The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 639

All people are in a strong sadness, except Gu Zichen.

He was very calm, very calm.

Like a pool of stagnant water, there are no ups and downs.

His heart is dead.

In the evening, everyone dispersed and he went to Chen's house alone.

Chen Yuan sat in a daze in the living room. His eyes were sad and his eyebrows were filled with grief.

Chen Yunhua went to take care of Chu Suxin, but he did not come back.

"I want to go to the annual room." Gu Zichen said hoarsely.


Gu Zichen goes upstairs and opens Su Niannian's room. When he sees familiar objects, he feels deep pain from the bottom of his heart.

He took a cardboard box, took Su Nian's mobile phone, piggy bank, cactus, pillow Chen Yuan only said, "take good care of her."

"Certainly." Gu Zichen quietly finished saying, toward the corner of the bag called: "bag, come home with me."

He used to stick his bag, but at this time he put on a pair of cool and arrogant appearance, dead in Chen's house, back and forth hovering around the sofa, as if waiting for something.

Chen Yuan's eyes softened down, but also with incomparable sour.

In the past, Su always liked to sit on the edge of the sofa watching animation, with cat food in his hand and feeding his bag.

It's not proud, it's just waiting.

Unfortunately, it can't wait for the person it wants to wait for.

Gu Zichen went back to his room and put all the things in Su Nian's place one by one. The two piggy piggies and the three that Su Niannian gave him are put together to make five cute pigs. The cactus is on the windowsill, so Su always forgets to water it, so he will do it for him in the future. The mobile phone is charged with electricity

Everything is ready, just waiting for her to come back.

He sat on the ground and looked out of the window at night. He felt that his eyes were sore.

Su Niannian's mobile phone has been tinkling. Gu Zichen regained consciousness and said to himself, "don't blame me for peeping into your privacy Forget it, it's still strange. When you come back, you can vent yourself as much as you want, whether you beat me or scold me... "

As long as you come back.

Do you hear me? As long as you come back.

No one answered in the air, he laughed at himself and opened Su Nian's mobile phone.

Her screen saver is a rare photo of the two. Su smiles heartlessly every year. His face is cold, but his eyebrows are tender and unimaginable.

Think about it carefully, they are both lazy to take pictures of themselves. In recent years, they did not leave a few photos.

The days when you stick together often never realize how important a picture is when you leave.

Su years of mobile phone only a few missed calls, Gu Zichen one by one back in the past, all are fraud calls.

After hanging up, he went to search the information of Su Nian.

Subconsciously, he stubbornly thought that Su Nian was so stupid that if he really lost his way and couldn't remember other people's telephone number, he could always remember his own?

So he must pay close attention to her mobile phone, maybe he will receive her distress message.

There is nothing but operator information.

He read the deduction, wechat and email, and still found nothing.

Open micro blog, many people are in Aite she, Gu Zichen will be information one by one browsing, a face lost.

Finger accidentally to the micro blog option, Gu Zichen wanted to exit, but found that automatically entered the draft box.

In the information column is Su every year on a message has not been sent out, he fixed his eyes, smile desolate.

"Su Nian Nian, you are such a fool..." , the fastest update of the webnovel!