me..."

Raymond: Well, do you have a topographic map

Ben: "I believe he loves me deeply, don't you think?"

Opal: when will the concert begin

Raymond: "tomorrow night, there will be a lot of people. We have to start the investigation ahead of time."

Opal: "Mr. employer, please calm down first..."

Ben: "do you know love?"

Opal: he shouldn't kiss you

Ben: "you don't know what □!"

Raymond: --


Raymond said: "we'll try our best, but we don't guarantee to get everything you want. At best Let you be alone with him for a short time, and the rest is up to you. "

Ben walked around the room and muttered to himself, "even if you don't come, I will try my best to meet him. He will meet me. I know he will..."

Ramon and opal have a black line. Close the door and come out.

"First investigate the backstage and lounge of the blue crystal throne." Ramon pondered for a moment: "look for a possible breakout route. By then, we have three tickets, including the bathroom, the electronic dressing room and the changing room. Check with his program list and try to solve this problem before the opera starts. "

After they got on the flying car in the pipeline, the water blue star tourism industry was developed, and there were sealed pipelines everywhere on the sea floor. After leading to the blue crystal throne in the middle of the sea, opal found that he really underestimated the pomp of legeson.

Before the performance started, the ring theater was already fully guarded. The important people of each planet had special seats. The theater covers an area of nearly 800000 square meters and is divided into 16 floors. The suspended seats are arranged in order from the special class to the 17th class. Outside every three or four steps, there are water, land and air three super police robots guarding. It's a real iron wall.

Opal and Raymond stood outside the safe area eating fresh fish and hot dogs, while looking at the whole venue. There were tourists everywhere, and many people took pictures outside the posters. Home robots, human beings and intelligent life from all over the world lined up outside the meeting hall.

"Can E7 fix the security system?" Raymond said.

Opal: "I think it's a little mysterious If you can do this, you don't have to be a mercenary. "

E7 is inspired by opal to close the side door. It looks like a dot in front of the super alert robot. The other side lights up a red light to warn it to go back.

E7 creaks to send out the electric wave, was electrified by the big robot, and ran away with smoke.Opal said, "no way."

"Going in from above?" Raymond motioned to him to look over his head. The blue crystal throne was 50 meters high. The top of the throne was above the sea level. The skylight should be connected with the sea air.

Opal said, "there should also be guards..."

It's hard to do. Raymond said, "then we'll have to tomorrow..."

Opal suddenly said, "no, I have a way. It's on me. "

He noticed that several robots were installing the projection support outside the theater, so he asked Raymond to take E7 to the gate 5 to prepare, and he hid himself behind a pile of iron boxes and looked at the 30 meter high place diagonally opposite.

Twelve new projectors will be installed there for the construction robot to project giant holographic advertisements before the opening of the concert tomorrow. The metal solution X-ray machine is suspended from the ground and emits sound wave resonance of casting film towards the welding joint.

"What do you want to do?" Raymond's voice came from the ear button.

Opal didn't answer. He was not sure about the distance.

He took a deep breath, pushed his hands forward obliquely, left and right palms facing each other, closed his eyes, and twisted toward the height.

Floating in the air, the metal welding machine made a slight rotation, and the ray swept to a guard robot guarding the Gate No. 4. It immediately turned into a pool of molten iron, crackling electric current, and then the battery blew up and blew its partner out.

At that moment, the machine guards of several nearby doors were alerted, and the robots around gathered there one after another. E7 quickly drove to the theater Gate No. 5 against the ground, found the control panel beside the safe passage, poked the data line in, and cracked the independent security door lock for a moment.

Opal's body was swept away, and the two men flashed into the safe passage behind the robot.

Inside it was dark, E7 released light, opal said: "this way!"

Two people hide in the most inside of a slit, Raymond and opal's body close together, gas also dare not say. Outside, a patrol robot lights up and down the aisle.

After the robot, opal and Raymond come out. Raymond stands inside the deep passage and looks at the red light screen suspended on the wall. It's a map of emergency evacuation in case of danger.

"This way, come on!" "Go around on the left and the exit is the side door of the 12th class seat," Raymond said

They ran at full speed with light feet. After a short run, they came to a dead end.

Ramon pushed the door forward, locked it, and did not move.

"From above!" "There are vents," opal said

Raymond poked through the skylight with a long handled mechanical ax. The two climbed a considerable distance one after the other, and saw a light coming out from below.

"Locked from the outside." Raymond said, "can E7 open?"

Opal put E7 behind the lattice window, E7 stretched out a pile of tools around the vent to screw the safety screw. At the moment when the last screw was sucked away by the magnetic knife, Raymond immediately reached out and grabbed the metal window. Opal rolled over and landed on the audience with a soft sound.

Then Raymond stretched out his foot, stepped on opal's back, and trampled him down again.


Raymond made a "Shhh" action, pulled him up, and they stood in the theater. They were surprised to find that the area of the venue was underestimated.

It is surrounded by rows of seats, covering an area of 800000 square meters. The sky light on the top of the blue crystal throne is sprinkled, and there is a vast white light everywhere, just like a holy land.

They stood in the middle of the seats, forming two small black spots.

There's a human voice. It's the voice of regison.

