The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 621

"Do you think you can threaten me with this?" he said with a sneer

Chu Su's heart was like frost. With a little strength on her hand, the blade gradually fell into the man's skin, and several drops of blood burst out quickly.

"This is the carotid artery." Chu Su Xin exhausted all his strength. The man gave a low mantra and lowered his speed a little. He tried to use totem to deal with Chu Suxin.

At the same time, Sue pushed the door open and jumped down in spite of everything.

When Chu Suxin held her hand, she wrote two words in her hand --

escape, rescue.

Every year, Sue needs to find a way to save her.

In a hurry, this is the best choice.

Every year, Su jumped out of the car and fell into seven meat and eight vegetables. His knees and elbows touched the asphalt ground, and a strong tingling pain came. At this time, she did not care about these, standing on the side of the road, waving to the vehicles in the distance, but one car after another passed by her, but none of them would stop to help her.

Every year, Sue was crying. A long Hummer came to her. She got up her courage and stood in the middle of the road to stop the bus!

The other party had already found her and stepped on the brake in time. However, the inertia made the car slide forward a few steps, and almost hit Su Niannian!

When the driver rolled down the window, he was a man with a cold and hard face, showing his tough temperament. "If you want to die, go to the track! Don't get in my way

"What's going on?" he asked in a low, magnetic voice from the back seat

Su NianHong looked at her and begged, "excuse me, could you lend me my mobile phone and let me call the police. My mother was hijacked by a man in the car ahead! Please, please. Help me

The driver's eyes were cold and bloodthirsty. Su was forced back by his aura every year, but his hand was still stubbornly on his windshield.

The snow fell more and more heavily, falling all over her shoulders and hair. Su shivered every year, and her eyes were pitifully painful.

It is estimated that other people would have done their best to help her, but the driver didn't intend to pay attention to her at all, so he lifted up the window and was about to leave.

Su Nian's eyes became extremely desperate and sad. A tear fell down, and then it fell like a broken bead.

The man in the back seat had dark eyes and suddenly said, "let her get on the bus."

The driver was stunned for a moment, but who was the man behind him He didn't dare to follow, so he opened the door and roared, "come up quickly, don't waste time!"

Su nods with a lump in her throat and jumps into the co pilot's seat.

"May I use my cell phone?" Every year Sue spoke anxiously.

The driver snorted and was about to take out his mobile phone to her. He did not think that the man behind him handed his mobile phone and asked in a low voice, "do you still remember the license plate number?"

The driver's face is slightly stiff, the boss has a lot of secrets on his mobile phone, so easily gave it to the little girl?

"Well!" Su managed to keep calm every year, calling 110 and 122, describing the incident in a trembling tone.

After getting the reply confirmed by the police, Su took a breath a little, but he couldn't help worrying about Chu Su Xin's situation.

Hummer is very fast, far ahead of the vehicles behind, but the driver suddenly stepped on the brake, his face was extremely ugly: "there was an accident ahead..."

Su looked at it every year, and suddenly felt that the whole body's blood rushed to the top of his head and solidified instantly! , the fastest update of the webnovel!