The Spoiled Girl

Chapter 1519 Design Ideas

Emily was busy with her work at Love and Dream.

Out of frustration, she threw her pen on the table and leaned back against her office chair.

She looked up at the ceiling and tried with every ounce of physical strength she had to battle the brimming dissatisfaction.

"After everything, did I think too little about it?" Emily murmured to herself.

The new product launch for the new season was fast approaching, but Emily still had no inspirations or ideas.

She had shut herself in her office for almost the entire day, and all that she was able to come up with were drafts on crumpled pieces of paper that were now scattered all over the floor. She just could not think of any design ideas for the new products. It made Emily a little upset and desperate.

Actually, the company's design department had already finished the new product designs that she could take to participate in the new season's product launch event. She could not really say that the designs would become the most outstanding ones in the new product launch event, but she was confident that the company's design department would win the prize.


Emily still wanted to design a piece of work by herself.

Her ideas were good, but reality was cruel.

During the past few days, she had been working day and night in the office, but in the end, all that she had made were crumpled design drafts that now littered her office floor.

If the drafts she had drawn during the past few days were piled up together, it would probably make a paper mountain big enough to bury her under.

It was all because she had not worked on a single design for such a long time. She had grown rusty and could hardly summon any inspiration. She felt like a complete design rookie at the moment. Because of the creative block she was having, it was incredibly difficult for her to design literally anything, let alone something that could win a prize at the new product launch.

There was a knock on the door.


While Emily was drowning in despair in seeking inspiration, someone knocked on her office door. She heard Estelle's voice coming from outside.

Hearing Estelle's voice, Emily suddenly felt overwhelmed with mixed feelings. Then, she managed to calm herself down and sat up straight. She called, "Come in, it's open." Her voice was bland.

The door swung open, and Estelle walked in, looking a little nervous.

She looked at Emily's calm face and approached with caution. "Emily," she started.

Seeing Estelle like thi

n incompetence.

"Yes." Estelle nodded. "In fact, I majored in fine arts, but I don't know much about design, so I decided to study and learn design again."

In spite of this, Emily thought that Estelle had outperformed her a lot in terms of design. Emily rubbed her forehead and asked a key question. "Does your sister know that you used her design works? Will there be any copyright disputes in the future?" What Emily was worried about was that one day, Ellen might suddenly claim that Estelle plagiarized her work. If that really happened, it would definitely cause great damage to the company's reputation.

"Of course not! I'm sure about that!" Estelle shook her head. "I know of this potential trouble, so I've already entered into an agreement with Ellen. It won't be a future problem that will cause any loss to the company."

"That's good." Emily felt a little relieved, and then, she looked at the sketches carefully once again. After thinking for a while, she decided not to waste the sketches. "You go find the people of our design department. Let them help modify your design drawings. Of course, if you want, you can modify them yourself. Your sketches are very novel, but some of them are still a little naive. If you can improve them, I will include them in the upcoming new product launch."

"So you're not going to fire me?" Estelle stared at Emily in disbelief.

Emily smiled. "Since you've already told me the truth and you're in agreement with Ellen regarding design rights, I can't just let you go. But you have to design the sketches by yourself from now on." As soon as Emily finished speaking, her smile went away and was replaced by a serious look.