Mr. legeson: At that time, the water ball will spread out layer by layer, and the resonance of the chest cavity will pass through the air and finally enter the water. I promise it will be an unforgettable experience... "

Woman's voice: "dear prince, I really didn't think you would be willing to try this pair of gills..."

Lesson: "aha, it's just a small operation to get this unforgettable opportunity. I personally think it's worth it Molly

The girl's voice said, "you should take a little more rest. It's going to take about ten hours to get used to it."

Opal poked out his head and looked around. All the people on the stage were little black spots, and they could not see who was who. However, his voice was extremely clear, just like reverberating in his ears.

"Down?" Asked opal.

Ramon couldn't make up his mind and said, "this way."

The two men crouched behind the seats, covered by their backs, and got closer. They were still talking in the middle of the stage, as if there were many people discussing tomorrow's concert.

"My God." Opal whispered, "it seems that they are all wonderful guys."

Raymond was obviously a little nervous. The people in the middle of the stage saw it clearly. There were about ten people in total. Of course, the most prominent one was the prince of opera, Mr. regison. His dress is not exaggerated at all - his white shirt, which is well pressed, has a beautiful waistline, a pair of casual trousers, and his brilliant golden hair is like the golden fire of heaven in the sun.

Then there was a man in uniform female sex. Perhaps the female is more suitable to describe her, her hair is very long, the skin is blue, should be the water blue star person.Regison: what do you think, rou

The blue Banshee thought about it and said with a smile, "I promise they'll think it's new..."

Raymond whispered: "she is the leader of AquaStar, general rou. It is said that she is as powerful as Azeroth."

Opal thought of the wrench teaching, as if mentioned a long time ago, she owned one of the top mecha in the universe.

"And the little girl?" Opal motioned to Raymond to look at the young girl standing beside him in the middle of the stage.

The girl wore a slim white dress and her hair was soft brown, as if she had a good relationship with her husband.

Raymond shook his head blankly. Opal said, "I heard that regison just called him Molly. Hey, look at that man."

On the edge of the stage, not far from them, sat a man.

He had three Earrings nailed to his ears, his hair stood erect like a thorn, and his face was careless. He had a cigarette in his mouth and a big sword on his back.

The sword is very similar to opal's weapon. This is the first time that opal has seen someone using the same kind of weapon.

Raymond said, "who is he? Do you know that? "

Opal shook his head: "although his big sword is similar to mine, he is offensive, with sharp edges. I'm defensive One edge has a sharp edge, and a blunt blade is used for defense and striking... "

There was a voice behind him. Raymond immediately said, "hide, quick."

They both turn over and hide in the audience at the same time. A robot scans the seats line by line. On the stage, Jason is still talking to rou. The girl next to him, who is called jasmine, finds something. She steps down the stage and walks towards the robot and the staff.

"What's the matter?" Molly asked.

Responsible for humanity: "there is a little accident outside. I'm afraid someone will sneak in and eavesdrop."

The man jumps off the stage, smokes and follows Molly. The three stop in the aisle next to the audience where Opal and Raymond are hiding.

Man: "go back and give it to us here."

Molly said, "who's with you" we. "

"What's up, ULKA?" he said

The man named urka shrugged. The man in charge left. Molly glanced at him and turned back to the stage. The prince of the opera and general Rou continued to talk, and urka languidly stepped on the front row seat and sat down in the line where Opal and Raymond were hiding.

They turned their heads and saw urka's boots on the ground, shaking carelessly.


Opal made a gesture of fighting, his eyebrows moved, and he pointed out to me to draw him away. You can take the opportunity to run. Raymond shook his hand to make sure he didn't mess.

Opal thought for a moment, closed his eyes, and spread the power of faith, trying to influence the man sitting on his head Get him up and go.

He didn't know if it worked. He just concentrated on it and repeated it in his mind. Urka, get up, go away, get out of here.

Urka moved uneasily. In the distance, regison's voice suddenly stopped and abruptly stopped. There was a brief embarrassment.

"Oh, dear Rou, I think I might have to go back and rest In a moment. "

Rou: "are you sick?"

Lesson: "it's OK, it's just..."

Rou: "I'll ask the doctor to see you."

"Well, thank you very much. I'm looking forward to tomorrow."

The people on the stage dispersed. Molly followed her to leave. Urka stopped shaking her feet. Half a minute later, urka said, "come out, where are the thieves?"

A hand was stretched out from under the seat. Urka whirled around in an instant. Ramon turned over with a sword on the ground. Raymond turned it out quietly. The mechanical axe swung away from his back. Urka swung his sword. When the two strikes Mars, opal joined the battle group. Urka had expected that the mechanical sword would be divided into two at once!

Wuerka's left hand female sword resisted Raymond's mechanical axe, and his right hand's sword swept away and collided with opal with a force of extraordinary strength. He held a big sword in both hands and swung it like a fan. At the same time, he was careless and easy to deal with them.

Ramon said, "run

Opal and Raymond fought and retreated, but urka collected the weapon, took the cigarette in his mouth, and laughed.

Surrounded by more than a dozen super security robots behind, the focused rays come from all directions and are fixed on Opal and Raymond. As long as they shoot, they have to be blasted into pieces. , the fastest update of the webnovel!