The Spoiled Girl

Chapter 1520 Inspiration

Tears welled up in Estelle's eyes. She bowed to Emily and said in a trembling voice, "Thank you." She sincerely felt grateful to Emily from the bottom of her heart because Emily had chosen to give her a second chance even after she had cheated and betrayed her.

With a complicated look in her eyes, Emily nodded at Estelle's bow and said in a cold tone, "You don't have to thank me. Just so you know, I don't completely trust you anymore. I just don't want to waste these sketches."

Emily's words were direct and somewhat hurtful, but Estelle simply shook her head and smiled, "It doesn't matter." She understood that it would take some time for Emily to be able to trust her again. "Please carry on with your work. I won't bother you anymore." Knowing that Emily was now facing a critical moment, Estelle packed up her sketches, turned around, and left.

After Estelle left the office and closed the door behind her, frustration quickly took over Emily's mood.

"Ahhh!" She felt as if her mind was collapsing. She ran her fingers through her hair in distress.

She stared into space and felt completely helpless. Estelle, a newcomer, was able to design new products while she, her senior, still hid in her office and progressed at nothing.

The shadow of desperation loomed over Emily as she longed for inspiration to flow in her veins.

No matter how desperate or exhausted she became, she would never give up. She pulled herself together and threw herself back into her seemingly endless creative process.

"I'm home." After a day without any sort of progress, Emily came home tired and depressed.

"Mommy!" Hearing Emily's voice, her eldest daughter and elder son ran to her happily.

When Emily saw her two adorable kids, she immediately put away the tiredness on her face and smiled brightly at them. She squatted down and opened her arms. "Beryl, Bowen!"

"Mommy!" The two angels threw themselves into their mother's arms and then raised their little faces and said to her, "Welcome home, Mommy. It's so wonderful to have you home."

Hearing the sweet words of her children, Emily immediately felt tremendously warm in her heart. She hugged them both tightly. "Thank you, my beloved babies. I feel rested now that you're in my arms," she replied with a bright smile. As she spoke, she rubbed her cheeks against her children's faces. In the presence of her two wonderful kids, she felt at peace and satisfied.

"You are back." Jacob walked up toward them with their youngest son in his arms. He looked at Emily with a gentle and warm smile.

Emily let go of Beryl and Bow

pieces of A4 paper on the somewhat messy floor, and then he raised them up and handed them to Emily. "Here you go. Take a look."

Puzzled, she took the small stack of papers and looked at it carefully. To her surprise, the first sheet of paper was filled with childish, colorful drawings, apparently drawn by her children with their little hands.

There were mountains, birds, the sun, a river, a blue sky, and white clouds in the painting. The most important thing was that despite the drawings not being very accurate and realistic, it could still be seen at a glance that they depicted a family of five.

The family stood on green grass against a wide blue sky, hand in hand and looking very happy.

"This was drawn by Beryl and Bowen. Our youngest, despite his age, also participated in the drawing in some sort of way," Jacob stood behind his wife and whispered in her ear. He also fondly gazed upon the colorful painting. His eyes were full of love and affection as he continued, "There's more."

Emily nodded in delight as she looked through the following paintings and found that there was an even bigger surprise for her. This time, it was not a painting of a family but of a very cute, youthful necklace drawn from the unique innocence and loveliness of her children's perspectives.

Jacob explained to her, "Beryl accidentally saw one of your drafts once. She seemed to be aware that you were worried about the design of the new products lately, so she drew this to help you."

Tears welled up in Emily's eyes. She reached out and touched the painting with trembling fingers. After a while, she raised her head and smiled at Jacob. "Tell Beryl that she has been a great help and that I deeply appreciate it."