The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 646

Su Niannian looked upright: "did I say anything? No, have a meal

Fang Li Yuan didn't care about her and sat down at the table with Fang mo.

Su Nian Nian's cooking is limited to cooking instant noodles and fried eggs. It's not delicious, but it's cooked at least. She fried two dishes, frozen dumplings in the refrigerator under the staple food.

Originally, I was worried that the two men disliked each other, but I didn't expect that the two of them ate very delicious.

Su took a bite every year and put down his chopsticks in silence.

Too! hard! Eat! Yes!

Should she be happy or depressed to meet such a pair of crazy father and son?


care for the family.

It has been 72 hours since Miss Su lost contact.

Gu Zichen also did not go to Gu's for three days, and the company had already fried the pot.

In summer, entertainment was on the verge of closing down, and his family was no longer as bright as ever. Even Yin Wanyue's ward was moved to the ordinary ward by VIP. Finally, unable to bear the hospital's treatment costs, he went home to have a rest.

This is the closing stage of the company, and someone is needed to take charge of the overall situation.

Gu yanzhun and Gu Li dealt with it for two days, but the company was still in a mess. However, Chengzhou had to invite Gu Zichen in person.

He got the key to Gu Zichen's residence from Gu yanzhun. When he opened it, the room was dark, the curtains were closed, and the table was littered with takeout boxes and sundries. Chengzhou was deeply distressed.

When did his boss, who had a serious habit of cleanliness, become like this?

He called twice, did not hear the answer, so he opened the door of Gu Zichen.

"Boss, are you ok?" He called again. Gu Zichen opened his eyes and looked at him quietly. Then he got up very quietly, washed and changed his clothes, just like ordinary people.

The calmer he was, the more frightened he became.

Anxiously looking at the room, Cheng Zhou is surprised to find that there are more than a photo wall on the wall of the room.

Full of photos of Su Nian. From her childhood two cute braids to this year's occasional self portrait on social software, all of them have been washed out and pasted on the wall.

Hundreds of photos, even her kindergarten graduation photo.

"Boss, what are you doing with so many photos?" Cheng Zhou can't help speaking. After all, Miss Su is probably no longer here

Gu Zichen voice flat no LAN: "afraid she is too long not to come back, forget what she looks like."

Not afraid of her coming back So is it a decision to wait for her?

With his memory, how many months does it take to forget someone? How many years?

Or He seems to have been waiting.

Cheng Zhou shakes his head and denies the speculation in his heart.

His boss is only in his early 20s. How can he waste his time for a girl?

Maybe it's just because it's just happened that I can't stand the blow for a while.

After all, there is such an excellent and bright Miss Liang.

Before long, they will be together. They will get married, have children, and be happy, just as he and Su Nian were.

Cheng Zhou plans a beautiful blueprint for them in his heart, but at the end of the day, he just feels very sad.

He always felt that the people who accompanied Gu Zichen, not Miss Su, always felt that something was missing.

What is missing?

Shenyou half a day into the boat to reflect the purpose of today's to say: "boss, can you go to the company tomorrow?"


Great! Cheng Zhou was very happy, but the next day, Gu Zichen's first order was to cancel all cooperation with Liang's group from now on! , the fastest update of the webnovel!