The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 640

[I once saw the meteor shower with my favorite one in a certain year. At that time, we were very vulgar and made our own wishes. Occasionally, we found out the drifting bottle and were thundered by ourselves ~ AI te XiaGu, what do you think? 】

there is a picture below. Gu Zichen points to open, which is the content of the drift bottle.

"In fact, I hate to make a wish. I once made a wish that my parents would always be with me, but it didn't come true. I once promised that no matter how much I eat, I would not get fat, but if I ate too much sweet food, there would still be meat on my stomach. I once wished uncle Qing, the film emperor, to become a man's basin friend. However, he had been married for more than ten years, and his children were able to play soy sauce all over the street. I don't like to make a wish, because every time I make a promise, it's hard to realize it.

Is it because my heart is not pious enough? But this time I tried my best to make my wish come true.

I want to make a thousand and one wishes. I hope Gu is healthy, he is happy, and he is always beautiful Nah, in short, a thousand wishes wish him well.

As long as he is good, I believe I will be better. There is still one wish left. Well, I want to greedily make another thousand and one wishes. Ha ha ha ha, I'm so clever! "

Gu Zichen is smiling, can't laugh out.

He thought of the bright stars all over the sky that night. He remembered that he had promised to be together in the new year of Su. He remembered that they would watch the meteor shower after they made an appointment

The details in the memory at this moment like a charming poison, bit by bit, eating into the human nerve.

They made their own wishes for each other's good.

Now it's cruel and terrible.

Gu Zichen reached out and rubbed the screen of the mobile phone and whispered, "Zhaocai pig, how can you be so stupid? How can I be good if you are not good After a while, his voice was low and gentle in the air --

"I will wait for you to come back, and I will accompany you to realize all your wishes."

Even that day will never come.


m country.

Every year, Su was holding the injured man and was out of breath.

"Where is your home?" Su year after year painful asks, a 185 big man presses most of the weight on her body, she is really can't bear!

The man said leisurely: "it's almost here. Try again."

Every year, Sue rolled her eyes and looked around at the dark streets. She was afraid.

She said weakly, "can we hide first?"

"Why?" Men don't understand.

"We two fight five dregs. What if we meet bad people? I'll hang up in minutes... " Su nianian's face was in pain, and he had not recovered from the attack in the afternoon.

The time difference between M and China was seven hours. When she arrived in M, it was still a sunny afternoon.

At that time, she was full of sadness, and the man sitting next to her looked at her more.

When she arrived at the airport, there was a terrorist attack. She was scared to death, but the men around her were calm.

They were taken to the newspaper. Before the explosion, the man was quick and put down six people. He took her out of the back door. The bullet on his shoulder was also to protect her.

She guessed that the man should not be an ordinary person, but she could not help but be afraid.

The man triumphantly laughed, with a man's unique wind hair spirit, "don't worry, even if the sky collapses, isn't there still me for you?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!