The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 645

"Darling, come down first, OK?"

"No, Ma Ma hugs..."

"Ah, hello Uncle, can you take care of your son Cried Sue year after year.

Fang Li Yuan leisurely way: "he chose his own mother, I can't control, small SA, Jun Sheng, you several go first."

The five men bowed to Su every year, and said, "goodbye, sister-in-law!" After that, the five men scattered as if there were some monsters behind.

Every year, Su was in a mess in the wind? Don't go? Baby, you haven't taken it yet

Fang Liyuan: "this is your baby. You are his stepmother. Accept the reality."

"What are you doing?" Su Nian roars.

"How about you helping me raise my children and I'll help you live here?" Fang Liyuan raised a smile on his lips.

Every year Su twisted his head and looked forward to it: "really? Just help you with the baby? "

Fang Liyuan nodded: "yes."

Every year Su's eyes wandered, "how can I believe you?"

"You have no choice but to believe me." The man's tone was full of self-confidence, "or, you can go back home."

Su Niannian's mood suddenly lost. He thought of Chu Suxin, who had no idea whether he was alive or dead, Chen Yunhua, who was very deep in Chengfu, and Gu Zichen, who was about to marry Liang Xuan

Go back, what can we do?

Even Fang Mo was aware of her mood and said nervously, "Ma Ma Ma, are you angry with me?"

"No Su took a breath every year. "Can I call you?"

Fang Mo nods.

"Fang Fang, come down first. I can't hold you any more..." Every year, Su said weakly that she had never held a child, and her hands were sore.

After hearing her words, did she look at her from afar

"OK." Fang Mo answers quickly, the person still sticks to Su Niannian's side, dare not go to Fang Liyuan there.

"I will give you a new identity, and the school will help you find a good one, and you will help me with this child." Fang Liyuan proposed the conditions.

It's tempting. But Su Niannian felt strange, "er How long will I take it? "

"I has the final say." Men's words are undoubtedly overbearing.

Su Niannian: "it's just

"I'll give you three days to think about it." Fang Liyuan finished and instructed Su Niannian: "now, my mother, go to cook."

"I won't," Su said with a bitter face every year

"You can't learn. There are recipes in the kitchen."

Every year, Su went to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. It was full of ingredients. There were several cookbooks on the table.

In the living room, father and son sat side by side on the sofa.

Fang Mo's waist is very straight. The child, who is only three years old, looks like a little adult.

The two have been silent and zero communication.

After a long time, Fang Liyuan suddenly asked, "do you like her?"

Fang Fang nodded his head and shook his head suddenly.

He was afraid that Fang Li didn't like Su Niannian and drove her away

Fang Liyuan hummed: "be obedient in the future. If you make her angry..." He pauses, and Fang Mo Deng has a cold war.

Su comes out every year carrying food. What he sees is that he is smiling like a devil

It's so terrible, isn't it natural?

Su murmurmured in a low voice every year. Fang Liyuan had a good ear and heard it clearly, "ha ha, it's not a good thing to chew people's tongue in the back..." , the fastest update of the webnovel!